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The Queen advertises for royal letter-writer

Do you fit the bill?

Have you got an excellent hand for calligraphy? Can you compose an elegantly written response to even the most mundane of questions? Can you tell people in the genuine inner circle of royalty from hangers-on?


If you do – you might be fit for a place in the Queen’s household.

According to The Sunday Express, Her Majesty is advertising for a new assistant to help her reply to the hundreds of letters that she receives daily, “ensuring every correspondent received a well-composed response”.

The position will likely include conferring with the Queen personally about her responses and then writing them and sending them out.

But don’t be fooled by the title – it’s not likely to be a breezy job. Buckingham Palace has already revealed that the 60,000 letters that the Queen received per year rarely go unanswered. That means that, barring holidays of course, you’re going to have to answer between 150 and 200 letters every day.



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