This baby really, REALLY loves her cat It's possible that no one has ever loved anything as much as this baby loves this cat.
The adventures of Prince Harry and his swoon-worthy beard Prince Harry has kept his beard after working hard in Africa over the past three-months in his “dream job”.
Cecil the Lion’s cubs adopted They were left in great danger when a hunter killed their father, but Cecil the Lion’s cubs are thriving after being adopted into a new pride.
Orphaned baby rhino mistakes cars for mum An orphaned rhino in South Africa is cuddling up to cars, mistaking them for his dead mother.
Female hunter poses with dead giraffe "I couldn't be any happier! My emotion after getting him was a feeling I will never forget!”
Lion hunting in Africa now easier than ever The sickening death of Cecil the lion this week has shone an unfortunate light on just how easy it is to buy the right to kill an endangered animal.
Woman, 22, jailed after strangling her dog to death with duct tape A UK court has heard the "harrowing" details of how a 22-year-old woman muzzled, then strangled her dog to death.
Meet your new spirit animal: Earl the Grumpy Puppy Until now, Grumpy Cat has been the undisputed animal king of the interwebs.
Making a break for it! Orangutan escapes Perth Zoo A fiesty five-year-old orangutan gave crowds quite a shock when she made a little bid for freedom over the weekend.
Camera angle makes dogs look like giants These pictures of seemingly giant-sized dogs have fooled many readers on the internet, leaving them perplexed as to how such traditionally tiny breeds of pooches can look so... well, big.