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Greatest fake tan fails

Celebrities have long been known to have a fake tan fail every now and then, but this body builder certainly took it to a whole new level.


The unnamed competitor, who took part in the Arnold Classic Europe bodybuilding competition — a bodybuilding competition sponsored by Arnold Schwarzenegger — has sparked a fake tan fail frenzy!

For some reason he missed one of the most important parts of his body – his head!

His fake tan disaster got us thinking about some of the worst celebrity fake tan mishaps we have seen, so here they are.

Planning on tanning? Here is how to get it right!


Greatest fake tan fails.

A bodybuilding competitor tans everything but his head.

Keira Knightley forgot her dress was backless and forgot to rub in her tan.


Laura Dundovik went a little OTT with her fake tan.

Miley Cyrus applied tan to her upper arms but not under them.

Tom Cruise looked very fresh faced when he landed at Japan.

If you are going to tan the front, you should also tan the back. Unlike Jessica Simpson.


Kim Kardashian fake tanned her hands but not her face.

Aussie boys Keith and Hugh sure look like they’ve spent too much time in the Aussie sun.

Someone should tell Lindsay Lohan the rules: No deodorant when fake tanning.

Jennifer Hawkins showed off her very tanned legs in this number.


Bradley Cooper forgot to tan his neck when he tanned his face.

You missed a spot Jesinta Campbell! Don’t forget to rub all of your tan in!

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