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Grey eyeliner

Question: I have heard that grey eyeliner and mascara are the best for blue eyes — is this true? Leanne Holynski Answer: The reason people suggest such a colour for blue eyes is that it makes your eyes look bluer, which, of course, is very flattering. If you are a little nervous about using colour […]
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Unruly eyebrows

Question: No matter what I do, my eyebrows always seem to be out of control and they never stay put. I have tried eyebrow mascaras and even applying hair mousse with an eyebrow brush. But all they seem to do is rub off my foundation, as I apply it first. Am I applying it properly? […]
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Jewellery to match

Question I’m 14 and am attending my auntie’s non-traditional wedding soon. I’m wearing a simple short white dress with silver heels. I was wondering, what jewellery would look best with it? Meg, via email. Answer I would suggest to follow the direction of your shoe choice and keep all your accessories silver. Try to keep […]
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Summer corporate wear

Question I work as an executive assistant to the MD in a large corporation and need to look businesslike and corporate but find this extremely difficult in the hot and steamy weather. Do you have any suggestions on what I can wear that is both cool and businesslike? I am also a plus size. Karen, […]
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Image: Getty

Hats at weddings

Question Does the mother of the bride have to wear a hat? My daughter is getting married on Sydney Harbour later this month and I do not suit hats and I hate having ‘hat hair’, particularly if I need to take it off for dancing later. Dorothy, via e-mail. Answer These days dress codes are […]
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Image: Getty

Clutch bags

Question I’m attending a black tie function and I’m after a simple plain black clutch bag. I’ll be wearing a floor length black satin dress. Kim, via e-mail. Answer Try the following bag companies. You can call them to find out your closest stockist. Olga Berg, Ph: 03 9419 6711 Reidels, Ph: 03 9383 6644 […]
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Image: Getty

Organising a wardrobe

Question I am 14 and I really want to decorate my room. The only thing I don’t know what to do with is my wardrobe. Should I organise it in sections, colours or what goes with what? Jess, via e-mail. Answer We suggest breaking it up into sections. Try these sections which you can then […]
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Question: I have dry skin but working in an air-conditioned office is making it even worse! I apply moisturiser every day and drink water through the day — what else can I do? Alison Slyns Answer: The best advice I can give you is to give yourself a moisturising mask once a week and a […]
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How to avoid wrinkles

Question I’m starting to get crow’s-feet. I know there are lots of great creams on the market, but why do we get wrinkles and how else can I avoid them besides using these creams? Ingrid, Caloundra, Qld. Answer Tom Mammone, director of Clinique Biological Research and Development, says, “Sunlight causes approximately 90 percent of what […]
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How to choose the perfect eyeshadow

Question: I never wear eyeshadow because I don’t know where to apply it, what colours to use or how many. Can you tell me what to use for the best effect? I have light-blue eyes. Vanessa, via e-mail. Answer: Richard Dean of Max Factor suggests some very simple rules to follow for foolproof, flattering eye […]
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