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Prince William pitches a tent… Blind

Because he's a future king, and he can do no wrong. Now bow down!
Prince William

We’re usually singing his little brother, Prince Harry’s praises but something has to be said for Prince William.

The man has got some major skills.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte’s dad, now a full-time royal, takes his new gig very seriously.

William was greeted by flag-waving children on Wales’ national day of celebration, St. David’s Day.

The 34-year-old was in Wales, where he dropped by two primary schools to launch his new initiative, the SkillForce Prince William Award.

The award, which helps young ones gain confidence, is aimed at kids aged 6 to 14 and is split into Pioneer, Explorer, and Trailblazer groups based on age.

The charity works with schools, with the help of former Armed Forces members, who will deliver motivational mentoring and inspiring education programs.

Will was shocked at the task but still did it!

We imagine grandpa Prince Philip would be especially proud of Wills, after all he’s the man behind the highly-respected Duke of Edinburgh award.

In one of the team-building exercises, Wills showed off his wilderness skills as he pitched a tent… BLIND-FOLDED.

I won’t be able to see a thing!?

To help try and imagine putting up a tent at night time the team had their eyes covered.

“Ta-da, look at that! Good job guys. Amazing!” William said to his team after they successfully built in just ten minutes.

We never expected William would know his way around a blindfold… Yet here we are.

Just add it to my never-ending list of incredible qualities.

We’re thoroughly impressed.

Looks like Wills is pretty chuffed!

Keaton Oliver, 12, was on Will’s team, and revealed that the royal didn’t make a single mistake.

“He was really good to be honest. It was really exciting,” Oliver said.

Chief executive of Skillforce, Ben Slade, added, “There aren’t many members of the royal family who’ve tried to pitch a tent blindfold. He was asking if he was the only one left with one on and if this was a stitch-up.”

We can just see Wills in dad mode, helping his little ones with home crafts.

Earlier in the day, the proud dad showed off his arts and crafts skills as he helped the six-year-olds from Bishopstone Primary School, make towers with marshmallows and drinking straws.

Noticing one little munchkin licking his fingers while working with the yummy sweets, Wills asked if anyone had eaten the marshmallows.

Shaking his head, the royal replied with a very proper, “Very good.”

We can just imagine William noticing Prince George is up to no good…

The moment you get caught

Nothing to see here, folks!

A cuddle for good measure.

One of the students, eight-year-old Florence, revealed, “He got his hands sticky. I told him that I had brothers called George and William and said that maybe there should be a Princess Florence. He laughed.”

The second-in-line-to-throne ended the day with a speech to the children.

“The ability for a child to develop character, courage and resilience to overcome setbacks is something about which I care deeply,” he said.

“Over the years I have seen, time and again, how the development of personal skills puts a young person in better stead for education, future employment and for life.”

Here, here! All praise William, Prince of Britannia.

The prince wore a yellow daffodil on his lapel in honor of Wales’ national symbol.

How adorable are the little ones!

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