Sex & Relationships

Michael and Lindy Klim reveal how they make their marriage work!

There's no magic formula when it comes to family.
Lindy Klim and Michael Klim

In this week’s issue of Woman’s Day the Klims tell us they couldn’t be happier, despite their unconventional living arrangements.

“We’ve been doing the Bali
to Melbourne shuffle for about three years now,” the 38-year-old swimming professional explained, referring to the arrangement that sees his wife live permanently in Bali with their children – Stella, nine, Rocco, seven, and Frankie, four – while Michael stays in Melbourne to run the couple’s skincare business Milk & Co.

Michael and Lindy with their three kids: Stella, nine, Rocco, seven, and Frankie, four.

The 37-year-old Balinese princess relishes life in her native Bali, especially now that it is a home for her children.

“They [their kids] get 
to see people washing in the rivers on their way to school, which is really beautiful,” she smiled.

The proud parents admit while there’s no magic formula when it comes to family, it is about making time for one another.

Check out how Lindy and Michael sustain their inspiring marriage only in this week’s issue of Woman’s Day, on stands now!

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