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Review: *Beneath Hill 60*

Review: *Beneath Hill 60*

If there’s one genre Aussie filmmakers have feared to tread since 1981’sGallipoli, it has been the sweeping war epic. But director Jeremy Sims now takes us underground, beneath Hill 60, for his ambitious foray. Brendan Cowell leads as Oliver Woodward, the new commanding officer of a group of civilian miners charged with digging their way […]
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Photography by David Hahn. Styling by Teagan Sewell.

Courage under fire

There is no greater honour than the Victoria Cross – a medal so rare it had not been granted for 40 years. So just how has VC hero Mark Donaldson gone from dodging bullets to family life? Sue Williams reports. It hurts to send the man you love off to war. For Emma Donaldson, wife […]
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Photography by Tim Bauer. Styling by Maia Liakos

Abbott’s women

Liberal leader Tony Abbott is a self-confessed attention seeker, who polarises women’s opinions. It’s a trait that has got him into hot water, yet he is surrounded by women who are fiercely loyal and admire him. Helen McCabe reports. Tony Abbott slides into the back of a government car at Townsville airport. “Sorry,” he says, […]
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