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A psychic predicts what 2019 will bring for our young royals

A royal baby boom, Princess Beatrice's engagement and a certain ''mending of fences''.
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As we power through the month of January 2019, it feels like this year is already going at warp speed.


Before we know it, Prince Louis will be celebrating his first birthday, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s bundle of joy will be here and Princess Eugenie and her husband, Jack Brooksbank, will be celebrating their first anniversary!

But before these set-in-stone milestones, it’s time to bring out the royal crystal ball and predict what else will be “coming along” – excuse the pun.

Here at Now to Love, our resident psychic, The Happiest Medium, has a few predictions of her own.

From an unexpected royal baby boom (we’re looking at you Princess Eugenie), to a surprise engagement – the royal household is set to be shaken up and rocked to its core.


And what of that “feud” between the brothers and their wives? Will the Fab Four mend what once was broken?

It’s time to prepare for yourself for the year ahead and read our royal predictions for 2019!

Baby Sussex – Gender, birth date and name

When the news that Prince Harry and Meghan were expecting their first child was released into the universe, naturally the world was overjoyed!

And according to our resident psychic, the baby is coming a little sooner than expected.


During their first joint appearance of the year, Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan confirmed they’re set to welcome their first child in late April.

“I have this feeling that the baby will come out a little faster than anticipated,” the Happiest Medium said.

“The couple will be very prepared so it won’t be full surprise, but Baby Sussex will be very ready to come out into the world…and quickly.”

WATCH: Duchess Meghan greets the crowds at Birkenhead. Post continues…

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And what about the sex of the baby? There’s been a flurry of bets predicting that Harry and Meghan will have a daughter and The Happiest Medium thinks it’s a sign.

“It’s no surprise that I also think it’s a little girl,” she said.

“But I think she will have dark curly hair, freckles and brown eyes. A lot like her Mum.


“In fact, don’t be surprised if we see some pigtails in a future picture when she is about two years old. It will be a little left of centre for the royal family, but Meghan’s whole pregnancy, birth plan and parenting style will be.”

Our psychic also believes that Doria Ragland will make it to London just in time for the birth and will be at the hospital, although she “won’t be in the birthing suite at the time of delivery but will be there while Meghan is in labour.”

She also suspects that there will be a photo call for the newborn baby, and while it may be a little shorter than Prince William’s and Duchess Catherine’s, Harry and Meghan will definitely be showing their bub off to the world.

“I can see it happening like Kate’s out the front of the Lindo Wing, and if their renovations at Frogmore Cottage continue to take a little longer than expected, it may actually turn out that way!”


Meghan Markle is expecting her first child in late April, but could it come sooner than that? (Source: Getty)

As for the name, there’s one moniker that sticks out to our resident psychic.

“Grace has definitely been a contender for the pair. I think they will definitely go down the route of honouring their parents, both Harry and Meghan’s, so we may get a little nod to Diana.

“There’s also a chance that they won’t be too traditional – as we know Megs likes to do things a little differently!”


One thing we do know for sure is that the baby will be well-loved by everybody!

“I know it’s not here yet, but they actually have two children in their energy. A little girl AND a little boy. The perfect nuclear family.”

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepped out at the Royal Albert Hall on Wednesday, January 16th to watch Cirque de Soleil. (Source: Getty)

Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank will announce they are expecting

While it seems like a bit of a “duh” moment – our resident psychic is confident that Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank will announce they are expecting a baby by the end of the year.


“It’s most likely to be in the second half of the year,” she said. “At the moment they are settling into married life, but a baby is definitely in their future for this year.”

It seems the pregnancy announcement will also be first shared on his HRH Duke of York official Instagram and Twitter.

“Prince Andrew and Duchess Sarah Ferguson will be pretty excited. Fergie will even take to her own socials personally to announce how excited she is… and maybe even do an interview within that first week!”

Which gives us a little thrill, because Fergie interviews are the BEST interviews!


Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank were married in October 2018. Will they be expecting a baby by the end of the year? (Source: Getty)

“Jack and Eugenie may actually have a little boy,” she said. “They definitely have a son energy in their future, and in fact, it may be the only child for the pair.

“There could be a slight complication with the pregnancy. But nothing too major – it could be with how she carries or the dreaded morning sickness Kate had, but it will be resolved and it won’t be too much of an ongoing worry.”

Even though there is little to know about Jack’s family, it seems that they will certainly have an impact on the baby royal.


“Jack will be a very hands-on dad,” The Happiest Medium revealed. “It seems he will model a lot of his parenting skills and instincts on his own father, George.”

“There’s also a very strong line of men in the Brooksbank family, including Jack’s paternal grandfather who has now passed. He seems to be around him a lot. He’s an army man. Quite regimented and in a position of power.”

Jack Brooksbank will model his parenting style of his own father, George. (Source: Getty)

George Brooksbank arrives at Jack and Princess Eugenie’s wedding in October 2018. (Source: Getty)


An engagement for Princess Beatrice

It’s no secret that Princess Beatrice has been dating Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi and even as recently as earlier this month, the pair were spotted on a getaway on the picturesque island of Lamu, just off the coast of Kenya, where Edoardo’s family has an estate.

“It looks like there is a little bit of a disconnect between the pair at the moment, despite the holiday,” our psychic said. “But if they can overcome the obstacles of the next few months, we could see an engagement by the end of the year or early 2020”.

“It seems that this pair have definitely met their match, but it can definitely lead to some serious fireworks if they are not careful – and will go the total opposite way to what they want!”

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According to our psychic, the obstacles could actually have something to do with Edoardo’s son and his ex-partner, Dara Huang.

The former couple share a two-year-old son, Christopher “Woolfie” Woolf.

“Dara could be having trouble with the fact that their son could be whisked into the spotlight if they were to marry, but there’s also a bit of a disconnect between Eugenie and Edoardo anyway. Only at the moment.”

While the couple have yet to be photographed together, it’s “only a matter of a time” as they could be papped the same way Harry and Meghan were when they first began dating.


“Just doing regular couple things,” our psychic said.

Princess Beatrice, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi

Princess Beatrice and her boyfriend, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi. (Source: Getty)

The “Fab Four” feud

It was only a year ago that the world was obsessed with the Fab Four.

Prince Harry was going to be married to Meghan and Prince William and Duchess Kate seemed to be very onboard with the coupling.


But now, fast forward twelve months and the honeymoon is over.

Particularly over the last few months, there have been story after story of a “feud” between Kate and Meghan as well as one between William and Harry. But will it be resolved?

“I certainly believe there is something going on behind the scenes,” our psychic says. “But I think that Meghan and Harry’s baby will bring them all together again. I truly believe that.”

“There’s something about a new baby that can mend fences, and I think while the underlying issues will still be present, the four will begin to come back together.”


“They are all very different people, anyone can see that, but the brothers haven’t been seeing eye-to-eye since Meghan arrived on the scene. I think this baby will soften them all.”

The “Fab Four” attend the Christmas Day church service at Sandringham. (Source: Getty)

So will all of this come to pass? We’ll just have to wait and see!

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