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EXCLUSIVE: Brooke to be the first bisexual Bachelorette

Is the brunette beauty ready for it? And are Aussie viewers?
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It’s no secret that we may be seeing an exit from Brooke Blurton on Wednesday’s episode of The Bachelor.

It appears the petite brunette walks out on the Honey Badger, leaving him devastated and while the sneak peek doesn’t show who the girl is, Woman’s Day revealed earlier this week Brooke is the contestant who walks out of the mansion, leaving Nick heartbroken.

Now, in an exclusive chat with NW, the 23-year-old reveals her feelings about Nick and what’s next.

EXCLUSIVE: Brooke Blurton reveals her true feelings about Nick.

How are you feeling about Nick right now?

“I think we definitely have strong feelings for one another.”

Are you in love?

“There is a lot of potential there between us, and I could see myself falling in love with him in time. I don’t do things by halves, and the L word means a lot to me. There was a lot of potential for the relationship… Or there is, sorry…”

Did hometowns change the way you feel?

“It becomes more about logical thinking and you have to think past the connection, and be realistic. Hometowns put things into perspective for me, and made me ask questions about the long distance factor, with him going back to play rugby or whatever his plans were. There were definitely a lot of unanswered questions…”

Would you take on the role as the first bisexual Bachelorette?

“If Australia’s ready for it, then let’s do it! I don’t know how I would deal with that, but who knows? I think everything happens for a reason. “

Brooke and Nick had a clear chemistry.

So why would Brooke choose to leave the mansion? The true reason remains unconfirmed, however there is a possible explanation that has some merit.

After Brooke revealed to Nick that she’s bisexual, friends told Woman’s Day that she may actually have stronger feelings for fellow bisexual contestant Jamie-Lee.

However Jamie-Lee has since denied this claim, revealing she is back with her ex-girlfriend.

It’s clear that Brooke has a good heart and has the best intentions, so if this is true, her leaving the mansion to spare Nick’s feelings is a definite possibility.

For more Bachelor gossip and exclusives, pick up a copy of this week’s NW magazine.

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