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Australian Survivor: Evictee Shonee reveals what really happens when cameras are off

"Because if it can't happen on camera, it doesn't go on the show
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Shonee Bowtell is the definition of Australian Survivor fan favourite, being the only contestant to have played the game three times.


On this year’s Heroes VS Villains edition, the 30-year-old came agonisingly close to going all the way, before falling victim to a shocking ploy that saw her eliminated on Monday night, leaving just 8 contestants remaining.

Speaking to TV Week following her eviction, Shonee discussed her strategies, regrets and friendships; while also revealing what really happens when the cameras aren’t on.

Australian Survivor fan favourite Shonee Bowtell was evicted from on Monday’s episode, after a tactical blunder

(Credit: Ten)

Hey Shonee, how are you feeling now that you’re back and watching everything unfold on TV?


There’s been so much love in the last 24 hours, I’m just basking in it!

Did you expect to go this far?

I mean, I went in knowing that I’m obviously going to be quite stressed because I’m the only person who’s played three times. So I kinda wanted to go in guns blazing straight out the gate, and really just make the most of the time that I had there.

How does it work when the cameras aren’t around? Or are you being filmed 24/7?


So you’re not allowed to go and look for idols if there’s no cameras around, because then they wouldn’t be able to show it on the show. And if there’s no cameras, we’re not even allowed to talk [to each other].

So they’re trying to avoid a situation where you have to re-enact big moments [like some other reality shows do]?

Yep. It’s hard-lockdown [without cameras]. Everything has to be filmed and we go from there.

What do you think is the biggest thing about the experience that doesn’t translate to the screen?


Yeah, I think a lot of people don’t really understand that it’s not a documentary, it’s an entertainment show. You know? Things are never going to be as in depth and factual as what we are living through because at the end of the day it is an entertainment show.

And people will say things like, “Oh, why doesn’t this person ever talk at tribal council?” They are talking, but that person isn’t in charge of editing the show together!

Or they’ll be like, “Why didn’t this person ever go look for an idol?” It’s like, they were looking for an idol, but we can’t have a 45 minute TV show with everyone walking around the bush not finding anything.

Shonee said she felt suspicious at tribal council, but declined to play her idol

(Credit: Ten)

What was running through your mind at tribal council? Did you suspect that you were in the firing line?

I did mention like three times during the episode. You know, I said to Matt that it all felt too easy. And when I voted, I said, I didn’t have the best feeling. I asked Liz how she felt about doing this. I definitely didn’t feel great about it. But I chose to ignore that and just carry on forward. And that was obviously a little bit of a mistake.

I was a little bit suspicious, But not enough to go through with playing my idol.

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How risky is it when you have an idol? What kind of thought process did you go through? Did you consider playing it?

Um probably just, I mean, I just thought I was overreacting. I was thinking about everything that made me suspicious. And then I just told myself that, you know, I don’t need to play it, because I’m just being silly. And it’s just because I’m starving. But it turns out it wasn’t.

Your friendship with Liz has been really good to watch. How do you see the rest of the game unfolding for her?

Yeah, Liz was definitely my closest friend out there. And I think she’s definitely not going to be very happy. So who knows what feeling that will bring out in someone!


Do you have any hard feelings for Flick after she betrayed the Spice Girls Alliance?

No way.

I actually had the best time ever. We would go swimming in the pool together, we would get ready for tribal council together… Honestly, I was so happy that we were in this together.

Are you happy with your edit?


Yep, definitely. I’m very happy with my edit. I actually have friends, and even my primary school teacher being like, “Wow, the way that you are in the show is exactly your personality in real life!” So yeah, I think that’s great.

Do you think Survivor’s edits are the reason you keep coming back, or would you ever try another reality show?

I think that if I was to go on another reality show, I would still be like me. I still have my personality. So I think that I would still be happy with my edits. But yeah, I would definitely go on another show!

Shonee also revealed that the cast go into hard lockdown when cameras aren’t around, meaning they aren’t allowed to look for idols, or even speak to each other!

(Credit: Ten)

Do you have any regrets from the show? What would you have done differently if you had your time again?

Definitely, if I could turn back time, knowing that I would be going home, I would definitely play my idol. But at the same time, I also think that, you know, when you play an idol, it doesn’t really make a huge difference if you’re playing yourself into a new majority. Otherwise, you’re just saving yourself for one tribal council.

Who comes to your mind as some of the best ever players of Australian Survivor?

I think David from All Stars is such an incredible player. He’s an amazing winner. I think Nick and Harry are phenomenal. I think Brooke is amazing. This isn’t including my players from Heroes vs Villains. AK is a great player. Australian Survivor has so many amazing players.


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