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The Queen has just made a dramatic (and heartwarming!) change to her wardrobe

The move has been welcomed by many.
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There’s no denying Queen Elizabeth has a seemingly endless supply of gorgeous threads.


From her bright and bold ensembles to her jaw-dropping collection of jewellery, Her Majesty is never short on glamour.

But there is now one big change happening to her style, and it’s something that will make us love her (and her wardrobe!) even more.

In a new book The Other Side Of The Coin: The Queen, the Dresser and the Wardrobe, author Angela Kelly, who worked with the Queen for 25 years, reveals that the Queen has officially switched to wearing faux fur.

In the book, Kelly writes: “If Her Majesty is due to attend an engagement in particularly cold weather, from 2019 onwards fake fur will be used to make sure she stays warm.”


The Queen, pictured here in Slovakia in 2008, will no longer wear fur, it has been revealed.


Explaining how the significant move has occurred, Kelly explained that existing clothing items belonging to the Queen featuring real fur have been replaced with fake material of a similar texture.

This included a tweed dress worn by the Queen in 2008, which featured a mink trim, and has now been replaced with synthetic fur.

We’re applauding the significant decision from inside the Palace.


The news was met with delight from animal rights campaigners, including members of PETA.

The organisation’s director of international programs, Mimi Bekhechi told HELLO!: “PETA staff are raising a glass of gin and Dubonnet to the Queen’s compassionate decision to go fur-free.”

She continued: “This new policy is a sign of the times, as 95% of the British public would also refuse to wear real fur.”

The significant move from the monarchy comes at high time, and is definitely a positive sign that the institution, which is entrenched in a number of traditions, still has some leeway when it comes to welfare in modern society.


WATCH: Queen Elizabeth visits Sainsbury’s in London. Story continues after video…

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In the fascinating new book, Angela also revealed that the Queen almost always does her own makeup, bar one very special day.

Indeed the recording of her annual Christmas message at Buckingham Palace is no small event, so naturally the Queen ensures shes looking her very best, by having her makeup professionally done.


But that’s not to say that she necessarily needs it – she’s already got an undeniable glow!

The Queen usually applies her own makeup, apart from a Christmas Day exception!


Fans were also thrilled to see a rather candid new photo of the Queen emerge as a result of the new book.

In an official shoot with the Queen attended by Angela, one picture reveals the Queen posing rather unexpectedly with her hands in her pockets.


Shock horror indeed to see a monarch indulge in such casual behaviour!

Looks like our Queen really is just like the rest of us, and we love her for it!

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