Who hasn’t said something they shouldn’t have when they’ve had a few drinks? Sent a random, emotional text to as former flame. Tried to reunite with an old friend you fell out with. Told your long-term partner what you really thought of him.
You might cringe about it in the harsh sober light of the next day, but it was a private message so no real harm. Unless you’re former Married at First Sight’s Tracey Jewel, and you’ve drunken spammed your on-show “ex” Dean Wells.
As the sun sets on this reality TV show, there are still big stories to be shared. And someone has shared private SMSes Tracey sent to Dean – screen grabs of the conversation, which apparently took place on April 18 when Tracey was still with Sean Thomsen and were taken off Dean’s phone, were sent to the media.
The Daily Mail reported the conversation as going like this:
Tracey: Can I text you something you promise never to show anyone because I’m drunk
Dean: Ha ok sure
Tracey: You really got under my skin the last few days (monkey emoji)
Dean: Awww oh well. Too bad u broke up with me at the final vows (crying with laughter emoji)
Tracey: Is it too late?
Tracey: I’m only going to ask once
Dean: Tracey… u know that boat has sailed babe
Dean: I wanna be friends and I care about u a lot but that boat has sailed babe
Tracey: Yep I’m drunk
Tracey: Please keep this between us
Tracey: Promise?
There’s just six words in those last two SMSes from Tracey – but they reveal so much.
Forget the fact that she’s drunkenly offered up a romantic olive branch to Dean, and bared her soul. That’s not important really – obviously drunk talk. What is truly tragic is that Tracey asked Dean to keep it to himself, asked him to promise that he would, AND HE DIDN’T.
Even if it wasn’t him who leaked the screen shot to the media, he leaked it to someone. He did not “keep this between us”.

During the show, Dean was certainly painted as the dirty villain, breaking hearts and cheating with Davina. And then in the final commitment ceremony, Dean looked truly shattered when Tracey rejected him.
Being reality TV experts now, Australian viewers could give him the benefit of the doubt – maybe the best footage of him that showed him in a shining chivalrous light did end up on the editing suite floor.
But this sharing of a text exchange with a woman feeling vulnerable, is just a dud dude move. You’d like to think that in the several weeks they lived as husband and wife that some mutual respect was built. The pair were very actively married and only this week participated in what looked like a joint promotion of some gaming app.
Sources now claim that Dean has been telling people that he never loved Tracey. But surely, during their very active “marriage” he liked her a bit?

Tracey and Sean in happier times. Source: Instagram
Earlier this week, Tracey revealed in an Instagram post that reports that she and Sean, the other MAFS husband who she hooked up with after the show, had broken up. In a story with another local publication, she was quoted as saying she still had feelings for Dean, and even hinted at a rekindling of the romance between the two.
“I hear what he’s up to – it’s hard not to (think about him),” she said. “I’m sure he’ll be happy to hear about this breakup. I reckon he will call me.”
Maybe now, after this stunt, she may think about deleting his number for when the melancholies settle in after another night out.