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Surgery-free facelift

Erase the signs of ageing without cosmetic surgery.


Karen Watkins was unhappy with her frown lines, crow’s-feet, nasal labial folds and “bleed” lines around her lips. But she didn’t want to go under the knife. She visited Karma Medispa, where it was suggested she have a variety of injectables to plump, fill and smooth her wrinkles.

  • Botox was injected between Karen’s brows, to soften the frown lines and reduce the tired, angry look. Botox normally lasts around 3-4 months and costs $300-$350.

  • Karen also had some cheek augmentation using Perlane (Perlane is the thickest form of Restylane). This procedure is done to enhance natural facial features, especially in women over 40, who have lost natural fat from their face. The procedure takes around 45 minutes and costs $660-$700.

  • Restylane was used in the lips, to enhance the natural lipline and reduce the wrinkles around the lips. These lines are very ageing, but luckily very easy to correct. This takes around 30 minutes and costs $550. Restylane treatments last around six months.

  • Restylane was also used in the nasal labial folds. These lines appear after the age of 30 in most women, and they worsen with age. The treatment generally takes around 30 minutes and costs $350-$660, depending on the depth of the lines.

  • Cosmoderm (human collagen) was used in fine lines around the eyes. This very soft product is normally used for fine lines and helps to stimulate collagen growth. The treatment costs $550-$700.

Karma Medispa clinical director Matty Samaei believes ‘prevention is better than cure’. Karen’s procedures were done over three visits, one hour per visit, over three weeks. Her results are outstanding — and she took no time off work and had almost no downtime!

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