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Ill health has forced The Queen and Prince Philip to delay their Christmas plans

Concern continues to mount.
The Queen and Prince Philip delay their trip Sandringham

The Queen and Price Philip’s festive season has hit a snag with both coming down with heavy colds, forcing them to delay their annual trip to Sandringham at the last minute.


The 90-year-old monarch and her husband were due to catch a train from London to her private estate in the area, where she resides until early February. However 30 minutes out, it was decided they were not well enough to make the journey. Royal security, who were presents at both train stations, were told to stand down with no reason was given at that time, resulting panic and speculation.

Within a couple hours Buckingham Palace confirmed the news in a statement: “The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh have heavy colds, and so have decided not to travel to Sandringham today.”

It was only yesterday that The Queen announced she would be stepping down from 25 of her charities commitments – a possible sign she’s preparing to start to transition into semi-retirement.


It is still unclear whether the Royal couple will make it to Sandringham in time for Christmas.

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