There’s one question on everyone’s lips this week: what is Ibby hiding?
When the socialite and his friend Romel introduce themselves to the table, Ibby holds back a vital and potentially advantageous piece of information. It’s a decision he later regrets.
“Now, thinking back about it, it was probably stupid,” Ibby, 30, admits to TV WEEK. “We probably should have been honest with everyone from the beginning.”

It doesn’t take long before Ibby starts to feel guilty about what he knows.
“After a couple of Instant Restaurants, I was just really uncomfortable with it,” he says. “I said to Romel, ‘Listen, I really need to tell them. I feel like there’s a weight on my shoulders. I’m not myself. It doesn’t matter how they judge us. Whatever happens, happens.'”
But Romel tries to talk Ibby out of revealing the truth, as he’s concerned it could potentially make them look as if they’re cheaters.
“I said, ‘You really don’t need to – these people more than likely won’t be our friends after the show,'” he says.
But Ibby is determined to confess, and he eventually does reveal the truth.

Josh and Austin are outraged, not only about the lie, but about the information Ibby has revealed.
“We felt it was unfair,” Josh says. “We felt it was like a breach of the rules, and that’s why we pressed it.”
But Ibby stands by his claim that he didn’t break any of the competition rules.
“When I submitted our application [for the show], I had it all on there. I didn’t hide any of that.
“In real life, I’m an open book. I’m a good person. I hate that this [incident] will portray me in a way that I’m not.”
My Kitchen Rules airs Sunday to Wednesday, 7pm, on Channel Seven.