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Leah and Ash have ended their friendship with Kristy and Brett in recent feud

‘Things were said that you’d never say to someone else’s face’
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Last week’s shock bullying claims have turned even nastier as married Blockheads Leah and Ash tell Woman’s Day they’ve cut ties with their former besties Kristy and Brett for good!

“We are non-existent to them now,” a fired-up Leah, 31, spills.

The two couples had become close ever since filming began, with Leah admitting it had been a great distraction for them while they were missing their three children, who are back home in Queensland.

However, Leah now reveals she thinks they had fallen too far into a friendship with the controversial couple.

“It was almost a one-sided friendship,” she says. “It’s constantly been me trying to say, ‘Hey, I just want you guys to say sorry to the others.'”

Tradies have reportedly walked off the site due to tensions.

(Credit: Nine)

But Leah adds the final nail in the coffin came for them following Sunday’s kitchen reveal, when Kristy and Brett, both 34, stormed out and accused House 5’s Eliza and Liberty, 34, of receiving special treatment from production, leaving the sisters in tears.

Friends turned foes

“I went to the girls’ house and Kristy went off at me,” says Leah.

“That was the light-bulb moment where I thought this is not how I have my friendships at home.”

“Some of the things [Kristy and Brett] were doing were really hurting them and it didn’t sit right with me. I couldn’t let it go.”

“If I didn’t stand up for the girls, then what does that say about my friendship with them… I would have stood up for anyone.”

The couple say the relationship soured after they confronted Kristy and Brett over the “jokes” and “conspiracy theories” they had shared about Eliza’s role on the show, which have plagued The Block set since week one.

Kristy and Leah had a friendship from the start!

(Credit: Nine)

“I felt like I was a bad friend if I did say something, and a bad friend if I didn’t say something,” Leah admits.

“I had to call it out and say the ‘jokes’ have gone too far and have overstepped the line. Things were said that you would never say to someone else’s face.”

“It would have been nice if they took this as an opportunity to reflect and own it. They didn’t,” she says sternly.

Setting a good example

For Ash, things had gotten so bad that he had to take a step back and reflect on how he and Leah would look with their son.

“A big thing for me was that our boy watches this show, and I didn’t want him to see me on there setting a bad example,” says Ash, 37.

“At the end of the day, we called it out and it’s fractured things. We never wanted them to be like that… their attitude is like, ‘We don’t even need this, let’s just go home,’ and we were getting categorised in that.”

Kristy has taken it too far and Leah wants out.

(Credit: Nine)

Tradies storm out

House 5’s Eliza couldn’t wait to reveal what’s been happening behind the scenes of The Block, telling Woman’s Day that Kristy and Brett are even at odds with the production crew.

“They have upset a lot of people on The Block and some of the tradies don’t want to work in their house,” says the 36-year-old.

“They don’t like interviews, they snap at people… one sparkie came to us and said he categorically refused to work in their house any more.” Eliza says there was one particular incident that had the Block production team fuming.

“One morning, the crew came and woke them up and Brett said, ‘I can’t even take a f**king sh*t in here without someone invading your privacy.’

“It’s not just [being] unpleasant,” Eliza adds. “In real life, you’d be fired for that behaviour.”

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