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The Badge-elor in action! Nick ‘Honey Badger’ Cummins surprises in his first sit down interview

He’s ready to find ‘The One.’
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The Bachelor Nick ‘Honey Badger’ Cummins has taken on his first sit down interview, and it’s clear we’re in for a wild ride!

During an appearance on The Project, the former rugby player took the panel by surprise as he spoke candidly are articulately about settling down and finding ‘The One’. Sure, he cracked a lot of jokes and pulled a lot of faces… but it’s clear there’s another side to the love-able larrikin we’re yet to fully meet.

“They say you get three loves in life. My first one, you know, probably cuts pretty deep. You’re not really sure if it’s infatuation or not,” he told the panel, wearing a maroon-coloured shirt.

“And the second one — you know, it may be love. But maybe you don’t understand, ’cause you’re still young and inexperienced at the timings and both your lives haven’t really hit the right connection, the right point.”

He added: “So I suppose the third one — which — who knows, I could actually find — could be this one, where I’ve realised it’s not infatuation, the timings of both of our lives have come to this point, and now we’ve connected and, hopefully, pressed forward into a happy future.”

The 30-year-old ratbag-possibly-turned-philosopher also spoke about what exactly he’s looking for in a partner, revealing that at the end of the day he values “good vibes” over good looks.

“You can talk about hair colour and things like that – and that’s all good for the eye, but it doesn’t really last,” he said, adding: “And you’ve got to go off vibes I reckon, mate.”

WATCH: Nick Cummins’ stars in the Tradie ad. Post continues…

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And speaking of looks, you’ll be please to know his trademark moustache isn’t going anywhere — not even if a prospective partner would rather see it on the barber floor.

“How far are you willing to go for love?,” panelist Rachel Corbett asked Nick. “If one of these girls asked you to shave off your mo, will you do it?”

He was quick to reply with an emphatic “No,” adding: “A girl who really loved me wouldn’t put me in a situation like that… Mate, have you heard of that story about Sampson and Delilah – it’s a Bible story. Basically, she cut off his hair and he lost all his strength.”

“What I’m saying is – this thing right here [points at his moustache] – it’s the key. It’s the key, mate. It’s the mojo.”

During the interview, host Waleed Aly touched on another possible obstacle on the road to love: his ocker twang, and let’s say… unusually poetic sayings.

“How are the girls going to understand what you’re saying?” Waleed asked.

“Yeah, look, mate — that’s the television thing. I mean, I can throw a few things out there, gasbag and, you know, chinwags and yarns and spin-offs and, you know, all those fun things,” Nick answered.

“But when you get that confused look as if [to say], ‘Are you a weirdo,’ That’s when you know you’ve got to rein that in and start talking English again.”

WATCH: The former rugby player is known for his hilarious one-liners. Post continues…

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Carrie Bickmore closed out the segment by playing matchmaker, linking the Honey Badger with former Bachelorette Sophie Monk. And, to be honest, we can totally see it!

“I don’t want to poo-poo this next season of The Bachelor, but we could just not do it and put him and Sophie Monk together and they could live happily ever after,” she said.

“Mark my words, that’s what’ll happen.”

It’s understood the Port Macquarie-born athlete beat the likes of Jason Dundas and ex-Bachelorette contestant Cameron Cranley to be named this season’s Bachelor.

We can’t wait to see what Nick has instore for us!

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