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Is Prince Charles jealous of Carole Middleton?

In our royal edition of grandparents at war, new reports suggest things are anything but rosy between Prince Charles and Carole Middleton.

Prince William, wife Duchess Catherine and their darling tots Prince George and Princess Charlotte are the picture of happiness.


Inspired by Kate’s childhood, both parents have been very vocal about their desire to give their darling kids a grounded upbringing, and in their short time with us, it’s clear the parents are doing just that.

In the bid for normalcy, things have gone slightly awry for the couple’s extended family.

The Mail on Sunday published a telling article that discussed how “Prince Charles is feeling ‘edged out’ over time spent with grandchildren.”


When Catherine first became an official member of the Windsor clan following her 2011 wedding to William, the Queen, along with Charles, Camilla and of course Prince Harry, all welcomed the bride and the Middletons into their family and inner circle.

Carole and Michael Middleton proudly joined in all their intimate festivities including Queen’s 2012 Diamond Jubilee pageant on the Thames.

But many royal watchers noted there wasn’t a Middleton insight during the numerous celebrations for Her Majesty’s 90th birthday.

And according to The Mail on Sunday, it’s all down to Prince Charles’ wanting more time with his grandkids.


“Charles feels very much that the Middletons get more than their fair share of time with George and Charlotte,” a friend of the first-in-line-to-the-throne revealed.

Carole wants to be involved with her royal family in every way possible and often looks after the kids.

“Grandparenthood is a unique moment in anyone’s life, as countless kind people have told me in recent months, so I am enormously proud and happy to be a grandfather!”

“In comparison, he sees them very little and he bears a bit of a grudge about that. He wants to see his son and daughter-in-law and spend time with his grandchildren alone.”


Explaining, “He has always wanted to mentor George, who is, after all, the heir to the throne, and sees it very much as his role.”

“He will always insist the grandchildren come to Scotland so that they can learn to shoot, hunt and fish.”

“That’s very important to Charles. He wishes the family would do more traditional things like holiday in Scotland.”

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Just last month, the family celebrated little Georgie’s third birthday.

While William’s father was there to wish his darling grandson a Happy Birthday, according to the publication, the entire day was a Middleton affair.

“Charles didn’t want to miss his grandson’s birthday but the fact that the whole thing was essentially a Middleton event with Carole orchestrating the whole thing is exactly what upsets him,” the royal source quipped.

Charles is reminded of little Wills.


Carole and the Middleton clan have become unofficial members of the royal family.

While a close friend to the royal explained, “Charles feels rather left out. He gets very little time with his grandchildren and I know he gets upset about it because he has said so.”

“He certainly feels William spends more time with the Middletons than he does with his own family.”

But it seems the beloved dad doesn’t want to rock the boat with another Royal source adding, “While Charles would never dream of saying anything to upset William, he might be making a point by keeping the Middletons at arm’s length.”


Charles is so happy for his son…

And gets along splendidly with his daughter-in-law.

With Wills and Kate’s move back to Kensington, which is only a nine minute drive to Charles and Camilla’s London home Clarence House, the grandparents will no doubt be able to lock in some more time with the little tots.

In a recent chat with BBC Radio 4’s Gardeners’ Question Time, Prince Charles revealed that he and little Prince George like to spend time “planting a tree or two” in the garden of his Gloucestershire home.


“The most important thing is I got him planting a tree or two here, so we planted it together and shovelled in the earth,” said the 67-year-old.

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Just last year the doting grandfather restored a playground for his young grandson on the Highgrove grounds.

Carole, who describes her son-in-law as “wonderful and we’re extremely fond of him”, is reportedly shocked by Charles’ views.


“She was devastated!” a friend said.

“All she has ever wanted is to be a good mother and grandmother, not upset anyone in the process.”

No matter how Carole and Prince Charles feel about each other, one thing is certain, they both adore their kids.

In a candid interview with the BBC, William spoke fondly of the support he felt from his side of the family.


“My grandmother and my father are 150 percent supportive behind everything that I’m doing — and Harry and Catherine,” he said.

The Prince mused, “It’s fun to be a grandfather!”

“They very much understand whilst my grandmother is still extremely active at the helm of the royal family, as the monarch [and] my father is incredibly busy with his charitable activities and other responsibilities, there’s the time now and the space to explore other means of doing a worthwhile job.”

Before adding, that family is the most important thing to him.


“As far as we’re concerned, within our family unit we are a normal family.”

“I love my children the same way any father does and I hope George loves me the same way any son does to his father, so we are very normal in that sense.”

“There’ll be a time and a place to bring George up and understand how he fits in the world. But right now, it’s just a case of keeping a secure, stable environment around him and showing him as much love as I can as a father.”


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