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The Luxembourg royals have welcomed a new baby Prince Charles, but he’s quite different to our future King

That name has a ring to it...
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There’s always plenty of excitement and fanfare when a new royal baby is welcomed into the world – and May 2020 has proved it’s Luxembourg’s time to shine.


Crown Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie welcomed a brand new baby son on Sunday morning, news that was met with excitement and anticipation from royal fans, especially at a time when headlines are dominated by pandemic updates.

And perhaps most notably, the brand new royal has taken on a very grand name – one that we can’t help but think sounds more regal than any…

Europe’s littlest royal has been named Charles Jean Philippe Joseph Marie Guillaume, and yes, he will indeed be known as Prince Charles.

The exciting news was announced in a very special way.


The Cour Grand-Ducale shared several images of the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Luxembourg meeting the newborn over a video call – a form of communication that has quickly become the norm in the time of COVID-19.

The caption translates to read that the pair felt “immense joy” in meeting their grandson.

“A digital meeting, certainly, but charged with emotion!” the caption read.

Something very relatable was also pointed out as people across the world miss one of the most natural things we do – hugs.


“While waiting to finally be able to hug him, his grandparents were able to [see] the face of the newborn under the emotional gaze of His happy Parents, the Grand Duke heir and the Grand Duchess heiress,” the caption roughly translated to.

A brand new royal baby was welcomed into the Luxembourg royal family over the weekend – and his proud dad couldn’t wait to show him off.

(Cour Grand-Ducale / Facebook)

According to an official announcement, the new baby weighed in at seven pounds, and both he and his new mum are doing well.

In a statement on the day of his son’s birth, the new dad said: “Today is a wonderful day for my wife and for myself and probably the most incredible day we will have because to be able to greet a child that comes into one’s life is the most magical thing.”


He continued: “This experience that we are living today, we are able to share also with our country people and with Luxembourg as a country.”

The newborn met his grandparents in the video-call-clad time of COVID-19.

(Cour Grand-Ducale / Facebook)

In his statement, he also spoke about the difficulties faced by the world amid his son’s birth.

“We are delighted to do so in a time that has been a bit more difficult especially for families who have been separated for a few months, which in the next weeks are going to be able to see each other again,” he explained.


“A birth is a message of hope, it is a blessing. This is what we are so happy to be able to share with Luxembourg, but also over the borders with all the different countries.”

We couldn’t have put it any better ourselves.

Crown Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie are first time parents.


Prince Guillaume, 38, is set to be the seventh ruler in the Luxembourg branch of the Nassau-Weilburg dynasty.


He is one of many European royals who have adapted to the circumstances by sharing messages and utilising video calls to continue their work.

Indeed you’ll likely have noticed over the past month that royal family members have taken a strong liking to Zoom chats and FaceTime calls as the world continues to hunker down indoors to fight the spread of the virus.

It’s lovely to see that even royal babies can be celebrated in the same way.


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