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Jules defends Cam after he cried on MAFS: “It’s OK not to be OK!”

The stunning red head says she couldn't be more proud of her man for showing his vulnerable side on national TV.
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It was the heart-wrenching moment which saw Cam Merchant completely break down after an emotional week on Married At First Sight caught up to him.

And while Jules and Cam are usually the show’s pin-up poster couple, on Monday night’s episode, the usually upbeat pair both unravelled.

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But it was when Cam burst into a flood of tears that the true stress of the experiment came to light.

Comforted by wife Jules, Cam cried into his loving wife’s arms.

“You’ve been this big strong man for me and been picking me up, and you just forgot about your own feelings,” Jules said as the former pro cricket player sobbed.

“You get so caught up in it,” Cam responded. “But that’s just what this is.”

While many viewers took to social media to applaud Cam for not being afraid to cry, there were of course those who had to take the low road and cruelly tease him for breaking down.

Jules took to social media to applaud her husband for showing his true feelings. (Image: Channel Nine)

Enter Cam’s ultimate cheerleader Jules, who quickly took to her Instagram account to defend her man and hit back at the nasty trolls.

“It’s OK to not be OK… I’m absolutely saddened and angry at all the trolling done tonight regarding my husband showing his emotions,” the 36-year-old penned on Instagram.

Before adding: “Honestly I truly believe that it is a sign of strength in a man to be able to cry.”

Jules also revealed Cam’s tears were a result of “many things” and not just a result of the experiment, including his work with young children in the mental health space.

“And the world needs to be educated. Suicide is the leading cause of death for young men and I passionately believe it’s because they bottle everything up!!!! Cam cried. Because he cares, it wasn’t just the experiment, my husband mentors young kids regarding mental health and he had some very VERY sad news.”

“It was a build up of so many things. I’m proud of my husband. It’s OK for men to cry. Especially when it’s a selfless act !! #letitout #justsay #mentalhealth.”

READ NEXT: Jules reveals she wanted to leave the experiment

Cam also spoke out about the emotional moment.

“It’s OK if you fall down & lose your spark, just make sure that when you get back up, you rise as the whole damn fire 🔥 Without doubt this experiment has been one of the most challenging experiences of my life,” he wrote on his Instagram account on Monday night next to a photo of Jules comforting him.

“I knew that in different stages it was never going to be easy & in this moment I felt that.. hard. We have been raw, honest & have given this experience everything. I have laughed & loved with so much joy, but this was difficult & had no option but to embrace it.”

“I feel no matter what you are going through, it’s OK to show emotions, to shed tears, to be vulnerable, no matter male or female it’s OK sometimes not to be OK 👌🏽 I have been strong throughout, for my wife, my friends & for others but sometimes certain circumstances both within the experiment & outside life takes a small toll & we fall.. that’s OK.”

“I’m so thankful to have my beautiful wife @julesrobinson82 by my side every step of the way, who caught me as I fell. You have been my strength throughout & I can’t thank you enough. You are my rock & I love you ❣️.”

“No matter what we are all going through, stay strong, keep smiling, be kind to one another & the show will go on! You are amazing & stronger than you think,” he signed off.

And we couldn’t agree more.

Bravo Cam for showing Australia what a real man looks like in 2019.

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