What are you wearing? Oscars fashion faux pas

What are you wearing? Oscars fashion faux pas

As the highlight of the awards season calendar hits, all eyes will be on the red carpet and we always look forward to the misses as much as the hits. From Bjork’s infamous swan dress to Angelina’s leg-pop, the Oscars are as famous for the fashion flops as they are for red carpet glamour. As […]
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The second most famous Pitt brother

Meet Brad Pitt’s almost famous brother

Christmas at Doug Pitt’s place is pretty hectic. On a year the Pitt clan can all get together there will be 17 cousins, from babies to high school age, some adopted from Ethiopia, Cambodia, and Vietnam, the others born in Springfield, Missouri, all awaiting gifts from their favourite uncle. That’s Brad Pitt. He gives the […]
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Gender-bending actresses

Gender-bending actresses

Cate Blanchett, Gwyneth Paltrow, Hilary Swank and Angelina Jolie have all manned up for a movie. And they’ve all become better actresses for it. Here are our favourite women dressed as men.
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