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10 morning sickness remedies that really do work

Two out of three pregnant women suffer from morning sickness. If you’re one of them, try our unusual remedies that really do work
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Feeling tired, irritable and sick at the slightest whiff of your man’s aftershave probably isn’t quite how you imagined spending the first months of your pregnancy.


You’re battling all-day morning-sickness and the famed ginger biscuits aren’t helping.

Luckily there are plenty of other things you can try.

1. Pop a pill

Zinc and vitamin B6 are both good at preventing sickness. You can take them individually but most good pregnancy supplements will contain them along with a host of other essential pregnancy nutrients. Ask your pharmacist to recommend a multivitamin for you.

2. Turn up your iPod

MorningWell is an audio program of music and audio signals that aims to ease the symptoms of morning sickness. And a British study has shown that in 90 percent of cases it works.


It’s no real surprise your ears are linked to your stomach just think how queasy you feel when you’re off-balance. The audio program is believed to work as it interrupts the passage of signals between the brain and gut that would normally cause sickness.

3. Have a minty brew

Ginger tea isn’t to everyone’s liking and some researchers are concerned about the effects of excessive ginger intake during pregnancy on your unborn baby. So why not try peppermint tea, which is equally good at settling your stomach.

4. Keep a diary

Make a note of what times of the day you feel sick and your particular symptoms, and you’ll get to know when your ‘safe’ periods are so you can plan your meals for then.


Also write down the key things you’re doing in the day, such as activities, meals and location. It might help you to identify your sickness triggers so you can avoid them.

5. Try acupuncture

Some recent studies have shown that acupuncture can help ease morning sickness by targeting the same area on your wrist as focused on in acupressure.

Visit Natural Therapy Pages to find a registered practitioner.

6. Have a spoonful of vinegar

The glands in your mouth excrete more saliva during pregnancy and this can make you feel sick.


Mix two or three teaspoons of cider vinegar in a mug of warm water and sip it at breakfast instead of stomach-turning coffee. The vinegar will dry out your mouth, easing your nausea.

7. Take a walk

A US study has shown that light exercise can help ease pregnancy symptoms including heartburn and morning sickness.

Take a break from your stuffy office at lunchtime to get some fresh air and keep you on an even keel for the rest of the afternoon. That’s great advice even when you’re not pregnant.


8. Go natural

Made from sources like plants, animals and minerals, homoeopathic remedies can be very helpful in treating morning sickness. And being very diluted they’re considered safe and free from adverse reactions when prescribed by a registered homoeopath.

Michelle Hookham, national president of the Australian Homoeopathic Association, advises that as it’s a very individualised treatment and you should seek help from a professional.

9. Keep the essentials

Are strong smells setting your sickness off? Put a few drops of a zesty essential oil, such as lemon, mandarin or orange, on a tissue to sniff when you need to block out other whiffs.

10. Reflexology

Reflexology involves applying pressure to areas on the hands and feet that are thought to be connected to organs in the body. Some women find that reflexology targeted on the stomach areas can help ease morning sickness.


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