British Royal Family

Is this the face of the royal baby?

Is this the face of the royal baby?

We’ve not yet seen a glimpse of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s first-born, but a forensic expert in the US has already predicted what the newest member of the royal family might look like. Washington-based forensic scientist Joe Mullins used sophisticated computer-generated imagery to merge photos of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to […]
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How long to wait until royal baby number two?

How long to wait until royal baby number two?

Mere hours after the arrival of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s first child, the world is already asking: How long do we have to wait for a second royal baby? The new royal parents have expressed desire for ‘an heir and a spare’ in the past, with Prince William reportedly letting slip without hesitation […]
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Crowd grows outside hospital as Kate goes into labour

Crowds grow as Kate goes into labour

After three weeks of limbo at the Lindo, it’s now madness at St Mary’s where press, wellwishers, and security staff have scrambled to be on the scene at the site where the Duchess of Cambridge is delivering the third in line to the throne. There was a mad rush to the Paddington hospital in London […]
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Royal baby wrap: Bookies don’t mind the wait for Kate

Royal baby wrap: Bookies don’t mind the wait for Kate

Leo is rising over the Lindo Wing and royal watchers and an increasingly impatient press pack are hoping that as the sun enters the sign of Leo (that’s an astrological term) that with it the royal baby will enter into the world. With few clues to go on regarding the arrival of the Duchess of […]
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In limbo at Lindo: Wait for Kate enters week three

In limbo at Lindo: Wait for Kate enters week three

By Liz Burke in London As the great Kate wait enters its third week, the Lindo Wing at St Mary’s hospital, where the Duchess of Cambridge is expected to deliver the royal baby, has become the media centre of London and a tourist attraction in its own right. The weary press pack is sweating it […]
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What did you do to bring on labour?

Royal baby wrap: The latest on the wait from London

The temperature has dropped in heatwave stricken London, and with it the enthusiasm of the press pack on royal baby watch has dwindled. Perhaps owing to yesterday’s panic and trickery, the crowd outside the Lindo Wing at St Mary’s hospital in Paddington, where the Duchess of Cambridge is due to give birth (hopefully) soon, had […]
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Who cares about the royal baby?

Who cares about the royal baby?

As the wait for the royal baby lengthens and the world’s media remain camped out the front of St Mary’s hospital Lindo Wing where the little prince or princess is due to make their arrival with little to report but guesswork, some are beginning to question: Who cares? The great Kate wait has been touted […]
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Kensington Palace: Renovating for a royal baby

Kensington Palace: Renovating for a royal baby

Taking a stroll through the gardens of Kensington Palace, soon to become the official residence of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their new little royal family, it’s easy to get caught up in the grandeur and transported via daydream to a regal upbringing. Peering through the golden gates, most famously known for housing […]
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Lookalikes cause mayhem at Lindo Wing amid reports Kate is headed to hospital

Lookalikes cause mayhem at Lindo Wing amid reports Kate heads to hospital

After almost three weeks of tedium, the press pack stationed outside the Lindo Wing at the Paddington hospital where the Duchess of Cambridge is due to give birth will jump at anything. On Friday afternoon the eager royal baby watch crowd were given a practice run when William and Kate lookalikes entered the front door […]
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What did you do to bring on labour?

Royal baby wrap: Is today the day?

Okay, okay. So we’ve been asking that question for a while now. Since the beginning of the month and particularly since the Duchess’ reported July 13 due date passed with no sign of the heir’s arrival, royal baby watchers have been on high alert. But now The Daily Telegraph seems to think we had it […]
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