Married At First Sight Australia Australia 2023 has come to an end and like a lot of secrets, everything came to the light in the final reunion episode.
In the second last episode, viewers were teased with the possible romance blossoming between Cameron and Tayla.

“I’m mates with Tayla.”
(Image: Nine)Dedicated MAFS fans would have heard about the scandal when it erupted mid-season 10, but the pair confirmed Cam had intoxicatingly exposed himself in a nightclub while on facetime to Tayla.
The affection between Lyndall and Cam sizzled out, when the bride ‘connected the dots’: “Looking back at how affection cam was with me and when that shut off… It was the same time that Tayla came into the experiment.”
While sitting on the couch both Cam and Tayla denied the claims and said they were only “mates.” But Tayla let something slip…
“I really like Cam as a friend, we get along really well,” she began. “It hasn’t been explored yet… not that it is going to be explored. I didn’t mean to say that.”
“If Cam was in [Tasmania] then perhaps, but he’s not. He’s on the other side of Australia which makes it really hard.”

Dan was impressed after watching Hugo confess all.
(Image: Nine)She even previously revealed they were talking on facetime everyday!
Despite the nature of their relationship contradicting itself, Cam made the revelation that he “obviously wasn’t ready for a relationship,” making the relationship experts wonder why he entered the experiment.
The butt-dial incident reared its ugly head once more, but this time unseen footage appeared and Hugo called out Dan.
“You had Dan being like: I can’t stand [Sandy], but I’m saying yes to try and make it to the end… she is the last person I’d be attracted to,” Hugo told the camera’s.
The facts connected for Sandy, feeling that her ex-husband “never came here with the right intentions.”

Alyssa ended up seeing her mistakes throughout the relationship.
(Image: Nine)“He was saying things like ‘I don’t understand why you only want to get intimate in the dark, I’m not vibing with this Sandy, I date girls who walk around in skimpy clothes’,” Sandy said, which Dan denied.
However, the former groom didn’t deny Hugo’s comments but said he didn’t “recall saying them.”
Meanwhile Alyssa hasn’t emotionally recovered from her breakup with Duncan. The heartbroken bride said Duncan had been living “his best single life” and “sashaying around the bars.”
When asked why she believed Duncan was wearing “a mask” in the finale, Alyssa told the experts: “I feel like Duncan led me through this experiment saying I wanna work through this together with you and then at the end for him to say ‘nope this isn’t for me’ I just didn’t expect it… yeah, I feel like I didn’t know who he was.”

The season finale sparked some home for Claire and Jesse!
(Image: Nine)“That’s not fair. Relationships are not black and white,” Duncan responded.
Despite being “heartbroken” and “angry” Alyssa admitted she could have handled their past arguments better by not walking away and being “emotionally charged.”
“[I should have] been able to sit in a conversation and just really has things out with Duncan and give him what he needed,” she said.
And on a happier note, the rollercoaster couple Claire and Jesse have remained close friends. Claire is even visiting her ex-husband in Perth! But its unclear if they are only friendly or if something romantic is brewing.