What is Bachelor in Paradise?
It’s all your reality TV show dreams come true, that’s what it is! Your fave stars from past seasons of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette get a second chance at love when they arrive at the secluded Mango Bay Resort in Fiji to sink cocktails and hook-up with each other.
Bachelors and Bachelorettes are given single date cards and are able to invite anyone they like for a day of romance. The idea is that they’ll couple up, and at the end of each episode is a rose ceremony.
The twist? Well, either the lads or ladies are in charge of handing out the roses – and there’s always an odd number of contestants, so each night one person will be eliminated. Yep, so to stay on the show, contestants have to be given a rose, otherwise they’re sent packing.
Oh, and to keep things interesting, intruders regularly strut in and shake up the dynamic, creating love triangles and rifts.
And rather than having just one “winner”, the lasting couples who make it to the end will have to decide whether they want to leave as a couple, or go home single. Pressure is on!
And as the March 25th premiere date is finally announced, we have your definitive guide to your new favourite show!

Who’s looking for love?
The single ladies heading to Paradise in week one include… Ali Oetjen (season 1), Laurina Fleure and Lisa Hyde from (season 2), Nina Rolleston (season 3), Keira Maguire (season 4) and Matty J’s rejects Tara Pavlovic, Leah Costa and Florence “Flo” Moerenhout.
The bachies are: Sam Frost’s exes Michael Turnbull and Davey Lloyd, Jake Ellis (season 2), and Sophie Monk’s Bachelors Luke McLeod, Mack Reid, Jarrod Woodgate, Eden Schwencke, Apollo Jackson, Blake Colman and Brett Moore (season 3).
NW hears a bunch of international hunks and local babes are intruding, too including: US Bachelors Grant Kemp and Daniel Maguire. Other faves from recent Aussie seasons expected to show up include the gal who walked out on Richie Strahan, Megan Marx, he self-dubbed ‘Tahitian goddess’ Elora Murger (season 5) and Sophie’s Sam Cochrane.

Who hooks up?
Everyone knows that Keira and Jarrod get hot and steamy in the tropics, but who else gets it on in the name of good TV? Well, Megan and Jake were snapped groping each other on a Perth Street last month, and sneaking into a Sydney hotel together on February 22.
Then there’s Tara and Sam, who were outed as a couple after they were pictured getting cosy at her birthday party in February.
But Sam wasn’t the only Bachelor to catch Tara’s eye – it seems he has some competition in Sam Frost’s ex Davey, who’s been gushing over Tarzy on Insta since filming wrapped.
How’s a girl to choose with so many hotties up for grabs?

How steamy will it get?
If the US version is anything to go by, nothing is off limits! The series gained attention here in Oz after the most recent stateside series turned scandalous!
Production on Season Four of the US show was temporarily shut down after contestants Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson were caught up in allegations of sexual assault.
According to reports, producers allegedly believed she was too drunk to consent to a “sex act” in a hot tub with DeMario while the cameras were rolling, but it was later determined no sexual misconduct took place.
Contestants in the US now have to ask producers for permission if they want to have sex, and while the Oz version is PG, Flo seemingly let slip that overnight dates – which were a no-no on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette – were a goer in Paradise.
“Well, we are staying at the same resort,” she teased. Raunchy!

Who will propose?
While a lot’s still up in the air, one thing’s for certain – the series will end with one of the guys getting down on bended knee.
A mystery man asks, “Will you marry me?” at the end of the show’s promo, and the dude sounds a lot like Jarrod.
And when you consider that he and bombshell Keira have been inseparable since the show finished, it’s pretty likely these two are getting hitched!
In fact, sources tell us Keira’s already packed her bags and moved to Jarrod’s hometown of Melbourne!
Meanwhile, Keira’s admitted going on the show was “the best thing I’ve ever done”, while Jarrod’s also gushed of the outcome.
“I’ve never felt so good – I’m in such a good place right now,” says the reality star, who also admitted he’s “up for” marriage. “I just need that special person.”
We look forward to our wedding invite, guys!