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Fake tans



I want a fake tan for a wedding that I am involved in. I’m wondering what are the best brands to use and what do I need to do to ensure that the tan works and doesn’t make me orange?

Casey Cobcroft, via e-mail


There are a number of great fake tans available over the counter that you can trial. I would suggest that you have a trial run with a few different fake tans to see which one is most suited to your skin tone. However, the most important thing is to prepare skin first before you apply your chosen fake tan.


In the shower exfoliate, concentrating on dry areas such as elbows, knees, and heels. Apply fake tan straight after a shower when the skin’s pores are still open. Use long, smooth movements to apply.

If you end up with a few patches, soak cotton wool in toner and gently rub the area or smooth whitening toothpaste on any blotchy areas and then wash off after a couple of minutes.

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