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President Donald Trump and Melania will soon meet Queen Elizabeth II

Your Majesty, put the kettle on the stove - the Trump’s are headed to England!
Queen Elizabeth II, President Donal Trump, Melania Trump

President Donald Trump has accepted an invitation to visit Queen Elizabeth II, just one week after he was sworn-in for the top job.

It has also been reported that the father-of-five will be joined by his 46-year-old wife, First Lady Melania.

The news was announced on Friday, January 27 during a press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May.

Speaking of the Trump’s upcoming state visit to the United Kingdom, the British Prime Minister said, “The invitation is an indication at the strength and importance of the special relationship that exists between our two countries. A relationship based on the bonds of history of family, kinship and common interest.”

She continued, “And in a further sign of the importance of that relationship I have today been able to convey Her Majesty the Queen’s hope that President Trump and the first lady would pay a state visit to the United Kingdom later this year, and I’m delighted that the president has accepted that invitation.”

On the same day of the announcement, Queen Elizabeth was treated to a traditional bula welcome as she toured an exhibition in Norwich, Fiji: Art and Life in the Pacific.

As the 90-year-old monarch stepped out from her chauffer-driven vehicle, she was confronted by bare-chested Fijian warriors in grass skirts to which she flashed a quizzical look!

The Queen was quite taken aback upon first sight.

Her Majesty quickly regained composure after the funny incident!

The Queen was then greeted by Fiji’s High Commissioner, Jitoko Tikolevu.

After shaking Her Majesty’s hand, he knelt down upon one knee before clapping three times. He explained the gesture by saying, “It’s a sign of respect for the Royal Family only.”

The High Commissioner went on to reveal that many Fijians still regard her as their Queen, despite the fact that the country became a republic in 1987 after two military coups.

Britain’s longest running monarch, who was at the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts to tour its vast array of artefacts and exhibits, looked relaxed and well as she reminisced about her six visits to the island nation.

The much-loved royal chose to wear a cashmere coat and matching hat by Angela Kelly, in one of her favourite hues: bright fuchsia.

The Queen, who has visted the island nation six times, spoke fondly of her memories.

Noticeably absent from the occasion was Her Majesty’s husband, Prince Philip, who scheduled to join the monarch on her visit.

The 90-year-old Duke’s absence led to concern over his health considering that both the Queen and Prince Philip battled with “heavy colds” in December.

As speculation mounted, royal aides were forced to comment that a “diary mix-up” was to blame for the unusual absence. They added that the awkward “oversight” was the result of some confusion between royal aides at the Sandringham estate and aides at Kensington Palace who appeared not to have checked the Duke’s calendar before they advertised the visit as a joint one.

Well, that’s a relief!

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