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Keep smiling: How to stay upbeat in trying times

When times are tough, don’t despair. It is possible to change the way you see things, and expert help is always at hand… Looking back over recent headlines you could be forgiven for thinking the world is about to come crashing to an end. The only uncertainty seems to be what we will ruin first […]
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More reason to fight the blues: depression toxic to the brain

New scientific research has revealed that depression can potentially cause severe brain damage, reinforcing the importance of early diagnosis and treatment amongst sufferers. A three-year study of 38 patients admitted to a psychiatric ward with serious depression found that grey-matter loss in key areas of the brain — the prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulum and hippocampus […]
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Photo: Snapper Media

How to be happy

The pursuit of happiness is a lifelong goal for most of us. No matter who you are or what you do, one thing we have in common is the want — and need — to be happy. And the great news is that, according to psychologist and founder of the Happiness Institute in Sydney, Dr […]
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Sleep yourself slimmer

Dozens of studies point to the importance of sleep in maintaining good health in general and warding off depression, heart disease and diabetes, in particular. It also appears that getting enough sleep is crucial to weight loss. Researchers from Ohio’s Case Western Reserve University, studying nearly 70,000 middle-aged women, have found that those who slept […]
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Women unhappier than men in later life

A study carried out in the US has revealed that women become unhappier than men in later life, despite experiencing greater overall life satisfaction in early adulthood. According to the survey to be detailed in an upcoming report in the Journal of Happiness Studies, women start out far happier in life than their male counterparts […]
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Six ways to whinge less

Six ways to whinge less

When women get together there’s a tendency to whinge about other people. It can get a bit draining after awhile. So if you’d like to shake things up in your circle of gal pals, here are some ideas. “So is there anything you can do to turn this situation around?” “Is this something you genuinely […]
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Weight on, I’m stressed out!

When you’re feeling stressed out it can be really hard to stick to your healthy eating goals. Suddenly you crave comfort foods like chocolate, chips or takeaways and lose all motivation for those gym visits. So it’s no surprise that many people gain weight during particularly stressful patches in life. But is it just a […]
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Super supplement for depression

Fish oil – specifically the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA that it contains – reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and sudden heart attack by lowering triglyceride levels and the growth rate of arterial plaque. It significantly decreases tender joints and morning stiffness in arthritis patients and reduces the risk of age-related macular […]
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