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EXCLUSIVE: Forget winning, Tarzan reveals the Survivor goal he came painstakingly close to before his elimination

It all had to do with his wife.
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It’s finale week on Australian Survivor: All-Stars and the game is well and truly heating up!

In tonight’s tense episode the Golden God, David was forced to play it safe and present his immunity idol at tribal council. Unfortunately for close friend and long-term alliance, Tarzan, this sealed his fate.

After having his fire extinguished the lovable lime farmer spoke to Now To Love about his heart-warming Survivor dream (other than winning), making the most of his time on the island. And what he really thinks of Locky as The Bachelor.

David and Tarzan formed a close bond on the show.

(Image: Instagram / @davidgenat)

How are you feeling after that tribal council?

I wasn’t overly surprised I could see it coming but until you get your torch snuffed it’s not a reality.

You never received a single vote until tonight, are you proud of that?

It’s good, hey! It depends who you are, and people play the game differently, some people would see it as a threat and others would say: “Mate, that’s brilliant, you dodged a bullet.” I got to fifth place which I’m really proud of.

How did you find leaving home and your family for a second time?

It’s daunting, and being a farmer we’ve had a few bad years, so it was a good incentive to try and earn some money and bring it back to the farm.

It tears your heart out on certain days but we obviously do it and just enjoy the opportunity. I love that whole island, I could stay out there forever.

Tarzan wasn’t afraid to strip off in front of his fellow All-Stars or the cameras.

(Image: Instagram / @survivorau)

What was it like reuniting with your family?

It’s a surreal moment because I got so close to the end as well. One of the greatest rewards, and what I was hoping for, for me it would’ve been a massive win just to get to the final three to see my wife turn up on the beach. If I’d have done that and then gone home, I would’ve been a happy man.

Was there anything you struggled with?

I don’t like to use the term struggle. I immersed myself in the game as thought this was it for me, this is my life for now. I really enjoyed it. The longer I was there the stronger and fitter I got!

How did you find the food?

You only get hungry when you see a food reward [laughs]. Jacqui and Sharn used to cook up a mean pot of rice! Jacqui with the salt, I love salt and she was brilliant with cooking.

You clashed with Locky a bit on the show, how do you feel about him becoming The Bachelor?

Locky and me in the past have been Survivor enemies but I’ve got to tell you when we caught up not long ago and I heard he was going to be the Bachelor I was so chuffed for him. I’ve never watched the show before but I am going to watch this religiously! I wish him the best of luck.

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