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Dove’s latest campaign inspires women to #ChooseBeautiful

Would you describe yourself as #Average or #Beautiful?
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When asked, would you say you are beautiful or average?


That is the question Dove is asking hundreds of women in their latest campaign, #ChooseBeautiful.

In another of their inspiring ad campaigns, women in Shanghai, San Francisco, London, Sao Paulo and Delhi were given the choice between describing themselves as ‘average’ or ‘beautiful’, by walking through the labelled doors.

The video, which has gone viral, shows women of all ages and ethnicities presented with the dilemma, and their responses were moving.

Most of the women chose the ‘Average’ door initially, some walked through it automatically, a natural choice almost, whilst some stood and contemplated their decision.


“Am I choosing because of what’s constantly bombarded at me and what I’m being told that I should accept?” One woman asked, “Or am I choosing because that’s what I really believe?”

Another woman commented, “Beautiful to me… it’s too far out of reach.”

But given the choice, some women who chose the ‘Average’ door, confided that they would choose the ‘Beautiful’ door, if they were faced with the question again.


“I think…” Says one Brazilian woman, “The Beautiful door is completely open for me, now.”

“Next time I look into the mirror,” says another, “I will see someone really beautiful looking back at me.”

Dove says the campaign was inspired by the statistic that revealed 96% of women surveyed said they didn’t see themselves as beautiful.


“Feeling beautiful is a personal choice women should feel empowered to make for themselves, every day,” said Dove, of their experiment, “[We] wanted to inspire women to seize the opportunity to choose what makes us feel beautiful every day.”

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