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Gilded christmas gourds

Gilding is the magic that can turn plain objects – such as these dried gourds – into gorgeous decorations.

Materials: Dried gourds

Metal scourer



2.5cm paint brush

Jo Sonja’s artists’ gouache in Indian Red Oxide

Jo Sonja Tannin Blocking Sealer (used as an adhesive)

Imitation gold leaf

Silky scarf

Water-based sealer

Varnish (water or oil based)


Gourds must be completely dry before they are gilded. When dry, they will be a brown colour. Fresh gourds, such as green and yellow ones must be dried by keeping them in a warm, dry place until the water evaporates from them. The seeds inside will dry out, too, and you’ll be able to hear them rattling around. Clean the dried gourd by soaking it in water for about five minutes, then scrub with scourer (do not use chemicals or bleach). Sand to create a smooth surface. Wipe clean with the cloth.


Using the 2.5cm brush, apply two coats of Indian Red Oxide, allowing drying time between coats. Apply a coat of Tannin Blocking Sealer and allow to dry.


The gold leaf has to be applied to a tacky surface so, if gilding a large item, work a small area at a time. Apply Tannin Blocking Sealer again and allow to dry slightly until it is tacky. Carefully pick up the leaf and position it on the sealed area. Smooth onto the gourd using the scarf. Gently rub to remove any wrinkles. Repeat until the whole surface is covered. Cracks can be covered with small pieces of leaf or left as a decorative effect.


Allow the gilded gourd to cure for at least 24 hours. Using the scarf again, gently wipe over the gold leaf, removing any loose, flaky pieces. Apply a coat sealer. When the sealer is completely dry, finish with a light coat of varnish. Water-based varnish will give a clear cover without changing the gold finish in any way, whereas oil-based varnish will give a slightly deeper yellow, aged look.

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Christmas woes

“Blood is thicker than water and it boils quicker” goes the old saying!

The truth is, Christmas has never been much fun for those working behind the scenes. All in all, it can be a nerve-wracking experience, even for those who claim to enjoy it. Here’s how to avoid the pitfalls.

  • Lower your expectations

Decide that you’ll be happy if you have a calm day with agreeable food and the odd moment of enjoyment. You’ll then avoid feeling resentment if your Christmas does not live up to the fantasy.

  • Don’t try to change your parents or your siblings.

They will always see you as the child you once were. Don’t get up in arms. Just grin and bear it. In-laws can be more difficult. If you do get on, count your blessings, if you don’t, try to find some neutral ground on which you all agree. Do safe things like play board games, or go for a walk after lunch or dinner.

  • If you’re on your own and feeling left out

Volunteer at your local hospital or shelter. Many charities run events for local homeless people or the elderly and always need volunteers.

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Posie Graeme-Evans q&a

Q & A with Posie Graeme-Evans, author of The Innocent, selected as the Great Read in the December issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

The Innocent, set in mediaeval Britain, tells the story of a young woman who is caught up in dangerous intrigues within the royal household and falls in love with someone she shouldn’t, after going to work there. For her debut novel, the Australian author who until now has always worked in television – she created and produces McLeod’s Daughters and is co-creater of Hi-5 – has come up with a page turner that breathes life into history and depicts a lusty, deeply fractured, royal family – sound familiar?

Q Throughout your career in TV have you always nurtured a dream to write a novel?

A Not really, I suppose I have written all my life and my mother had two books published before she was 25, so it’s always been a part of my life. One day, I was in the middle of doing something else, and I thought, ‘I wonder if I can do it’?

Q How did you get it published?

A It was serendipity. A friend of mine who is an agent heard I was writing a book. She said, ‘Can I read something’ and I said, ‘yes’, so I showed her the first 100 pages. She said, ‘This is rather good – it’s a book, finish it.’ And I went, ‘Oh!’ So I did! I’m still stunned. It’s sitting here at my desk. I’m 52 and can’t believe it. I’m so thrilled.”

Q This is the first part of a trilogy?

A Yes, I’ve nearly finished the second.

Q How does it compare, writing for TV and writing a novel?

A Television is so structured. As you know, we are making McLeod’s Daughters and there’s a story line and then there’s a script and then there’s a script break-down, blah, blah, blah. Writing a book is a liberation for me. I just sit down and it comes out.

Q Why did you come choose the 15th-century setting?

A I’ve been interested in about 200 years of English history for a long time and I’ve read around it. I have always been interested from about the time of the Black Death to the end of the War of the Roses. For about 20 years, I’ve just gobbled up anything written about it. I’m very moved by all of that and the details of people’s lives, what they wore and what they ate. What they think. I have ramparts of books around my bed with all this stuff, always have. But I’ve always read it for pleasure, never read it with any aim in mind. So when I finally took it (writing the book) seriously, a lot of it was there. It all just poured out.

Q Are your mother’s books of a similar genre?

A No, she’s world famous in Tasmania. Her third book was published when she was 87 and it’s gone through four editions. It’s called From Sara to Sarah. It’s kind of like Gone With the Wind – no, more- Against The Wind. Tasmania has a population of 400,000 and she’s sold 5000 books which is fantastic. Her name is Eleanor Graeme-Evans. And my brother is a historian. He’s written about 10 or 12 histories of different things, like military history. He’s three years older than me and his name is Alex.

Q So writing is in the family genes?

A Yes and I’m the last cab off the rank.

Q You have an international deal for The Innocent?

A I got this up in New York before it happened in Australia. First it landed on the desk of an international film company. The person who read it there used to work in publishing and she rang and said, ‘I have a friend in NY, do you mind if I send it to her?’. The friend turned out to be a publisher. She read it, loved it and wanted to publish the book. It comes out in the US later, because they want to be able to follow up with the second book pretty smartly if the first one is a success.

Q You must be thrilled with the reaction to the book so far?

A This has been one of those years in my life. There are the ones where you can’t get arrested and no-one wants anything you’ve got to offer, then somehow something changes and this year has been like that. The album for McLeod’s Daughters went gold and I wrote the songs. We’re closing the gap between us and Blue Heelers and All Saints. And then Hi-5 has got up in the States. There’s the Oz version screening, plus they’re making an American version which screens from February. And now, the book. It’s been a roller-coaster.

Q Having worked in TV a long time, you would have experienced some lows and highs?

A Heat is a temporary phenomenon – it disappears, like mist in the morning. We’ve been independent producers for 13, 14 years and it’s been a slog. We’ve had times when we thought we were going to lose the lot. But we just had a very fortunate four years. And it’s a lovely thing to experience. I don’t take it for granted.

Q How does success in TV compare with having a book published?

A It’s been the most enormous thrill. I’ve loved each one of the things I’ve done. I love McLeod’s. I love Hi-5 – and various other kids’ shows we’ve made. The thing about film and television is, even if it’s your idea and you’ve fought to get it made and you’ve financed it, it’s a group activity and you cop the blame and the pleasure, naturally. If this thing sparks, it’s truly that I’ve written it, for good or ill. And it’s just me. Just me and the page. And it is a really scary thing to expose yourself that much, especially considering that I’ve written something very salacious. And I swear to you that it wasn’t calculated, it just bloody well happened. If it doesn’t work, I think it will be hard to protect myself from it. But if it works, even modestly, I would just be so thrilled.

Q Now that you’ve raised the issue, I was interested to find that someone who is associated with relatively conservative television programs, has written such erotic scenes?

A Maybe I’m about to destroy myself! And my poor husband, he was seriously concerned about putting my own name on this – he was! And I must admit I thought, ‘Oh God’. There’s aged aunts and my mother, who is 89 now – her eyebrows went up and she said, ‘ You let yourself go a bit there, didn’t you?’ I said to my husband’s aged aunt, ‘Oh gosh, I’d love you to read my book but I really am a bit worried what you’ll think!’ She said indignantly, ‘I’ve been married!’

Q Where did you get the title?

A Via lots of talking, backwards and forwards with the publisher at Simon and Schuster. And I’m really happy with it now. Usually I ask what you set out to achieve when you wrote this book, but the short answer for you, is that you wanted to know if you could do it?

A That’s right. And I actually didn’t know if I could, and I wanted to try and then I wanted to see what happened. That’s honestly how it worked. Where I am with this second book, I seriously, seriously don’t know how it’s going to end.

Q So you had no plot before you began the first one?

A I didn’t even have the characters. I got a first sentence, then when I got the first few pages, it spun forth from there. I promise you I didn’t set out to write an historical book.

Q Over what period did you write it?

A I started it in 1996 when I was shooting the movie pilot of McLeod’s Daughters. I was down in South Australia by myself, my husband was here and I sometimes had weekends free. And after that, the first 100 pages took me a year-and-a-half. I stuffed around for 18 months.

Q On a lap top in hotel rooms?

A Sort of. Some of it I wrote after hours in my office, at the end of a long day. Then when the agent read it and said, ‘Come on do it’, then I committed. And I have a regime, I write on Sunday afternoons. And if I know that I’m going out on Sunday, I write on Saturday afternoons. I sit down at 1 and I get up about 6 or 7, and I try to do 10 pages or about 5000 words. It has to be Sunday, or the weekend, because it’s impossible during the week, I can’t do it. I’d never think coherently and I love to talk on the phone, and I’m a terrible gossip.

Q Do you re-write as you go?

A When I start, I re-read a slab of what I’ve written the previous week and I try not to self-censor. I might polish it up a bit, but I try not to judge it. I read it to remember where I was with the story, but I try not to edit it. Because what I want to do is keep the momentum going. What I worked out with the first one was that I had to write myself to the end. Then when Simon & Schuster came on board in Australia, they teemed me with a woman I just loved working with – editing is such a distinct craft – and she sent me a swag of suggestions. What I delivered to them in the end was a first draft which I’d then gone through myself and cleaned up and edited. And on a famous occasion, the editor came over with two bottles of champagne to talk about grammar – well, ha, ha, ha, we got nowhere, we drank the champagne. So, what S & S got was probably somewhere between the second and third draft. Then they made structural comments and overview type comments which I reckon, 70 per cent of the things the editor said, I went ‘of course’. Then 30 per cent I went ‘I’ll die in a ditch before I change a word’(laughing). She was great – so unfussy. I did appreciate her craftsmanship. Ultimately, (if I am lucky enough) over the next three or five years, there are so many books I want to write. So many, I can’t tell you. It drives me crazy. I just wish! All of these things are in my head that I just can’t wait to get out. I’d love to sit at my desk and make words my work. I have a really strong sense of the next part of my working life, when I finish what I’m doing now.

Q So you’d like writing to be your future?

A I would like it to be it, but if I am going to do it I want to be serious about it and I want to make my living out of it. I’m serious to that extent – that’s what I want to do.

Q You were born in Tasmania?

A No I was born in Britain, in Nottingham, but I’ve lived here for some 15 years. And both my parents are Australian. My dad was a Spitfire Pilot and he ran away to war, and ended up a prisoner of war, the whole horrific thing, but after the war went back into the air force and went on flying. Mum had been brought up in Australia until she was 13. By then she’d had seven governesses – they lived in the country. And my grandfather decided Eleanor needed an education, so the whole family decamped to England so she could go to school. She went to a girls school called Farrington and they called her The Barbarian.

Q Sounds horrible?

A She had a wonderful time. She adored shocking the pants of them. My mother is one of those people who was truly born with an absurd bunch of talents. In another day and age, there were about four things she could have earned her living from.

Q Is Posie a family name?

A It’s my legal name. My christened name is Rosemary, the name I have never used – my brother couldn’t say my name, so Posie is a derivation.

Q You were educated where?

A Because I come from an air force family, my brother went to boarding school, but I ended up travelling with my parents and going to school wherever they were.

Q Which was where?

A England and Europe, and my father’s last posting was Cyrpus. I went to an air force school there and also to an international school there. All up, I went to something like 12 or 14 schools. So I had a very odd education. I used to hate travelling so much, I used to think I’d be so grateful if we’d actually belonged somewhere, which we never did. But the advantage, that I now understand, is if you’re always the outsider, you have to make a way to walk in and you have to make friends quickly and deal with whatever is thrown at you. I really regretted much of it, but I don’t regret it nearly as much now. I’m grateful. I think I was given things I didn’t understand. I consider myself a lucky woman. I’ve been dealt a good hand.

Q You have been married for how long?

A Andrew and I have been married for 12 years, but we have been together for 17. And I was married formerly to a potter. I was a potter’s wife and we were married very young. At 20. I wouldn’t have missed it for quids, but you’re a different person at 35 to 20. I’m very fortunate because I have a daughter and she was born when I was at university and she now has a son. And Andrew, who was married before, has two children and it transpired that he and I both have daughters called Emma who have the same birthday.

Q Are they similar?

A No. My daughter’s four years older, but they are very different people. And Andrew has a son called Julian. They call me The Other Mother which is quite nice.

Q Do you have pets?

A Two cats called Pompey and Teddy.

Q Your star sign is?

A Leo.

Q You love…?

A My family and conversations – I like the human mind most in all the world – and the sensual things in life. I seriously love conversation and food with those I love. I am passionate about the beauty of the Australian landscape.

Q Posie believes…?

A Probably, that it will all be alright. I have faith. I think that altruism is a greater force in human history than greed ever has been. I believe that everybody is capable of good actions. And I think we all feel better when we’re doing good than when we’re doing bad. I believe in the great sense of spirit. I am convinced that big cities divide you and that’s why landscapes are good for you. In a big city, people become indistinguishable. In landscape, you meet someone, you see them, you get some sense of them and when you are connected to another human being you can’t walk away from them. Most people have great hearts. People do want to do their best, they do set out to be honourable – it’s important to me to believe that.

Q Tertiary study?

A Studied drama and fine arts, and an English degree at Flinders University.

Q First job in TV?

A As a standby props person for a show in NZ called A Going Concern, about the life and loves of the folk at a plastics factory. None of us knew what we were doing.

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Yule survive

Sailing through the season happily is not only about getting your look right and conquering your nerves in public. It’s also about having the confidence to stand your ground when it comes to managing the finer details. For example, are you tired of being the one upon whose shoulders all the organisational responsibility seems to fall, but don’t know how to say enough is enough? Sick of spending the equivalent of the gross domestic product of a developing nation on gifts every year, but unsure about how to turn the tide? Wish you had the courage to say no to your children at least occasionally? Here are some timely tips:

  1. If your family resembles the Brady Bunch gone wrong, don’t be afraid to break from traditions that have outlived their time. To avoid one large gathering full of tension and tight lips, suggest organising one place (such as Grandma’s house), where relatives can drop in at their leisure during Christmas Day. “This means relatives who don’t get on can try not to be present at the same time, it lessens tension when ex-partners arrive to drop off or pick up children, and prevents the stress of the sit-down lunch where Aunt Clara doesn’t want to talk to Uncle Fred, or the kids just refuse to sit still,” says Anne Hollonds, chief executive officer of Relationships Australia, NSW branch.
  1. Don’t travel out of guilt. “With so many families geographically distant, there’s a lot to be said for the notion of celebrating the 12 days of Christmas, so that the socialising is more spread out and less taxing,” says Anne. “Explain to your family well in advance that this is what you plan to do this year, to ensure you enjoy quality time with everybody and don’t run yourself ragged.”
  1. If the thought of being the one who does all the cooking, cleaning and chasing leaves you cold, why not book a restaurant for Christmas lunch this year? Anyone who wants to come can and those who don’t can please themselves. Making the decision to do something different can be extremely liberating.
  1. If you’re afraid of blowing out your budget again this year overspending on gifts, be the one with the confidence to suggest alternatives. It will not only make things easier for you, but win you kudos from others who wish they’d thought of it first. For instance, designate each family member one relative to buy for – that way, everyone gets a present, but nobody is left with an enormous credit card debt. Set a low-cost limit per gift and insist everyone sticks to it. Or make pacts to buy only for children. Of course, any gift that you put time or effort into will immediately be special because it is more personal. For example, you could give a friend homemade babysitting vouchers, which mean you will babysit for them five times during the year. Or make a photo collage, covering all the years you have known each other.
  1. Don’t allow yourself to be blackmailed by children who want everything they see. Talk to your children well before Christmas about realistic expectations. If other relatives tend to shower your kids with a million different presents that they can’t appreciate, request that they put the brakes on, or at least save some of the gifts for opening at a later time so small kids in particular are not overwhelmed by receiving too many presents at once.

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Family home designs

In a real family home with real kids, no room is sacred. It’s a myth that you can contain them and their gear and continue life as carefree grown-ups. It simply will not happen.

The trade-off, however, is that a home without them would be less vibrant. It would lack the spontaneity and excitement that their energy brings to a space.

Of course, children should have their special kids’ zone; an area that’s tuned into their activities, interests and passions. It’s a place where you can be clever with furniture and storage options, and be playful with colour schemes for tots to teens. But don’t forget about safety – it’s incredibly important when you’re designing for kids.

Think of the Future

Territorial areas for children are generally the bedroom, playroom and family room and all should feel welcoming and safe. Whether you’re preparing for the arrival of a new baby or renovating because the children have outgrown their old bedrooms, do your homework first in terms of planning. Establish some priorities. Will the rooms be shared? And will the rooms be used progressively by more than one child? Will the bedroom double as a play area? Is the room suitable to adapt to more furniture in the years to come? Can extra storage be added later? Is the flooring hard-wearing and able to cope with mess, yet be kind to little feet?

Let’s be honest here, many children’s rooms are created by parents for parents. It’s the grown-ups who find the paraphernalia associated with children (and babies) too exciting to resist. Indeed for first-time parents it’s all part of the fun of their new role in life.

A general rule with designing for children is to avoid the permanent fixtures and fittings of childhood; they can be rapidly outgrown and become redundant. For example, built-in, small-scale furniture and painted fairytale motifs will inevitably become hugely uncool in pre-teen years.

Keeping the decoration simple and selecting furniture with easy-care surfaces is a practical approach for children’s bedrooms. After the baby and toddler stages, your children will decorate the space themselves with their toys, photographs, posters, artworks and general clutter.

It’s a good idea to get the basics right from the beginning. Keep an eye to the years ahead, and carry out any structural alterations like replacing windows, putting in extra power points (the computer, DVD player, television and mobile phone charger are mandatory in teen years) and installing heating, or even an ensuite.

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Do something scary

Short, intense bursts of excitement can actually make you more resilient and able to cope better with prolonged stress and tension.

Have a day off work and organise to spend it doing something you’ve always wanted to do – but make it a challenge which makes you just a little bit nervous, something that expands your boundaries! Book a flight in a hot-air balloon, go on a roller-coaster ride or a parachute jump, or plan a day at the races with friends. Learn how to rally-drive, or go on an ocean trip where you can see whales and dolphins.

Taking time out to do something new, exciting and a little bit scary can set off the biological fight-or-flight response, flooding the body with stress hormones. But once the ride or jump is over, the hormonal changes are rapidly reversed and anxiety is replaced by elation. Research from the University of Nebraska confirms this idea, showing that the ‘rush’ you get from intermittent physiological arousal resulting in a short-term stress response can be as effective in beating stress as repeated exercise.

YOUR SAY: What will you do this week to challenge yourself? Tell us below!

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The real reason we’re fat

Mealtimes should be a perfect time for contemplation and relaxation. Unfortunately, we often gobble down our food in cars, in front of the TV and on the go- rarely stopping to truly taste and appreciate it.

When we eat like this, the experience doesn’t register in our brains, says dietician Evelyn Tribole, and the result is that we don’t feel satisfied and so we go back for more.

Eating-on-the-go carries more risks than just weight gain: stress can change the way your body metabolises food, causing sudden jumps in cholesterol and blood sugar. Tribole’s recommendations to help you slow down and make your meal a more satisfying experience include:

1. Turn off the TV, radio and phone.

2. Observe your food for a few minutes before eating it. Note and enjoy its shape and colour.

3. With each mouthful, appreciate the flavour and texture. Notice the way your jaw and the muscles in your face move as you chew. And chew each bite thoroughly.

4. Don’t rush. A truly relaxing meal should take at least 20 minutes.

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Katherine Knight q&a

This month sees the release of a book that tells the shocking, true story of Katherine Knight, the first Australian woman to be sentenced to prison for life. Her crime- the ritual slaying and skinning of her defacto husband, made worse by the fact that she then cooked some of his body parts and served them on dinner plates- is the most gruesome crime ever committed in Australia.

In her book, Beyond Bad- The life and crimes of Katherine Knight, Australia’s Hannibal (Random House $24.95), Australian journalist Sandra Lee investigates the crime, talks to police, recreates the murder with the help of forensic experts, delves into the backgrounds and emotions of the victim, the perpetrator and their families, and in so doing, attempts to examine the question of mad versus bad.

Sandra has 17 years experience in daily newspapers and magazines, here and in the US. She was formerly Assistant Editor and Op-Ed columnist with The Daily Telegraph in Sydney where she wrote about society and crime.

As a foreign correspondent, Sandra spent more than three years based in New York, where she has interviewed murderers and movie stars. She reported on the Branch Davidian siege at Waco in Texas the day American authorities burned it to the ground, covered the serial killings of Jeffrey Dahmer and shot pool with Great Train robber Ronnie Biggs at his home in Brazil.

Now a freelance journalist and author, she writes occasional opinion columns for The Australian and the Sydney Morning Herald and has a syndicated column in three Fairfax newspapers. Sandra lives in Sydney.


A I was horrified by the extent of Katherine Knight’s murderous acts and wanted to know what would make a woman do the things she did. We have all heard of stories about husbands and wives killing their spouses in a one-off act of fury or rage or jealousy or passion – and on a certain level we can understand that. But there hasn’t been a woman known to have murdered, then skinned, decapitated and cooked her lover in an act of brutal revenge.

Like most people, I was stunned that someone could even conceive of such deliberate and evil behaviour, and secondly, find the will to execute it. But Knight did, and according to expert testimony during her sentencing hearing, she enjoyed it. What separates her from the rest of us – what makes some people choose to be so bad?


A I wanted to write a book that told the story of love, revenge, passion and murder, while examining the concept of mad versus bad. Why are some people who seem like perfectly normal members of society capable of extreme acts of violence and murder? When we are faced with extreme crimes like the ritual murder of John Price– or Pricey, as everyone knew him – people readily put the actions of the criminal down to insanity or madness. It’s easier for us to accept such barbaric behaviour if we can categorise it by saying, “Oh they must be sick”, or, “she’s mad”. But, in fact, some people do bad things because they want to and because they can, and because it serves their purpose to be bad. Katherine Knight chose her actions. She could have stopped at any time after stabbing Pricey to death. She didn’t.

But as I learned more about Pricey, I realized that there was also a good, ordinary man who died a brutal and untimely death. And he had his story, too. I wanted to ensure that Pricey was not remembered just as a murder victim, and I wanted to paint a portrait of him that would honour his memory. Pricey was a good, hard-working, decent man who loved his family, his mates, his work and his beer. What has been incredibly gratifying to me is that one of the first reviewers who read Beyond Bad said that she felt she knew Pricey from the book in a way that readers never get to “know” the murder victims from brief newspaper stories and court reports. They tend to be anonymous and the murder is soon forgotten, and subsequently, they become just another crime statistic. Pricey didn’t deserve that.


A I wrote three letters to Knight, who is serving a life sentence at Mulawa Women’s Correctional Centre at Silverwater. I also asked one of her lawyers to ask her if she would agree to an interview, and I contacted the Department of Corrective Services seeking permission to interview her. Katherine Knight refused my invitations to tell her story. She knew I was writing the book – as her family had told her. She also showed my letters to one of her fellow inmates who wrote to me asking me to tell her story in The Australian Women’s Weekly (coincidentally, she was convicted of killing her husband, as well). Knight’s fellow inmate defended her and said Katherine was a nice woman and had been behaving perfectly well while in jail.

I was slightly bemused when my correspondent wrote that both she and Katherine objected to my use of the word “perpetrated” in one letter I sent Knight. She had pleaded guilty to murdering John Price and was, I wrote, “the sole perpetrator of the crime”. The woman who wrote to me said that had I wanted to gain Katherine’s confidence, I could have used a word other than “perpetrate” which they felt was harsh. It’s interesting that Knight focused on that.


A I interviewed Katherine’s father Ken Knight and her youngest brother, Shane Knight, and one of her older half-brothers, Barry Roughan. Her father and Shane Knight can’t understand or fathom what she has done. How could they? They are as shocked and horrified as anyone, but they are family, and they have not rejected her.

Similarly, her twin sister, Joy, who refused to talk to me, visits Katherine in prison. Barry Roughan visited her a couple of times – the last time during which Katherine cried on his shoulder. He believes that what she has done is evil. He says he can’t forgive her, but he doesn’t hate her, and no, he won’t be visiting her again. None of her family can quite believe she did what she did, and the crime has ripped the family apart. Another brother, Charlie, gave a statement to police in which he said Katherine had repeatedly told him she was going to kill John Price. Charlie is no longer in touch with Ken and Shane and Joy, neither is Barry Roughan.


A As surprising as it seems, yes, she does have her good side. She is an extraordinarily complicated and complex woman. She is far from being the one-dimensional caricature of evil. Many of those who knew her – even her ex-husbands and boyfriends- said she was generous and good fun, and would be the first one to lend a helping hand if anyone needed it. She turned, though, when someone crossed her, or did something she didn’t like – then she went in to payback mode. Revenge was a weapon of hers. You had better watch out if you crossed Katherine Knight.


A Yes, I spoke at length with his ex-wife Colleen Price, with whom Pricey remained best mates even after they separated and divorced, and his youngest daughter, who I called Jackie in the book because she is under 18, and her name was obviously suppressed by a court order. I also interviewed several of his friends and colleagues, all of whom, like his family, are still shocked and traumatised by his murder.


A Yes, they are, and it’s no wonder. Katherine Knight targeted two of Mr Price’s children in her brutal and vile murder and revenge plot.

She cooked part of her lover’s body and served it up as meals for Johnathon and Jackie. She also wrote a vindictive note to them- the contents which were also suppressed by the judge. She scrawled their names on kitchen paper and tucked the paper under the dinners as “nameplates”- a clear sign of what she intended. That was beyond cruel. Attacking John Price’s children showed just how deep her desire for revenge ran. She wasn’t content with murdering their father, she had to defile his memory for his children. For a mother to do that to other children is simply unspeakable and reveals the truly dark side of her nature. The murder was as violent as any, but what she did in the aftermath was beyond bad. Jackie Price, who is now 17, is haunted by the murder, and like her older brother and sister, Johnathon and Rosemary, has her good and bad days. She hates Knight, and told me that one day she would like to confront Knight to ask her why she did it.


A Only the police and forensic experts were allowed into the crime scene at the time of the murder, and in the days after, while the investigation was underway. But I spent quite a bit of time in Aberdeen and visited the house where John Price was murdered, and also, Katherine’s house in Aberdeen.

As in all murder cases, the NSW Police Service forensic crime scene unit videotapes the crime scenes, and in this case, the video was played on the first day of the sentencing hearing in open court in October last year. It showed everything that had happened in the house that early March morning in 2000. It started with a shot out the front of the house, and moved slowly up to the front door where Mr Price almost escaped. It then cut to his bedroom, and followed his attempted escape down the blood-stained hallway. For me, the videotape was shocking and ghostly. It had no commentary, but it showed exactly what happened, including the skinning, the cooking and the meals callously laid out in the kitchen for his children.

I also interviewed several of the police involved in the investigation and who were at the awful crime scene, the forensic pathologist who conducted the post-mortem, and one of the women who cleaned up the house after the police were finished with their preliminary investigations.


A Yes, it did – many times and in many ways. I was absolutely horrified at the capacity for evil that Katherine Knight had. As a woman, we’ve all been through break-ups, and we are all enormously hurt over them. But to be upset is one thing; to cold-heartedly plan a murder and then to do what Katherine Knight did afterwards goes beyond anything imaginable. It was a symbolic defilement of a man she said she loved. It was absolutely depraved and pre-meditated. She even robbed his bank account when she was done.

I also felt desperately sad for Pricey’s family, and for his bosses and mates who alerted police that he was missing. What they went through is indescribable.


A When I wasn’t researching, interviewing or writing the book, I spent a lot of time with family and friends, trying to keep my mind off the dark side of humanity. As well, I’m lucky to have four gorgeous little boys in my life – two of whom are my godchildren. Their innate goodness and innocence brought a lot of light into my life, which, to be honest, was pretty dark during the writing of the book.

But, at the end of the day, the horror I endured was nothing compared to what John Price’s family have to endure every day, or what the police officers who discovered the body and conducted the investigation still have to endure. One officer has never returned to work, and Bob Wells, the Detective Sergeant whose brilliant police work was rewarded with Knight’s murder conviction and an unprecedented life sentence, still sees a counsellor to help him cope with the trauma. I don’t think we ever give enough credit to the men and women in blue who work at the frontline of crime every day.


A Yes. In a word- revenge. John Price wanted her out of his home, and out of his life – and she didn’t want to go. When he made it clear it was over and he wasn’t going to relent, she decided to murder him. If she couldn’t have him, then no one could. Revenge is one of the most common motives in murder, but, as this case shows, it’s also one of the most callous and cruelly personal.


A I would like to do another true crime, because like so many people, I’m at once frightened and fascinated by the motivations of seemingly normal and average people who do the most evil things. I’m interested in the psychology of crime- why some people choose to be bad. What makes them tick? How different are they from you and me?

But, I’d also like to write a biography or maybe even try my hand at something much lighter, like a romantic comedy.

In the meantime, there is my first professional love- journalism.

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Belinda Alexandra q&a

Belinda Alexandra’s White Gardenia (HarperCollins), has been selected as the Great Read in the November issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.(see page 303).

Her debut novel is based on the true life story of her Russian mother, who was forced to flee China at the outbreak of WWII and eventually made her way to Australia. It is a powerful and moving story of a mother and daughter torn apart by events beyond their control. Rich in incident and historic detail, it spans decades and continents, stretching from glamorous Shanghai to a tent city on a remote Pacific Island, and finally, Australia.

Q You must be pleased to be having your first book published?

A I’m thrilled, I pinch myself all the time.

Q How many publishers saw the manuscript?

A I already had an agent, Selwa Anthony, and when I gave her the manuscript she said ‘We’re taking this to auction’. So she sent it to about five publishers and they all loved it and bid against eachother for it. So that was very exciting and it felt very odd, like I was going from this person who hadn’t had anything published to having a lot of publishers interested in the book. It didn’t feel real. It was like it was happening to someone else.

They all wrote such lovely things about the novel. It was very touching and it meant a lot to me because I wrote the novel with an enormous amount of love. I think that seems to have given it some kind of magic.

The whole thing’s exciting.

When I was at university I did a Masters in Creative Writing and wrote a chick-lit novel, so completely different to White Gardenia. I think White Gardenia is really me and my voice, and I can develop on that. When I was at university, because I was a lot younger and it was very hip to be a writer, and to be seen as a writer, I wrote this novel and that’s how Selwa got interested in me. She said, ‘You can really write. Can you do something a bit more mature?’

Q How did you know Selwa?

A I saw her a couple of times and I thought, I really like her, she’s got something magic and a bit different about her. I first made contact by sending her a two line fax. When I left university I was doing some work for a small publishing company called Reed Books. They were publishing one of Selwa’s authors.

Q What did you set out to achieve when you wrote White Gardenia?

AI really set myself up. I didn’t write a contemporary novel set in Sydney 2002, which would have been a lot easier to do. But my inspiration was my mother and godmother, their friendship and the bond between them. That was the first idea I started with. They were two very young women who had made this incredible journey after having lost most of their family. And the fact that they’re now mothers and grandmothers, and they’re still very good friends. White Gardenia is not their story, it is completely fictional, but I was inspired by that and the family history.

At first you just grow up with it (family history) and you take it all for granted. As you get older and explore the world and you travel, you put yourself more in other people’s shoes. And I think I put myself in their shoes and thought ‘gosh’, they were the same age as me. And they had to leave everything. I can’t imagine if I’m sitting here talking to you and there’s a revolution, and we both have to put down everything and leave. It’s just not real fur us. That’s an idea of how incredible a thing it was to happen to my grandparents first and then for my mother, to have leave her birth country which was China. It started to fascinated me and I started to do a lot more reading in that area. And the novel started to come to life. It also had an incredible effect on my relationship with my mother. Because I always loved my mother but she always seemed so different and so apart from me. I couldn’t really understand her. I was brought up in Australia and we have the Australian culture, and there was just something very different about my mother. As I started to research the novel, I put myself in her shoes, what she’d been through and began to learn a lot more about Russian culture. I also travelled to Russia. I was in Moscow going, ‘Gosh, every second person is just like my mother.’.bAnd I think my mother saw me appreciating their story looking at what happened to them and being interested, and I think it made our bond very close.

Q It gave you more connections?

A Yes, absolutely. And it’s interesting, when I was doing my 1950s research in Sydney, I was speaking to a lot of my friend’s parents, who were teenagers in the ’50s, to get a feel for it and they were saying, ‘Oh, our children aren’t interested in what happened to us or our lives.’.And I think that I got a tremendous gift in that I did actually find out about my mother’s life and what she went through. To me, it’s tremendous because now I just love listening to people’s stories. I realise that listening to other people changes you as well. It gives you something.

Q Is that a meowing I hear in the background?

A I’ve got two little Burmese cats and they go, ‘Oh, she’s not paying attention’, so they make these distress calls and you think something’s terrible happened to them, and it’s only an attention seeking thing. They’re my little darlings. I’m on my own a lot writing, so it’s nice to have some company. They have something about the phone, they go, ‘Oh there she is, talking into that thing again.’ Gardenia and Lilac are their names and they were my reward for the book, my special gift to myself.

Q You actually wrote parts of White Gardenia with two cats, one either side, when you were living in New York?

A Yes, I did. In the second novel I’m writing cats have a big part, so…they’re my little soul companions. My little spirit animals.

Q What were you doing living in New York?

A I didn’t go to NY to write the book, but it turned out to be such a good situation for me because it got me away from everything that I was familiar with. So I could really get this story out, especially the parts where I had to imagine Sydney, because I was removed from it. I loved NY, but I had moments of walking down the street on a freezing NY winter’s day and I suddenly remembered the sun of Australia. And it was like I was seeing it through fresh eyes.

I was in NY for a job, but I was writing the book at the same time. I worked for a conference company so I did a lot of travel. We always imagine writers have these quiet little garrets they go to, but I shared my first apartment, where I started writing the book, with two Scottish girls and two English girls, and I had a little room that came off the kitchen. So I was trying to write with cooking sounds coming from the kitchen, and the telephone was right outside my door as well – can you imagine with like four other girls and a telephone? And it was freezing cold and I’d be sitting in a coat and a balaclava, fingerless gloves. Snow would blow in my window off the Hudson. And the worse thing about it was my characters were coming out with Scottish accents. I had to keep going though, or this book was never going to get written. And I was never going to have, at that point in my life, a good writing situation, so my choice was either not to write or write in a bad situation and what happened was that you adapt. Just like people go blind and their hearing gets better, when writers have dreadful conditions they focus better. I learned to write on planes and in airports, and in hotel rooms – but you can do it as long as you’re really interested in what you’re writing about. You’ll come back to it and if you don’t feel that way, then maybe it’s not the right story for you to be writing. If you’re time-poor you really need to make sure you’re doing what you’re most passionate about and interested in.

Q What exactly was your job?

A I wish I knew. Mainly assist my boss who was a conference producer. And so I would have to call people and ask them to be speakers and at the conference look after the speaker, make sure they had all the equipment and that they were happy, and liase with the people who came to the conference. It was a completely different area for a writer to be in because it was finance people and you had to learn to make conversation about high finance. They ask what you do and you’d say you’re writing a book and they’d look at you like you were an alien.

Q Where did you do the Masters?

A At UTS, the University of Technology in Sydney. After I finished my chick-lit book, I started to do the research for White Gardenia. And I more or less wrote the first draft for my thesis. But when I was on the plane to NY, I re-read the manuscript and I thought this doesn’t work, I’ll have to start all over again. So I thought either I start all over again with this book, or I start a new book. I said, ‘No, I’m going to start this again. So I started writing the first chapter again on the plane. As soon as I made that step I knew I was serious about writing. It wasn’t just I need to write a book and I need to get published. It was really like I have a story to tell and I have to think about the quality of what I’m doing. It was almost like a spiritual thing, like you’re honouring the creative force or your ancestors by doing your very best, and you don’t worry about the success or outcome or whether everyone thinks you’ve failed. Or what your friends think and that was a huge journey in maturity.

I felt like this character Anya, who not only makes this journey but tells her story. Somehow I went with her on this journey too, but on a different road, different life.

Q A major theme was the mother/daughter relationship and the strength of it, despite being separated for a long time?

A Yes, because of the separation they didn’t really go through all that mother/daughter emotional stuff and the rebellion. They had a very close pre-adolescence relationship and then were together as women who’ve been through a lot and then found each other. I don’t think the story was ever planned because when I started the story it was going to be about Anya’s friendship with Irina. But it changed and it really did become about the mother and the daughter and their longing. It’s a love story, but not a love story between a man and a woman, it’s about a longing between a mother and her daughter.

Q Perhaps shaped by your own emotional distance from your mother?

A Yes, that’s definitely a possibility. Not really being able to understand her or the mystery of her, and then being able to solve the mystery at the end when I’m a bit more experienced, but able to understand more and not just be totally me, me, me and life is only about me. To be able to look at what happened to her and learn something from that. Or develop another layer to me. I hadn’t thought about it till you mentioned it, except that it is an interesting novel because there is so much longing in it and because people are responding to it so well, especially women. I think it is something we identify with and perhaps don’t think about much.

I realise too the incredible power of that relationship with your mother and yet I have a couple of friends that lost their mothers when they were young and it’s really like being cut adrift. They have become very independent and strong in themselves, but I think they always feel that loss. They lost their mothers before their teenage years so that they had to be mothers to themselves. When you have friends who have lost parents later in life, it’s a huge step in our life at that point. So I guess that’s why people are touched by my novel, they feel tremendous bonds with their mother and I guess they are always longing for it.

Q Where did get the name White Gardenia from?

A There were a couple of references to gardenias in the novel because my mother has always loved gardenias and I associate them with her. That just came into the novel, but I had originally called it after the Russian dolls. Because I thought of the layers of that story, but they thought it was too Russian a name. My agent and I talked about it. Her mother had very close connections with gardenias as well. And at the time, Selwa’s whole garden was alive with gardenias. So she said let’s call it White Gardenia and I said, yes, that’s it. And it just worked, it clicked into place because it is a very feminine image, for that age and that time. Also we came up with that idea that they bruise very easily if you squeeze too hard and we thought that was a good image for the main character – that she’s strong but she bruises as well.

Q You were also inspired by the fact that, despite the dreadful things that had happened to your mother and godmother, they have a great love for life and a great capacity for love?

A Yes, you see it in Anya. People do rotten things to her and she does suffer for it, and she does have to emotionally deal with it, like Dimitri, she really has to process that terrible hurt attached to him but it doesn’t stop her from moving mentally on to love someone else. And that’s her growth and her process of being able to love despite the pain and that pain and happiness for her are always together. Like she starts with the loss of her father, but she still has her mother with her and all through her life she has good people with her. Everyone says they cry when they get to the end. I think it’s a real life story, isn’t it, because we can read about all these fabulous people leading fabulous lives and everything seems happy, but the truth is, every human being knows pain. And when we embrace that then we can really experience joy at the same time.

Q I loved the Japanese general character – was he a product of your imagination?

A Yes and no. That mysterious male figure that we have somewhere in our lives that comes and saves us and then goes on his way. My mother did have a general move into her house in Harbin (China). But it was a different situation because she left before the war. When she tells the story about him it’s very funny because he did say to her, ‘I have a daughter at home who doesn’t have a father so I must take care of you’. I think he was an inspiration to the story. Because in a war there are so many atrocities, and yet you’ll hear about one German, like Schindler’s list, who opposed it or who doesn’t have that cruelty and I think the general was like that because the Japanese cruelty was unbelievable in China. And yet he’s one individual you get to see inside and he’s still a human being caught up in this madness. In the end my general took on his own personality and his own role in Anya’s life.

Q I believe your mother had your grandparents wedding rings melted into one and you wore it while you were writing the book – did you feel it helped you?

A Yes, because I’ve never met my Russian grandparents, my grandfather died in China and my grandmother made it to Australia with my mother but died soon after from all the stress. And I never got to meet her, but I’ve often felt quite close to her in that apparently she was a person who now matter how bad things got, she could still keep her sense of humour and I feel that there is an element around me, where a funny side does come out of dreadful situations, so I’ve always felt quite close to her. When I say I wrote the story with love, it was because Anya and those characters really had a story to tell and I almost kind of channelled that and put my ego aside and really wanted to tell a wonderful story and do the very best I could with my skills and I think by focusing on my ancestors, it was a way of honouring them. And saying let me use whatever time I’ve got to tell a tremendous story. So I wore the ring to help create the atmosphere.

Q Did you have to get your mother and godmother to sit down and re-trace their footsteps in much more detail than you’d ever asked of them before?

A Yes and it was very difficult because it was their emotional life and because I’m connected to them, they were very hard interviews to do. Because these stories are incredibly painful and things they saw as young women and children were things I can’t imagine, like massacres of people, executions and things that happened to their family members that were so dreadful. I was even surprised because I think as a child they protected me, they didn’t tell me all the stories. As we were talking, stories came out that had been a mystery to me as a child. What happened to that person? Why don’t we ever talk about that person? I didn’t know I had a step-grandfather. He had suffered with the Japanese as well, but it was just too painful to talk about, so I discovered whole dimensions to my family. They weren’t easy interviews, but they were definitely insightful. And because my grandmother is a very gregarious character, she introduced me to other Russians who were able to tell me their stories as well.

Q Do you speak Russian?

A A little. I started learning again when I started working on this book. When I was little, my mother would speak to me in Russian but the sad thing was it was a different time. To speak another language is no problem now, but when I was little, it was something everyone was very self conscious about, especially Russians because of the whole Cold War thing. My mother was self conscious of having a Russian accent.

It’s sad, but it’s also not a bad thing that I had to work to reach my roots. It shows that I appreciate it. And that I’m willing to do it. I think we carry a lot in us genetically in terms of memory and ability. Russian comes to me more naturally than Japanese, even though I’ve spent hours at the university studying Japanese. Russian is a part of me.

Q You were born and raised in Sydney and attended which school?

A Yes, in Turramurra (Sydney), and I went to the local high school.

Q Where did you attend university?

A I started off at Sydney University and then I got to go on exchange to the University of California, about an hour south of LA and right near Newport Beach. So it was very good – they were my Melrose Place years. That was around 1994- 1995.

Q How old are you?

A Oh, I never say my age because I have this theory that when I’m 70 I will want to lie about it. Also, I never ask people because if you do, you categorise them.

Q At The AWW we take the opposite view, the more women are open about their age, the less it will be a stigma.

A I appreciate that, but you still won’t get it out of me. Sometimes I waver, I think yes, I agree with that. Then other times I think it’s always obvious what race and sex you are, but it’s not always obvious how old you are, so.

Q Well, you’ll have to at least say 20-something or 30-something.

A Okay, you can call me a youngish 30-something.

Q Star sign?

A Capricorn.

Q Belinda loves?

A Paris, perfume and beautiful cats.

Q Belinda believes?

A Everyone’s got a good story to tell.

Q I was going to ask you about the hours you write, but with White Gardenia, you wrote whenever you could squeeze it in?

A Yes, because I was writing so erratically, I kept a little notebook and wrote down in shorthand what I had achieved that day because when you’re writing in bits and pieces, you think, oh my God, I haven’t achieved anything and by doing that I noticed that I had! And I was finding time to write which was encouraging. But now I definitely have a routine because I’m a full-time writer – that’s what I do. And I found out that because I was used to doing it whenever I had a chance, I was working ruinously long hours. I’d feel guilty if I stopped because I felt I’d never know when I’d get a chance again. And I started to burn myself out a bit. And Selwa and my publisher both said, ‘No, you’ve got to approach it more like a job and have regular hours’. I’ve been trying to do that, so I start about nine. I still get up very early and do some yoga or dance practice. And have a good breakfast. And then take the cats for a walk and then settle down to write.

Q Take the cats for a walk?

A Yes, they’re indoor cats and we have a lot of birds in Turramurra, so I have to walk them on a lead. I’m the neighbourhood eccentric. They love it, they know their time, they sit at the door and wait.

Q You must have got them when they were kittens, to get them used to it.

A Yes, I think they think they’re little puppies.

Q How long do you write for once you’ve started?

A Usually around three hours at a stretch, but sometimes when I’m really into what I’m doing I keep going, say for six hours straight. But that’s when I’m really under pressure to get a new chapter to my publisher or something like that.

Q Have you a contract for your next book?

A Yes, I got a two book deal, so I can write full-time on the next one which is very good.

Q What genre is your next book?

A Also a sweeping historical saga, set in France in the 1920s.

Q Why then?

A I always had a fascination for that period. Because that was just after WWI and people had seen this devastating war, and so many writers and artists and musicians and painters were living for the moment and creating for the moment. I’ve always been fascinated by the lifestyles of Picasso, Anna Pavlova, everyone was in Paris in the 1920s. Scott Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda. Hemingway. It was just such a vibrant, interesting period that if I could have been a writer any time I would have loved to be one in the 1920s. Now I can just live it voyeuristically.

Q And cats figure in it?

A Yes and I just made a research trip to France, spent some time in Paris and there are people walking their cats on leads there as well, so I am not totally alone. I think it’s interesting. Pets and Parisians go well together. So I think cats will be interesting characters in the book.

Q And you’re studying French and jazz ballet?

A Yes. This book will be in first person as well, so almost like an actor preparing herself for a part, I like to get myself into character to tell the story of this person. So I am doing all sorts of things that are not really me. I’m doing acting classes. And I will probably do some tap dancing classes as well. People say write what you know, but I enjoy getting into another personality for a book. It’s almost like getting into a role and another time.

Q When you wrote Anya, did you go into character?

A Yes, when I put on my grandparent’s wedding ring, I think this Russian character and her Russian way of thinking, came to me. And her view of the world and the way she would think started to come to me. I would think, how would Anya do this or what would Anya think of this? And I think especially in Australia, when I was researching the 1950s I started to get a bit of a 1950s look.

And I think now I’m starting to get a bit of a 1920s Parisienne look (laughing), I can’t help it.

Q Did you ever take on a Russian ‘look’?

A When I was in Paris, people would ask where I was from and I would say Australia, but people would say you’ve got to be Russian. The interesting thing about that is that I don’t look like my mother, I look like my father who is Australian.

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Ladies knitted mesh singlet


Milford Knitting and Crochet Cotton 4ply (50g balls): 2 (3, 3, 3, 4) balls.

One pair each 3.25mm and 3.00mm knitting needles or sizes required to give correct tension.

One stitch holder.

Note: Yarn quantities are approximate only as they can vary between knitters. Use only the yarn specified for this garment. Other yarns may give unsatisfactory results.


This garment is designed to be a neat fit.

Size: 8 (10, 12, 14, 16).

Fits bust: 75 (80, 85, 90, 95) cm.

Garment measures: 77 (82, 87, 92, 97) cm.

Length: 44 (45, 45, 46, 47) cm.


Alt: alternate; beg: beginning; cm: centimetres; cont: continue; dec: decrease, decreasing; foll: follows, following; inc: increase, increasing; incl: inclusive, including; K: knit: P: purl; patt: pattern; rem: remain/ing; rep: repeat; st/s: stitch/es; stocking st: 1 row knit, 1 row purl; slip: slip; ybk: yarn back – take yarn under needle from purling position into knitting position; yft: yarn front – take yarn under needle from knitting position into purling position; yfwd: yarn forward – bring yarn under needle, then over into knitting position again, thus making a stitch; tog: together.


26.5 sts and 41 rows to 10cm over stocking st, using 3.25mm needles and 31 sts and 46 rows to 10cm over patt, using 3.25mm needles.

Please check your tension carefully. If less sts use smaller needles, if more sts use bigger needles.


Using 3.00mm needles, cast on 122 (130, 136, 144, 152) sts.

1st row: Purl.

2nd row: Knit.

Change to 3.25mm needles and beg patt.

1st row: K2, ybk, sl 1 knitways, K1, rep from to end.

2nd row: K1, yft, sl 1 purlways, rep from to last 2sts, K2.

3rd row: K1, ywd K2tog, rep from to last st, K1.

4th row: Knit.

5th row: Purl.

6th row: Knit.

Rows 1 to 6 incl form patt.

Cont in patt until work measures 23cm from beg, working last row on wrong side.

Shape armholes. Keeping patt correct, cast off 7 (8, 9, 10, 12) sts at beg of next 2 rows … 108 (114, 118, 124, 128) sts. ***

Dec at each end of next and alt rows until 94 (98, 100, 104, 106) sts rem.

Cont without shaping until work measures 40 (41, 41, 42 43) cm from beg, working last row on wrong side.

Shape back neck. Next row. Patt 18, turn.

**Cont on these 18 sts.

Dec at neck edge in every row until 10 sts rem.

Cont in patt until work measures 44 (45, 45, 46, 47) cm from beg, working last row on wrong side.

Cast off. **

Slip next 58 (62, 64, 68, 70) sts onto a stitch holder and leave.

Join yarn to rem sts and patt to end.

Rep from to .


Work as for Back to ***.

Dec at each end of next and alt rows until 100 (106, 110, 116, 120 ) sts rem.

Work 1 row.

Divide for V neck. Next row. Patt 2tog, patt 48 (51, 53, 56, 58), turn.

**Cont on these 49 (52, 54, 57**, 59) sts.

Dec at armhole edge in alt rows 2 (3, 4, 5, 6) times, at the same time dec at neck edge in alt rows until 10 sts rem.

Cont in patt without shaping until work measures 44 (45, 45, 46, 47) cm from beg, working last row on wrong side.

Cast off ****.

Join yarn to rem sts and patt to last 2 sts, patt 2tog.

Rep from ** to **.


Using back-stitch, join right shoulder seam. With right side facing and using 3.00mm needles, knit up 50 (52, 54, 55, 58) sts evenly along left front neck, knit up one st in centre and mark with a coloured thread (centre st), knit up 50 (52, 54, 55, 58) sts evenly along right front neck, 10 sts evenly along right back neck, knit across sts from back stitch holder – dec 10 sts evenly across, then knit up 10 sts evenly along left back neck … 169 (177, 183, 189, 197) sts.

1st row. Knit.

2nd row. Purl.

Cast off loosely knitways.


Using back-stitch, join left shoulder and neck edging seam. With right side facing and using 3.00mm needles, knit up 120 (128, 130, 138, 148) sts evenly along armhole edge.

1st row. Knit.

2nd row. Purl.

Cast loosely knitways.


With a slightly damp cloth and warm iron, press lightly, taking care not to flatten pattern.

Using back-stitch, join side and armhole edge seams.

Press seams.

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