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Queen’s corgis eat fillet steak cooked by palace chef

Queen's corgis eat fillet steak cooked by palace chef

The Queen with one of her corgis at Balmoral in 1952.

They live in a palace and travel by private plane so it’s not surprising the Queen’s beloved corgis don’t end their day with a can of Chum.

Instead, the royal pooches are served a luxury diet of fillet steak and chicken breast specially prepared by a Buckingham Palace chef.

At 5pm sharp, a footman delivers the meals to the Queen, who adds the finishing touches herself, pouring gravy over the steak or chicken.

Royal biographer Brian Hoey details the dogs’ remarkable regimen in his new book Pets by Royal Appointment.

He says the corgis have never eaten tinned food in their lives, and are so pampered the Queen hires a homeopath to treat them whenever they are ill.

When at Buckingham Palace, the dogs sleep in raised wicker baskets in a room near the royal apartments, where they roam freely.

The Queen has been a corgi devotee since her 18th birthday, when she was given a Pembroke corgi called Susan. All her future dogs were bred from Susan.

At present, the Queen owns two corgis, Willow and Holly, and two dorgis — corgis crossed with dachshunds — called Candy and Vulcan.

But Hoey claims Prince Philip “loathes” all the Queen’s dogs “because they yap too much”.

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