Home Royals

The Queen will catch the train home for Christmas

Queen Elizabeth is expected, once again, to use public transport to travel home to Sandringham House for Christmas.


It’s not unusual for young people living in London to commute back home to the countryside for Christmas – and public transport is the quickest, easiest way to do it.

It’s not everyday, though, that you’d see the head of state travelling alongside you!

Nevertheless, the British rail system is indeed how Her Majesty prefers to travel at Christmas time.

The trip has become a regular annual event for the Queen, who hops on board at London’s Kings Cross Station to head to her Norfolk residence, where all of the traditional annual royal festivities take place.


Last year, Her Majesty gave her fellow passengers a warm smile, before boarding the 10.45am train from King’s Cross.

The trip, which takes just under two hours, leaves the Queen at King’s Lynn station in Norfolk – right near the her country estate.

A first class compartment was reserved for the Queen, and the officials and security detail who travelled with her.

Once she arrived, Her Majesty left via a special side entrance at King’s Lynn Station that was renamed “The Queen’s Gate” when the station was renovated two years ago.


The Queen was then met by a Range Rover, which transported her the final 10 miles to Sandringham.

Station manager Graeme Pratt said that it was “an absolute privilege to transport the Royal Family, especially Her Majesty.”

The Queen and Prince Phillip make the trip to Sandringham every December and usually stay until February.


It is expected that they will be joined on Christmas Day by Prince William, Duchess Catherine, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, who will be staying at their recently renovated country home Anmer Hall.

The ten bedroom manor, which was a 30th birthday gift to Prince William by the Queen, is also located on the Sandringham Estate.

The royals, including Prince Charles, Duchess Camilla and Prince Harry, are all expected to attend Christmas Mass at the local parish church of St Mary Magdalene, on Christmas morning, before the Queen hosts them at Sandringham for Christmas lunch.

The Queen smiles at her fellow passengers as she catches the train to the countryside.


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