Home And Away’s Andrew Morley: The puppy love of his life!

Home And Away’s Andrew Morley: The puppy love of his life!

Get excited ladies! Home And Away heartthrob Andrew Morley is still single, but in order to win over his heart, you’ll first have to win over his number-one love- his German shepherd Tessa. The 25-year-old animal lover, who plays Spencer on the popular Aussie soap, told Woman’s Day he has one criteria when it comes […]
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Adorable rescued baby wombat makes full recovery

Adorable rescued baby wombat makes full recovery

Rescued from her dead mother’s pouch, this ADORABLE orphaned baby wombat has been nurtured back to health and has taken the web by storm with her incredible cuteness! Orphaned baby wombat Leah has become an internet sensation after her carer Kim Hunter shared these RIDICULOUSLY cute pictures of the tiny animal online. Kim, 48, is […]
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Luke Jacobz: My puppy has the X Factor

Luke Jacobz: My puppy has the X Factor

It was love at first sight when Luke Jacobz met Ollie. Now he’s teaching others how to care for man’s best friend. He’s the host of one Australia’s biggest singing shows, but Luke Jacobz happily admits his heart belongs to a small tan dog. The X Factor presenter met adorable pooch Ollie through a mutual friend […]
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Skateboarding cat aims for world domination

Skateboarding cat aims for world domination

Coolangatta cat-trainer Robert Dollwet is the man training felines to be internet sensations and his YouTube Channel has amassed over 14 million views – now he wants ALL cats to follow in the same footsteps.
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Orphaned puppy and kitten think they are sisters

Orphaned puppy and kitten think they’re sisters

An orphaned puppy and an abandoned kitten have become inseparable since being brought together at the Battersea Cats and Dogs Home in the UK, and now think they are sisters. Kitty the cat was found alone in a garden at just one day old and handed into the rescue centre. Buttons, a Jack Russell, was […]
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Obese dachshund named Obie makes US TV Debut

Obese dachshund named Obie makes US TV debut

Obie the overweight dachshund, who at his heaviest weighed 35kg, has made his TV debut in the US. The five-year-old purebred had to be wheeled into the studio on a specially designed trolley because he is so chubby. Obie was discovered and adopted by dog-lover Nora Vanatta, who explained that he has been placed on […]
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Video: Adorable pandas take turns on slide

Video: Adorable pandas take turns on slide

Have you ever seen four pandas playing on a slide? Well, prepare yourself for an absolute overload of adorable Panda behaviour, because that’s exactly what we have found! Check out the video of the pandas eagerly chasing their handler to the top of the slide and then follow her down. Even a baby panda pile-up […]
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The benefits of growing up with a pet dog

The benefits of growing up with a pet dog

Growing up with a puppy can enrich the lives of children in many ways. Providing you choose a dog that is a good fit for your family, growing up with a puppy is one of the greatest gifts parents can give a child. The many rewards of pet ownership include learning responsibility and empathy, receiving […]
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Obese dachshund named Obie makes US TV Debut

Dachshund that weighs 35 kilos on a diet

A five-year-old dachshund named Obie is on a doggie diet after his former owners almost loved him to death. The US pooch, who was overfed by his doting elderly owners, weighs an incredible 35kg. When a relative of the former owners asked for help in getting Obie to slim down, Portland resident and dog-lover Nora […]
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Choosing the right dog for your family

Choosing the right dog for your family

Getting a new puppy isn’t, and shouldn’t, be as simple a matter as heading off to the local RSPCA or pet store and selecting the one that best takes your fancy. Before you start puppy shopping you should seriously consider what factors will help you find the right fit not only for your own, but […]
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Two-legged kitten is a heart- warming inspiration

Two-legged kitten is a heart- warming inspiration

This video of a two-legged kitten playing with a ball and feather will make your heart melt. Understandably, the cuteness level of this video has allowed it to go viral on YouTube. The adorable and persevering kitten featured in the video and named Anakin, had an instant impact on her owner, Carrie Hawks, 36, when […]
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How to keep your puppy's health in check

How to keep your puppy’s health in check

If you’ve recently brought home a new puppy, you’ve probably stocked up on chew toys, a dog bed, bones and other treats. But have you thought about your furry friend’s health? There are several important steps you should take when your dog is young to ensure it stays free from diseases and other health problems. […]
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Baby and his pug have a Lady and the Tramp moment

Baby and his pug have a Lady and the Tramp moment

Bacon is obviously a delicious treat for anyone’s tastebuds, whether you walk on four legs or crawl around on your hands and feet. Just take a look at this video! Much like the famous scene in beloved Disney movie Lady and the Tramp, this gorgeous little boy and his friendly pug shared nibbles on a […]
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Clever cat shows how to walk a human

Clever cat shows how to walk a human

Everyone has seen their fair share of cute and cuddly kitten videos, but there is something different about the stars of the latest viral kitten video, Shorty and Kodi. Their owner Rob Moore, who lives in Toronto Canada, knew they had star appeal and many others soon agreed once he created a YouTube channel about […]
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Lion cub playfully snuggles with rabbit

Unlikely animal friends: Lion, dog and rabbit play together

They’re an inseparable trio and they are out to prove that everyone can be friends regardless of what they eat or how they look. Simba the lion cub, Monty the dog and Thumper the floppy-eared rabbit — who all live in Scotland — play together every day and this video captures some of their wrestling […]
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Sea otter covers eyes with paws while swimming

Sea otter covers eyes with paws while swimming

Watch this super-cute sea otter pup taking a leisurely swim and covering its eyes with its paws. According to the otter-loving YouTuber who uploaded the vid (KatieOtter501), otters spend a lot of time chilling and often cover their eyes. “Wild sea otters spend between 50 to 60 percent of their time resting, taking breaks between […]
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Brave duck takes on dog

Brave duck takes on dog

This hilarious video shows one very brave duck going after a dog on a farm! The duck, Floppy, tries to charge and nip the dog, Ruby, with its beak — but the dog just has a game of chasing on its mind. At one point Floppy bites the dog, which leaps up and runs away. […]
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Puppy plays fetch with herself

Puppy plays fetch with herself

Wouldn’t it be great if we all had a dog as clever as Penny? The German Shepherd and collie cross can keep herself entertained for hours by playing fetch…on her own. Penny’s owner, who posted the video to his YouTube account under the name “hockeygator” said Penny was rescued from a shelter four weeks ago. […]
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Dogs react to sadness, try to comfort humans

Dogs react to sadness, try to comfort humans

The next time you’re feeling a little blue, look no further than your pet pooch for comfort. British researchers have found that dogs can identify with sadness just as people can, whether they are familiar with a person or not. A study conducted by Dr Deborah Custance and Jennifer Mayer, both of the Department of […]
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Angry kittens get first bath

Angry kittens get first bath

Although they weren’t too impressed, these kittens were due for a much needed wash after being left at the Sutherland Shire Animal Shelter, Taren Point, NSW. Andrew Spicer, who volunteers at the shelter with his mum and uploaded the video to YouTube, filled us in on the details. “The shelter has an overload of cats […]
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World's oldest "married" animal couple divorces

World’s oldest ‘married’ animal couple divorces

Apparently, when it comes to finding a life-long partner, even animals can get it wrong. Bibi and Poldi, the world’s oldest “married” giant tortoises, have “divorced” after 115 years together, and are now living in separate enclosures at the Reptilien Zoo Happ in Austria. “We get the feeling they can’t stand the sight of each […]
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Garfield could be world's largest cat weighing 18 kilos!

Garfield could be world’s largest cat

Weighing more than 18 kilos, this cat named Garfield might just be the fattest in the world. But while he may look cute and cuddly US pet experts say his size is cause for concern. Garfield was dropped off at North Shore Animal League America in Port Washington, New York by the neighbours of his […]
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Adorable synchronised kittens

Adorable synchronised kittens

When it comes to cute pet videos, you can’t go past a basket of kittens. And although there are plenty of cute animal videos on Woman’s Day‘s pet tv!, it’s hard to go past five kittens copying each other! Check out the video of these five adorable kittens who move in perfect unison in the […]
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Divorced for adopting 550 cats

Divorced for adopting 550 cats

While the internet thrives on adorable cats — a less-adorable cat story has made headlines: a man from southern Israel has cited the stress of owning 550 cats as grounds for divorce. The cats were brought home by his wife and eventually led to the deterioration on his marriage, according to the Times of Israel. […]
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Through the eyes of puppies

Through the eyes of puppies

Cats have long ruled the internet, but ‘puppyvision’ might just be a show-stealer. From the people who brought us the GoPro on the bottom of the ocean and GoPro in a dishwasher, comes GoPro on puppies. Filmmaker Jeramiah Warren said on his idea to use the action video camera on a pup came out of […]
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Chihuahua does the salsa

Chihuahua does the salsa

This chihuahua was captured on film dancing around every time the waiter passed by with a plate of food. The passerby was so impressed he posted it on And we agree, it looks just like a little salsa…
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Blind dog has his own seeing eye dog

Blind dog has his own seeing eye dog

They say dogs are man’s best friend but this Labrador and golden retriever seem to have found soul mates in each other. When Tanner, a golden retriever, arrived at Woodland West Animal Hospital in the US, vets feared there was not much they could do for him. Due to cataracts, he is blind in both […]
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Brave mouse cuddles up to sleeping cat

Brave mouse cuddles up to sleeping cat

It’s either a case of one very brave little mouse, or one very lazy kitten. This little mouse shows no fear as it cuddles up under the paw of this kitten, who is extremely care-free and doesn’t seem to mind the company. Who needs a game of cat and mouse when you can have a […]
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Adorable lambs leap around living room

Adorable lambs leap around living room

It’s hard not to love these adorable little lambs who are clearly over-excited! Take a look at these two lambs leaping for joy as they run around a living room that has been turned into a mini lamb sanctuary. Enjoy!
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Dr Katrina Warren

Dr Katrina Warren answers your pet questions

Do you have a question about your pet? Leading pet expert Dr Katrina Warren answers Woman’s Day reader’s questions about their problem pets. Question: How do I get my dog to stop barking while I’m not at home? Katrina says: I would try a citronella anti-barking collar. These collars have a little box that squirts […]
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