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Deborra-Lee Furness on adoption

Deborra-Lee Furness on adoption

Deborra-Lee Furness with orphans in Ethiopia

Deborra-Lee Furness raises two adopted children with her husband Hugh Jackman. Here, she talks about why adoption is important.


I was asked to write a short piece about why I think adoption is important.

I can’t think of anything more important than ensuring that every child in this world has at least one person who has their best interests at heart, someone who cares about them so they know they are loved and valued.

Every child deserves to be educated and nurtured so they can grow in a positive way and be able to eventually become a happy and contributing member of their community.

To steal a child’s innocence is one of the greatest crimes of humanity.


When a child is abandoned through poverty, war, illness or neglect that child’s innocence is lost and there are a myriad of challenges that child must overcome.

Orphanages are no place for a child to grow up and the streets are even worse. There are over 100 million orphans in our world. I don’t know many people who could just walk by a baby or child who is starving and alone and not do something.

Children are our most vulnerable citizens. They have to depend on us grown-ups to make the best decisions for their wellbeing.

There are too many orphans in the world and we cannot process families fast enough. Communities need to be strengthened economically to prevent child abandonment.


Any children who don’t have a permanent family should be placed in foster care or small group homes rather than large institutions.

I would love for everyone to feel responsible for these kids — to think of each of them as one of their own and contribute in some small way to bringing a smile to a child’s face.

This year, National Adoption Awareness Week wants to invite everybody to become a champion for children without families.

I want to invite Politicians to become advocates and seek policy change that would better the system worldwide.


I would like the academics to think out of the box and create solutions and systems that would benefit these kids.

Journalists can contribute by raising awareness and reporting of the realities that exist and the possibilities that could be.

There are endless ways that everyone can change the life of a child. Not every child can or should be adopted and we need to work out how best to serve all these children.



For more information or to join the campaign to change adoption laws, visit National Adoption Awareness Week, Worldwide Orphans Foundation, or email [[email protected]](/mailto:[email protected]).

Video: Deborra-Lee Furness discusses her adoption battle

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