As Stevie Khouw puts it, things can go ”topsy turvy” in no time on Survivor.
His time on Heroes vs Villains was cut short in a brutal blindside that saw Stevie become the unknowing (and undeserving) collateral damage as the spice girls alliance was fractured in two.
When George refused to vote out Matt, and Liz and Shonee refused to vote out Flick, fan favourite Stevie was the compromise.

Who can forget this famous one liner: ”If you want loyalty, go get a dog.”
(IMAGE: Ten)Speaking with Stevie the morning after his devastating elimination, he said he was still coming to terms with his blindside, months after his torch was snuffed in real life.
”As far I was concerned everything was going great, we were on the path to being a strong alliance come merge and should never have thought about betraying one another,” Stevie tells us.
”I was happy to be working alongside one of the greatest Australian Survivor players in George because I always admired him from the very beginning, he’s a great player.”

Stevie always gave 110% in both rewards and elimination challenges.
(IMAGE: Ten)When pressed on whether he had any hard feelings for George, Stevie was very clear.
”It was a privilege to be part of George’s alliance, but disappointing for him to blindside me. It wasn’t very strategic or tactical. This move came out of the blue, but I can’t say it wasn’t totally a surprise, this is Survivor after all.
”Mostly I’m just disappointed at his gamesmanship, he should have known better. Don’t go after your own kind, it makes no sense even to this day why he picked on me, his loyal trooper.”
So, what about the other members of the Spice Girls alliance?
”There are no hard feelings, no not at all,” Stevie says.
”I did everything in my power to make a strong alliance and connect with everyone, especially Gerry, and recruiting new members like Matt.”

Stevie had an alter ego – ”Sneaky Stevie.”
(IMAGE: Ten)And what does he think will happen now with merge just around the corner and his alliance down one key member?
”I don’t like to speculate too much but it’s going to be amazing. The scene has now been set for even bigger drama. There’s so many different subplots and big characters in there that will flower eventually into something great.”
WATCH NOW: Stevie lets loose at tribal council. Article continues after video.
Stevie then adds that he thinks the meat tray alliance (as dubbed by Benjamin Law) will be quick to crumble.
”When you have a bunch of alpha males in a competitive environment, they are going to cannibalise each other.
”My goodness, it’s just going to be awesome. And I love the edit, it faithfully reproduced everything that I saw myself onset.”
Stevie has given us some of the most hilarious and heart-warming scenes of the season so far, playing a game fuelled by friendship and loyalty.
We can only hope to see him in a third season of Survivor in the years to come.