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Palace confirms Prince Harry to reside in Australia as he officially leaves the armed forces

Captain Harry Wales is officially retiring and heading down under!


In an official statement to Woman’s Day, Prince Harry and the Palace have confirmed the previously rumoured reports that the Prince, known as Captain Harry Wales, is to leave the Armed Forces in June after ten years of full-time military service. Not before he spends a temporary residence down under though, where he will be seconded with the Australian defence force.

The statement read: “Before leaving operational service, Prince Harry will spend four weeks in April and May seconded to the Australian Defence Force, where he will be attached to various units to gain an appreciation of the Australian Army’s domestic operating environment and capabilities.”

Prince Harry explained his decision to leave the Armed Forces in this statement:

“After a decade of service, moving on from the Army has been a really tough decision.  I consider myself incredibly lucky to have had the chance to do some very challenging jobs and have met many fantastic people in the process. From learning the hard way to stay onside with my Colour Sergeant at Sandhurst, to the incredible people I served with during two tours in Afghanistan – the experiences I have had over the last 10 years will stay with me for the rest of my life. For that I will always be hugely grateful.


“Inevitably most good things come to an end and I am at a crossroads in my military career. Luckily for me, I will continue to wear the uniform and mix with fellow servicemen and women for the rest of my life, helping where I can, and making sure the next few Invictus Games are as amazing as the last.

“I am considering the options for the future and I am really excited about the possibilities. Spending time with the Australian Defence Force will be incredible and I know I will learn a lot. I am also looking forward to coming back to London this summer to continue working at the Personal Recovery Unit.

So while I am finishing one part of my life, I am getting straight into a new chapter. I am really looking forward to it.”

Prince Harry working as a Jackaroo in Australia on his gap year as a teen. 


So just where exactly will Harry, 30, be spending his time down under?

“He is expected to spend time at Army Barracks in Darwin, Perth and Sydney where he will take part in a range of unit-based activities, training exercises and domestic deployments.”

Sadly for residents of Townsville, it seems their campaign to attract the ginger-haired Prince to their Queensland town was not successful!


In addition to his military duties down under, the Prince will also join Australian and New Zealand troops and dignitaries including Prime Minister Tony Abbott, to mark the centenary of our most important military commemoration in Gallipoli.

Prince Harry during his previous active tours of duty in Afghanistan.

“During his attachment to the Australian Defence Force, Prince Harry will accompany The Prince of Wales in attending the Gallipoli commemorations in Turkey on 24th and 25th April, travelling from Australia.”


It’s not just Australia who will be graced with the young royal’s presence either, with New Zealand also confirmed to be playing host to the Prince – the first time that the young royal will have visited the country.

“Additionally, His Royal Highness will undertake an official Royal tour to New Zealand in May, at the invitation of the New Zealand Government. This will immediately follow his attachment to the Australian Defence Force.”

Prince Harry in Australia as a teen, meeting the local wildlife.


Prince Harry is choosing to wrap things up after a decade in the British Army and two active tours of duty in Afghanistan.

“The Prince has had a fulfilling military career and considers it a huge honour to have served his country in the Armed Forces, during which time he has undertaken two operational tours of duty in Afghanistan, qualified as an Apache Aircraft Commander and spearheaded the Invictus Games.”

Prince Harry in Australia with Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Family to attend the Navy Fleet in Sydney Harbour in 2013.


General Sir Nicholas Carter, Chief of the General Staff in the British Ministry of Defence paid tribute to the Prince and his time served: “Captain Harry Wales, as he is known affectionately in the Army, has achieved much in his ten years as a soldier. He has been at the forefront throughout his service. He has insisted on being treated the same as his peers.

“We wish him the very best for the future, we thank him for his service, and we look forward to his continuing involvement with his regiments and with our wounded.”

A Kensington Palace spokesman has previously confirmed that although Harry is still in the military, his focus has most recently shifted from active field work to follow-up with injured soldiers – such as his involvement with the Invictus Games, a four day event which was held in London last year, where wounded military veterans compete in Paralympic-style events.

In Afghanistan, serving as Captain Harry Wales. 


General Carter acknowledged Harry’s work in this field in the statement he released: “It is probably his work during the past two years, which has brought him the most pleasure and fulfilment – the highlight being the extraordinary Invictus Games last year. And I am very pleased that his first taste of civilian life later this year will involve a new role in support of our injured servicemen and women. He has raised their profile through the care he has shown them and they admire him hugely.”

Prince Harry previously spent a significant portion of his gap year in Australia as a teen before joining the army. The Prince reportedly enjoyed his time working as a Jackaroo on a cattle station in Tooloombilla, Australia. The Prince also visited Australia in an official military capacity in October 2013 to attend the Navy Fleet review as Captain Harry Wales.

Prince Harry enjoying the sunshine in Sydney Harbour when he attended for the Navy Fleet Review in 2013.


Chief of the Australian Defence Force, Air Chief Marshal Mark Binskin also welcomed Prince Harry’s attachment in a statement: “We have prepared a challenging program that will see Captain Wales deploy on urban and field training exercises, domestic deployments, as well as participate in Indigenous engagement activities. The attachment will also provide Captain Wales with an opportunity to gain greater insight into our Army’s domestic operating environment and capabilities.

“I know our Diggers will welcome Captain Wales into the ranks when he arrives in Australia next month”.

Congratulations to Captain Wales on the exciting news of his secondment – we can’t wait to play host to the Prince down under – and we’re sure the troops are looking forward to it too!


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