We’d by lying if we said that we weren’t utterly exhausted by the Sam Ball and Ines Basic affair on Married at First Sight.
The couple, who paired off behind their spouses’ backs, have certainly bought some vile drama to this season with their dishonesty and lack of compassion for others.
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And on Sunday’s episode, we finally got to say goodbye to them, along with their actual partners – Elizabeth Sobinoff and Bronson Norrish.
In an explosive commitment ceremony like no other, some cast mates were told to leave, Lizzie walked off the set and Ines sat their smirking as though her heart had frozen over.
After being grilled over the rumour by the Experts, Sam decides to take ownership of his involvement over the drama.
“Yeh, there are times I’ve caught up with Ines,” Sam reveals and actually, he looks quite remorseful.
Ines on the other hand plays dumb and says “What?” a few times and we are seriously questioning how she thinks she will get away with this.
Sam continues by sharing that they had drinks on the Gold Coast and frankly, Ning Suriasang’s faces sum up the entire cast and their feelings.
READ NEXT: The funniest Married At First Sight editing fails from this season
“We are not having this!” (Source: Channel 9)
Expert John Aiken is deeply unhappy about all of this, and asks when the connection started. Sam says on the “Gold Coast” but Johnny ain’t buying what old mate Sam is selling.
But, it’s here that is the start of Ines Basic’s downfall.
Her lover Sam – the one she sees a future and babies with and wants to be with outside of the show – throws her under a big old red bus – and dobs her in for making initial contact.
WATCH NEXT: Sam throws Ines under the bus by saying she made the first contact.
Story continues…
While Sam weaves in and out of the story (which changes every few seconds) his cast mates are having none of it.
Lizzie calls Sam out for contradicting himself and then says, “Cyrell and Ning copped a lot of sh— from everybody like they were lying.”
But, you guys, Sam has been honest with Lizzie “every one step of the way”. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
K, Sam. (Source: Channel 9)
Expert Mel Schilling is quick to point out that having conversations and drinking alcohol with another woman is, in fact, “lying to your partner”… And claps for Mel!
When the conversation turns to Bronson, he says he feels “let down” by Sam – and we all know this is the worst form of disappointment.
Bronny comes right out and asks “did youse kiss or bang?” and… yes, we’d also like to know these juicy details.
“Did youse kiss or bang?”
But, WAIT! John wants to know how Sam sees his relationship with Ines after the show – and oh my God, he actually DUMPS her in front of everyone and the entire country and YES!!
“It’s hard Ines wants this long term commitment from me and from the short time we’ve spent together, I can’t guarantee that at all. I have to be honest with Ines about that. I can’t sit there and say I can’t promise that.”
“If I had my time over I wouldn’t have accepted the message. I wouldn’t have accepted the message and I wouldn’t have met up with Ines!”
“I do regret it,” Sam says.
Then all hell breaks loose and Cyrell loses her damn mind, while Ines walks out.
“You’ve just ruined a marriage you f—ing crazy b—-!”
“Your husband is looking like a piece of sh–. I feel so sorry for you. Bronson you deserve better than that. Liz, you deserve better than that.”
WATCH: Cyrell loses it over Sam and Ines
Lizzie and Sam decide to leave and thank God for that.
Bye Lizzie and Sam. It’s been…well, a roller coaster!
Boy, bai! (Source: Channel 9)
Now, it’s time for Bronson and Ines to face the music and Ines will only come back if Cyrell leaves the room, and Cyrell couldn’t get out of there quick enough.
“I’d love to leave because I don’t like to listen to bull—- anyways,” and can we come too, Cyrell?
When Ines enters the room, she says in a very weird childlike voice: “No one yell at me, oh my god!” and we are so ready for this entire conversation.
Ines uses the fact that she wanted to leave at the first commitment ceremony as an excuse for her behaviour.
John, who is clearly only here for all the drama, asks what she and Sam discussed about their future together.
“I said I wasn’t interested in anything further with him unless he could see me with him long-term down the track. I mean five years down the track.”
Ines could see a future with Sam who unceremoniously dumped her on National TV. (Source: Channel 9)
Bronson revealed the one trait he liked about his wife was her “honesty” and umm… well, be careful what you wish for because she’s about to get a whole lot more honest.
When Mel asked if Ines ever had any intention of telling him about the affair she said: “No…”
“Bronson’s been through a bit in life, I’m sure he will survive…”
WHAT?? (Source: Channel 9)
NO! INES, NO! (Source: Channel 9)
No, no, no, no, no.
When questioned about Lizzie, Ines has zero remorse for her either, prompting Lizzie to walk out.
“I gave her chocolate, Oh My God. That’s like girl code!”
WATCH NEXT: Ines has zero remorse for her actions
Ines decides she would have done “nothing” differently and we’re worried that this is a true representation of her character…
And then Mel butts in… and thank you Mel, we all needed someone to say what everyone was thinking!
“Can I just confirm you were only together once, one night, but the feelings were that strong?” she said. “Must have been one hell of a drink and kiss.”
Mel became frustrated as Ines and Sam continued to smirk and claim their tryst had happened over just one night.
“Oh f—k man. This one night sounds amazing, no s–t,” she said sarcastically. “Because if this can all happen on one night…”
Jules wants to know if they hooked up before or after the girls’ night, where Ines denied the rumours and stated she wasn’t attracted to Sam…
“I can’t remember,” Ines said, while Sam asked when the boys and girls’ night’s where held…
“Oh turn it up!” Mel said. “We were only there a few nights, you can’t forget, and it was an AMAZING night – ya fell in love! Come on. You remember what night it was, was it before or after?”
We love you Mel, never change!
WATCH: Mel is furious with Sam and Ines
Ines of course has zero regard for anyone else’s thoughts and feelings and has she left yet?
According to MAFS law, you have to make a decision even when we we’ve sat here for the last hour watching them tearing each other to shreds… so what did they decide?
LEAVE. They decided to leave and quite frankly, thank god for that.
Finally, expert Trisha Stratford says the first thing she’s said all season:
“Even though this is an experiment, we ask for honesty, integrity and to give the relationship your full commitment.
“It’s just like a marriage outside of the experiment. So betrayal is betrayal. We ask you to hold on to your moral compass in here.” Damn straight, Trish!
And with this, we say good bye to Bronson, Lizzie, Sam and Ines…
Thanks for the mems guys!
For more Married at First Sight 2019 content, check these links out below!
Meet the brides and grooms of Married At First Sight 2019
Married at First Sight: A definitive list of all of Ines’ WILD quotes
MAFS’ Matthew & Lauren: We’re having a baby!
Which Married At First Sight couples from 2019 are actually still together?
EXCLUSIVE: Married At First Sight’s Ines: ‘Sam is all mine!’
EXCLUSIVE: Married at First Sight’s Martha reveals the REAL truth about Ines