
Home Page 5788

Three-piece lacy set LT

BONNET Using 3.25 needles, cast on 91 sts. Work 28 rows patt as for back of dress. Work 10 rows st-st. Shape Crown: 1st Row: K 1, * k 2 tog, k 8, rep from * to end. 2nd...


Using 3.25 needles, cast on 91 sts. Work 28 rows patt as for back of dress. Work 10 rows st-st. Shape Crown: 1st Row: K 1, k 2 tog, k 8, rep from to end.

2nd and Alt Rows: Purl.

3rd Row: K 1, k 2 tog, k 7, rep from to end.

5th Row: K 1, k 2 tog, k 6, rep from to end.

Cont dec in this manner in alt rows until 19 sts rem.

Next Row: Purl.

Next Row: K 1, k 2 tog, rep from to end.

Break off yarn, thread end through rem sts, draw up and fasten off securely.


With a slightly damp cloth and warm iron, press lightly. Join crown seam. Attach ribbon ties. Press seam.


Using 2.75 needles, cast on 51 sts. Work 28 rows patt as for back of dress. Work 2 rows st-st, dec 6 sts evenly across first row – 45 sts.

Next Row: K 1, y fwd, k 2 tog, rep from to end.

Next Row: Purl.

Shape For Foot: 1st Row: K 29, turn.

2nd Row: P 13, turn.

Work 24 rows st-st on these 13 sts. Break off yarn.

Rejoin yarn to where first 16 sts were left, knit up 13 sts along side of instep, k 13 toe sts, knit up 13 stitches along other side of instep, k 16 – 71 sts.

Knit 13 rows, dec 3 sts evenly across last row – 68 sts.

Shape Foot: 1st Row: (K 2 tog, k 30, k 2 tog) twice.

2nd Row: K 30 (k 2 tog) twice, k 30.

3rd Row: (K 2 tog, k 27, k 2 tog) twice.

4th Row: K 27, (k 2 tog) twice, k 27.

5th Row: (K 2 tog, k 24, k 2 tog) twice.

6th Row: K 24, (k 2 tog) twice, k 24. Cast off.


With a slightly damp cloth and warm iron, press lightly. Join leg and foot seams. Thread ribbon around ankles leaving ends to tie. Press seams.

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Home Page 5788

The crochet top

For around $35 make this white magic crochet top.


Work as for Back until there are 16 (17, 18, 19) rows less than Back, thus working last row on wrong side. Shape neck. Next row. Patt 44 (48, 53, 58), Dec A, turn.

Cont in patt on these 45 (49, 64, 59) sts and dec at neck edge (as before) in every row until 32 (35, 39, 43**) sts rem,

Work 2 rows. Fasten off **

Miss next st (centre st), join yarn to rem 46 (50, 55, 60) sts Dec A, patt to end. Rep from to .


Using 3.50mm hook, make 46(46, 48, 48), ch.

1st row. Miss 1 ch, 7. do. in each ch to end. 1

2nd row. 1ch. 1dc in each do to end … 45 (45, 47, 47) dc. Rep 2nd row twice,

Change to 4.00mm hook and beg patt.

1st row. (1dc 1ch) in first dc, l ch, miss 1dc 1tr in next dc, rep from to end.

2nd row. (1dc, 1ch) in first tr, 1tr in next, ch sp, 1ch, 1tr in next ch sp, rep from * to turning ch, 1tr in top of turning ch.

3rd row. (1dc, 1ch, 1tr) in first tr, 1ch, 1tr in next ch sp, rep from to end, working 2tr in top of turning ch … 47 (47, 49, 49) sts.

Cont in patt as for Back and working extra sts into patt, inc one tr at each end of every row until there are 63

(71, 77, 85) sts, then in alt rows until there are 82 (87, 91, 95) sts. Cont in patt until work measures 41cm (or length desired), working last row on wrong side.

Fasten off.

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Home Page 5788



  1. Back (Step 1)

  2. Front (Step 1)

  3. Sides (x 2) (Step 1)

  4. Wall joints – detail (Step 4)

  5. Floor plan (Step 5)

  6. Brick foundation layout (Step 6)

  7. Roof – front and back elevations (Step 9)

  8. Roof joints – side elevation detail (Step 9)

  9. Roof: side-view – elevation (Step 9)

  10. Roof plan (Step 10)

  11. Roof joints – detail (Step 11)

  12. Veranda roof (Step 12)

  13. Veranda floor (Step 12)

  14. Dormer window: front and side views (Step 15)

  15. Window frames (Step 16)

  16. Template for scalloped trims (Steps 18, 19)

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Home Page 5788

Crocheted cushions

Decorate your home with these beautiful lavender and green hand-made crocheted bobble-style cushions.

Finished size of cushions. Approximately 40cm x 34cm.

Abbreviations. Cable: (this is worked over 6 stitches) miss the first 3 stitches, work in a ttr in each of the next 3tr, then work a ttr in each of the missed stitches, starting at the first missed stitch (eg. 3, 2, 1, 6, 5, 4); ch: chain; cl cluster: (1tr in each of the next 5tr leaving the last stitch of each tr on hook, then pull thread through all stitches); dc: double crochet; dtr: thread around hook twice, then pull thread through twice; tr: treble; 1tr/rf: wrap the thread around the book, insert the hook in front and from right to left around the stem of the next treble and complete the stitch normally; 1tr/rb: wrap the thread around the hook, insert the hook from behind and front right to left and around the stem of the next treble, and complete the stitch normally; ttr: thread around hook 3 times, then pull through 3 times.

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