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Decoupage placemats

These elegant placemats are the ideal addition to any dinner table. Create them for yourself or give them as a house-warming or Christmas gift.


Craftwood placemats (available from major craft outlets)

Jo Sonja’s Basecoat – Primrose

Black and White photocopies of floral designs from botanical prints or wrapping papers (or choose your own theme)

Jo Sonja’s Artist’s Acrylics: Pine Green, Yellow Oxide, Warm White and Burnt Umber

Jo Sonja’s All Purpose Sealer

Jo Sonja’s Satin Water-Based Varnish

Brushes: No 12 flat, No 2 round

Manicure or decoupage scissors

Craft knife and cutting mat

PVA glue


Chux cloth

Permanent black marking pens: fine point and thick point


Sandpaper: fine grade and 120 Wet & Dry

Winsor & Newton Japan Gold Size

Liquid Gum Arabic

Jo Sonja’s Archival Oil: Burnt Umber

Mineral turpentine

Feast Watson Gloss and Satin Oil-based Varnish

Adhesive contact felt or suede (for the back of each mat)


Mix Primrose basecoat and All-purpose Sealer 1:1 and paint placemats with three coats, using the No 12 flat brush, sanding lightly after the second coat. Allow the paint to dry overnight, then apply one coat of sealer.

Make the desired number of photocopies for your placemats. Tint your photocopies with colour wash as follows: paint leaves with diluted Pine Green, adding more intense colour on the shaded areas of the leaves. The stems are painted with Burnt Umber. Paint any flowers with Warm White mixed with a little Yellow Oxide. When the photocopies are thoroughly dry, seal the back and front of each with a coat of Sealer. Cut out the pictures using decoupage scissors and use the craft knife to cut out any enclosed areas.

Using a soft brush, apply slightly diluted PVA glue to the back of one picture and position the image on the placemat and smooth it over with the roller to remove any air bubbles. Finish by wiping the surface with a damp Chux cloth to remove excess surface glue. Repeat to attach all your pictures to the placemats and allow to dry overnight. Measure 0.5cm in from the edge of each placemat and rule a border line using the fine black marking pen. Use the thick pen to colour the edges of the mats.

Seal the entire surface of each mat with two coats of satin water-based varnish, and allow to dry thoroughly.

Paint the front of each mat with a coat of Japan Gold Size and allow to dry until it is just tacky (this will take anywhere between one and three hours, depending on weather conditions). Next, apply a layer of liquid gum arabic over the size. Allow to dry. After 30-60 minutes, cracks will begin to appear on the surface and the drying process can be speeded up by using a hairdryer set on low held about 10cm from the surface of the mat. Repeat for all the mats and allow to dry overnight.

To accentuate the cracks, rub a little Burnt Umber oil paint into the surface using a dry cloth, rubbing it in a circular motion. Use a clean cloth to wipe off the excess paint, and allow to dry overnight. Finish your mats with four coats of gloss oil-based varnish and for a satin finish, another two to three coats of satin oil-based varnish, with a light sand using 120 Wet & Dry sandpaper before the final coat. Apply contact felt or suede to the back of each mat for a protective finish.

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Slow down and simplify

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Vitamins at the beach

Swallowing a vitamin tablet won’t mean you can skip the hat and sunscreen when you go to the beach, but it may give you extra protection from the sun’s rays.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found that subjects taking 25 mg of natural mixed carotenoids plus 500 IU of vitamin E had less skin reddening after UV exposure.

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Food intolerance

There is only one accurate way to diagnose food intolerance and that is to follow an elimination diet.

Uninformed practitioners sometimes suggest the methods described below. However, these are a complete waste of time and money, yielding inaccurate and misleading. They are listed here only by way of warning.

Live blood tests

A small sample of blood is taken, sometimes from a pinprick in the finger. The patient may be invited to look through a microscope, and be shown what is said to be his or her white blood cells “attacking” a foreign substance, supposedly indicating intolerance to whatever that substance is.

This method is also claimed to diagnose systemic candida. It is absolutely unreliable.

Hair samples

A small hair sample is analysed, allegedly to identify food responsible for symptoms. This test also has no scientific basis whatsoever.

Skin prick testing

Tiny amounts of proteins extracted from certain foods are injected into the skin. If redness develops at the injection site, it’s said to indicate food intolerance.

While skin tests can sometimes be very useful for discovering the cause of allergic reactions, this is not the case for food intolerances.

No doubt there are other way-out methods of diagnosing food intolerance that will be offered to the unwary.

As said, the only reliable method is an elimination diet.

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Breast cancer breakthrough

A variety of studies have shown a connection between low levels of vitamin A and lung cancer. Now new research published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute indicates the same may be true for breast cancer. The researchers found that women with breast cancer were less likely to have a particular protein called CRBP, which facilitates the proper digestion and use of vitamin A.

A variety of studies have shown a connection between low levels of vitamin A and lung cancer. Now new research published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute indicates the same may be true for breast cancer. The researchers found that women with breast cancer were less likely to have a particular protein called CRBP, which facilitates the proper digestion and use of vitamin A.

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Three wishes

We hope you enjoy this exclusive extract is from Three Wishes (Pan MacMillan Australia), by Liane Moriarty, our October Great Read.

It was a Wednesday night six weeks before Christmas. A nothing sort of night. An unassuming midweek night that should have vanished from their memories by Friday. ‘What did we do Wednesday?’ ‘I don’t know. Watch TV?’

That’s what they were doing. They were eating spaghetti and drinking red wine in front of the television. Cat was sitting cross-legged on the floor, with her back against the sofa, her plate on aher lap. Her husband Dan was sitting on the edge of the sofa, hunched over his dinner on the coffee table. It was the way they always ate dinner.

Dan had cooked the spaghetti, so it was hearty and bland. Cat was the more accomplished cook. Dan’s approach to cooking was somehow too functional. He stirred his ingredients as though he was sitting concrete, one arm wrapped around the bowl, the other stirring the gluggy mix so vigorously you could see his biceps working. ‘So what? Gets the job done.’

That Wednesday night Cat was feeling no specific emotion; not especially happy, not especially sad. It was strange afterwards, remembering how she sat there, shovelling Dan’s pasta into her mouth, so foolishly trusting of her life. She wanted to yell back at herself through time, ‘Concentrate!’

They were watching a show called Med School. It was a soapie about a group of very beautiful young medical students with shiny white teeth and complex love lives. Each episode featured a lot of blood and sex and anguish.

Cat and Dan shared a mild addiction to Med School. Whenever the plot took a new twist, they responded with loud enthusiasm, yelling at the television like children watching a pantomime: ‘Bastard!’ ‘Drop him!’ ‘It’s the wrong medication!’

This week Ellie (blonde, cutesy, cropped T-shirts) was in a state. She didn’t know whether to tell her boyfriend Pete (dark, brooding, abnormal abs) about her drunken infidelity with a guest-starring troublemaker.

‘Tell him, Ellie!’ said Cat to the television. ‘Pete will forgive you. He’ll understand!’

The ad break came on and a manic man in a yellow jacket bounced around a department store pointing an incredulous finger at the Christmas specials.

‘I booked that health and beauty thing today,’ said Cat, using Dan’s knee as a lever to help her reach over him for the pepper. ‘The woman had one of those gooey spiritual voices. I felt like I was getting a massage just making a booking.’

For Christmas she was giving her sisters (and herself) a weekend away at a health retreat in the Blue Mountains. The three of them would share an ‘exquisite experience’ of ‘indulgent pampering.’ They would be wrapped in seaweed, dunked in mud and slathered in vitamin-enriched creams. It would be extremely amusing.

She was pleased with herself for thinking of it. ‘What a clever idea!’ everyone would say on Christmas Day.

A health insurance ad came on television and Dan winced. ‘I hate this ad.’

‘It’s effective. You watch it more closely than any other ad on television.’

He closed his eyes and averted his head. ‘OK. I’m not looking, I’m not looking. Oh God. I can still hear that woman’s grating voice.’

Cat picked up the remote and turned up the volume.

‘Aaagh!’ He opened his eyes and grabbed the remote from her.

He was behaving perfectly normally. She remembered that afterwards and it made it worse, somehow. Every moment he behaved normally was part of the betrayal.

‘Shh. It’s back on.’

Ellie’s betrayed boyfriend Pete appeared on the screen, flexing his freakish abs. Ellie gave the TV audience guilty looks.

‘Tell him,’ Cat told her. ‘I’d want to know. I couldn’t stand not to know the truth. Better to tell him, Ellie.’

“You think so?’ said Dan

‘Yeah. Don’t you?’

‘I don’t know.’

There were no bells jangling a warning in Cat’s head. Not a single chime.

‘Cat,’ said Dan.


‘I need to tell you something.’

She snorted at his ponderous tone. ‘What? Have you done an Ellie? Have you been unfaithful to me?’ ‘Well. Yes.’

He looked as though he was going to be sick, and he wasn’t that great an actor.

Cat put down her fork. ‘This is a joke, right? You’re saying you’ve slept with someone else?’

‘Yes.’ Now his mouth was doing something strange. He looked like a guilty little boy caught doing something disgusting.

She picked up the remote and turned off the television. Her heart was thumping with fear but also a strangely urgent desire, a desire to know. It was the sick feeling of excited resistance at the very top of the rollercoaster – I don’t want to go hurtling over that precipice but I do, I do!

‘When?’ She still didn’t really believe it. She was half laughing. ‘Years ago, do you mean?’ When we first started going out? You don’t mean recently?’

‘About a month ago.’


‘It didn’t mean anything.’

‘Would you just start from the beginning please? When?’

‘One night.’

‘What night? Where was I?’ She fumbled through her mind for events over the last few weeks. ‘What night?’

She asked him questions and he answered them. ‘Where did she live?’ ‘How did you get home?’

He finished his story and Cat stared stupidly at him, waiting for it to hurt. All her muscles were tensed tight in anticipation of pain. It was like giving blood and waiting for the smiling doctor to find her vein.

‘What was her name?’ she said.

His eyes slid away. ‘Angela.’

Finally. An exquisite twist of her heart because this girl actually had a name and Dan knew her name.

‘It was nothing,’ he said. ‘It was just a stupid one-night stand.’

‘Don’t call it that!’


‘This is all so tacky.’

He looked at her beseechingly.

‘You’ve got food on your face,’ she said savagely. His guilt was inflating her, making her powerful with righteousness.

She said, ‘Why are you telling me this now? Is it just to make you feel better?’

‘I don’t know. I kept changing my mind. And then you said you’d want to know the truth.’

‘I was talking to Ellie! I was watching television! I was eating dinner!’

‘So you didn’t mean it?’

‘For God’s sake. It’s too late now.’

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Book gossip: October 2003

The prolific, talented Jackie French has won Book of the Year for her gorgeous children’s book, Diary of a Wombat, published by HarperCollins. Jackie, who is the gardening writer for The Australian Women’s Weekly, won against some impressive titles, including Recollection of a Bleeding Heart, Across The Nightingale Floor, Holy Cow and Almost French. The award is voted for annually by the Australian Booksellers’ Association, who nominate the Australian book they most enjoyed selling and working with in their bookshops.

In the “I don’t know how she does it” category: Colleen McCullough, whose next book, The Touch (Century), marks a return to the romance genre for the Thornbird author, still types her books on a manual typewriter! For every one of her Roman books, she wrote a million words and then edited it back to 280,000 – all done manually!

One of the UK’s best known female war correspondents, Kate Adie, is touring Australia at the end of February. Kate, whose terrific autobiography, The Kindness of Strangers, was released earlier this year, is visiting to promote her latest, Corsets to Camouflage, which looks at the image of uniformed women in conflict and civilian roles throughout the 20th century. Kate will attend the Perth Writers’ Festival from February 18-21 and will be in Melbourne February 23-24, in Sydney February 25-27 and Canberra on February 26.

Madonna is in talks to play the gypsy in the movie version of Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist.

Caroline Carver, winner of the Crime Writers’ Association Debut Dagger Award for Blood Junction, is touring in November to promote her latest crime thriller, Dead Heat (Orion). The UK writer, who once lived here for 10 years, is a mad rally car driver and blames her spirit of adventure on her parents – her father was a jet fighter pilot and her mother set the land speed record in Australia.

The movie version of Charles Frazier’s Cold Mountain, starring Nicole Kidman, Jude Law and Renee Zellweger, is scheduled to open here late December.

Ali Bashir, Saddam Hussein’s personal physician for 10 years, is writing an account of his experiences in Saddam’s inner circle, according to Publishers Weekly.

A memoir by Deborah Santana, wife of Carlos Santana has been bought in the US.

The authors of the TV hit about to screen here, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, have made a book deal for a companion volume.

Oprah favourite House of Sand and Fog has been turned into a movie starring Ben Kingsley and Jennifer Connelly.

Over 50, local, national and international authors will converge on the apple isle October 2-5, when The Australian School Library Association and The Children’s Book Council of Australia hold their national conference in Hobart.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez has written his autobiography, Living to Tell the Tale, and Muhammad Ali tells his own story in The Soul of a Butterfly. According to press reports, the boom in sales of television cookbooks may be over in the UK. Nigella Lawson’s and Jamie Oliver’s most recent books did not match the success of previous ones. Publicity for Shirley MacLaine’s new book, Out On A Leash, has been held up as the actress has hurt her back. No-one’s saying how.

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Our favourite books

To celebrate our 70th birthday, we asked a few members of the team at The Australian Women’s Weekly to nominate their favourite five books of all time.

Here they are:

Deborah Thomas, Editor

Into Thin Air, by Jon Krakauer

Wild Swans, by Jung Chang

The Lovely Bones, by Alice Sebold

The Wilder Shores of Love, by Lesley Blanch

The Magic Faraway trilogy, by Enid Blyton

Lyndey Milan, Food Director

Like Water For Chocolate, by Laura Esquivel

Shipping News, by Annie Proulx

Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, by Rebecca Wells

Angela’s Ashes, by Frank McCourt

Charlotte’s Web, by E.B. White

Athena Starwoman, author of Zodiac Lovers (HarperCollins)

Seabiscuit, by Laura Hillyard

It’s Not About the Bike, by Lance Armstrong

The Thorn Birds, by Colleen McCullough

Lord of the Rings, by Tolkien, entire series

Gone With The Wind, by Margaret Mitchell

Caroline Roessler, Managing Editor

To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee

The Catcher In The Rye, by JD Salinger

Birdsong, by Sebastian Faulks

The Secret History, by Donna Tartt

In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote

Gabrielle Ranaldi, Website Editor

The Magus, by John Fowles

Catch 22, by Joseph Heller

Intimacy, by Hanif Kureshi

Oscar and Lucinda, by Peter Carey

A Prayer For Owen Meany, by John Irving

Carol George, Books Editor

A Passage To India, by EM Forster

Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter, by Mario Vargas Llosa

The Dice Man, by Luke Rhinehart

The Great Gatsby, by F Scott Fitzgerald

The French Lieutenant’s Woman, by John Fowles

Rosemary Bruce, Chief Sub-Editor

The Complete Adventures of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie, by May Gibbs

The Gormenghast Trilogy, by Mervyn Peake

Libra, by Don DeLillo

Pity the Nation, by Robert Fisk

Lovely Bones, by Alice Sebold

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Q&a: Liane Moriarty

Exclusive interview with LIANE MORIARTY, author of the Great Read, THREE WISHES (Pan Macmillan Australia), in the October issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

**Q You have an unusual first name?

A** Mum read it in a book somewhere, I think it’s German.

**Q You have described yourself as an annoying little girl and said that friends had to hide their books when you arrived – did you hog them?

A** Yes and I wouldn’t talk to anybody. My mother got annoyed about that, too. I just sat there and read all day. You couldn’t get the book off me. Enid Blyton books in particular, this girl used to hide from me.

**Q. So you were a voracious reader from very early on?

A** Yes. I read till I’m ill – you know how you can read so much you get a headache. Just gobbling it up. I read like I eat, too much and too fast.

**Q. When did you write your first story?

A** I was 10. My first published story was Summer Is Coming and it appeared in the Sun Herald comics, and I remember my teacher telling me, “Liane, I saw your story in the paper at the weekend.” It was the most wonderful moment. Mum still has it and shows it to people. Still thinks it was the best thing I’ve ever written, like I peaked when I was 10! In sixth grade, we had a wonderful teacher every Friday afternoon. She’d give us a topic for creative writing and we’d write away. It’s hard to get back that unselfconscious way of writing. When you’re writing purely for the joy of writing. I don’t think I’ve got that back yet.

**Q. This teacher was obviously crucial in your development as a writer?

A** I think she was. I was worst in the class at gym, best in the class at writing.

**Q. Did you nurse an early ambition to write?

A** It definitely was an ambition. I remember thinking as a child you needed to be sensible and I remember writing, when asked, ‘What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher.’ Then I put in little writing down the bottom, ‘Not really, I want to be a famous writer’. I don’t know why I couldn’t have said that.

**Q. You obviously didn’t think it was a legitimate occupation?

A** I must not have and it must have been something to do with me eventually going into copywriting and the marketing – telling people what they want to hear.

**Q. What do your parents do for a living?

A** Dad’s in mapping and surveying, Mum’s a mum.

**Q. She’d need to be with 6 children.

A** Yes and then she went onto foster 40 children. It’s short-term fostering.

**Q. Mostly babies?

A** Yes, she just loves babies, she did a lot of the pre-adoption babies. The mothers would get the chance to change their mind in that six week period. But there’s not so many adoptions happening nowadays so now it’s more where something’s happened or there’s a problem.

**Q. You must have had perpetual babies in the house?

A** We did. And now poor Mum still hasn’t got any grandchildren. Still has to keep going for the foster babies.

**Q. What impact did the fostering have on you growing up?

A** We loved the babies, but we were quite spoiled as we got the fun part. We got the cuddles and smiles, we didn’t get up at night for them. So we just enjoyed the babies. I think perhaps it did give us a realistic idea of what’s involved in having babies and perhaps that’s why(laughing) none of us have one. But we do love them. And we will have them.

**Q. You’re the eldest of six?

A** Yes, I have four sisters and one brother.

**Q. Did growing up in a big family equip you for going out in the world in any particular way?

A** It was great fun growing up with six children. My youngest sister, who is 21, has been saying things like I want to have six children. And we’ve said the fun part was for us, it wasn’t fun for Mum. There was always somebody to play with, but me being the eldest, I was used to people doing what I told them to do. So I think I was a manager of a team for a quite a while, so I’m quite a good manager. It’s interesting to me how only children work out who they are. Because growing up with so many sisters, it makes you realise somebody was the tidy one and somebody was the untidy one and we all enjoyed the differences. I enjoyed writing about that in the book – the roles that you play in the family

**Q. The triplets in your book were simply a device and not based on reality?

A** I really made the whole book up as I went along. That very first scene I just had three women, I didn’t even know they were going to be triplets and then all of a sudden they were. I’ve got a thing about twins and triplets. I’m really interested in them. If I meet one, I love to hear about them. There were triplets at school and I wasn’t good friends with any of them, but I watched them from afar. I can still see their faces in my mind. Especially identical twins, they really fascinate me. In fact I want to have twins. I should know better, but I’ve got this thing that I’d love to have twins.

**Q. Are there twins in the family?

A** No (laughing) there’s no reason in the family for me to have twins. I feel like if I talk about it a lot it might happen. Apparently though, as you get older, you’ve got higher chances of having twins. That’s why there’s more twins around now because we are all having babies much later.

**Q. Three Wishes was completed as a part of your Masters degree – what kind of story did you set out to write?

A** I don’t know that I did. You didn’t have to write a whole novel to finish your degree. You only had to write 30,000 words, so I was just being a show-off, really. I didn’t really plan anything. I just wrote as I went along. And I tried not to think too much about it so that I wouldn’t be overcome by fear.

**Q. Your relationship with your siblings provided a lot of material for Three Wishes?

A** Yes, certainly the way I interact with my sisters definitely influenced the book. I really enjoyed writing the dialogue between the sisters.

**Q. Their relationship was very real – it was rocky, alliances changed, and there were arguments. They weren’t like idyllic sisters who got on perfectly.

A** Exactly, although certainly I think because we’re not triplets, because we’re not the same age, there isn’t as much conflict as there was in the book. Now we’ve grown up, there’s no fighting over bathrooms or stuff like that. Whereas the Kettle girls are a little bit over the top and very, very close. We’re close, but we don’t fight much any more.

**Q. Was the famous birthday scene based on real life?

A** No. And the difference is that if it happened to us we’d be quietly vicious, we wouldn’t be loud.

**Q. Was knowing a literary agent because of your sister, who is a very successful children’s writer, a big help?

A** It’s definitely an advantage.

**Q. Was there a big waiting period to hear if the book was to be published?

A** I didn’t have to wait very long at all. It was a matter of weeks. Cate at Pan Macmillan read it over a weekend and made her offer on the Monday, so it all happened very quickly. I was lucky. The agent called half way through and left a message on the answering machine. She said she loved it and that I’d achieved something “really special”. I made my girlfriend listen it. I remember her standing there and grabbing my arm with excitement.

**Q. The title Three Wishes is based on the opening birthday celebration?

A** Yes and it also refers to what the three women want in their life – they’re all wishing for different things.

**Q. Is there anything else I should know?

A** I guess the only thing I was practising to say to you (giggling), was what I was trying to get across in the book was this idea of what makes you who you are. So there’s the whole nature versus nurture thing. Is it in your genes? Or your environment and that whole thing of your personality being formed by the time you’re seven or by the time you’re three. So I had things happening to the girls before they were seven. They are all affected by the divorce. And if that means that’s your personality settled by then, can you then change your personality? So I’ve got Lyn reading self-help books, but things obviously happen to you in later life, like Gemma being in an abusive relationship, or having a terrible secret, so how does that affect you? And also how you appear to other people, which is why I have those scenes of other people, strangers watching from afar and making their own observations. And the way you perform for others. And of course in relationships, the roles that you play. And how you get stuck being a certain sort of way in each new relationship.

**Q. Part of the Three Wishes is about divorce and the way it bruises children – is it based that on any real life event?

A** Only my own divorce. I was the only person I knew to get divorced, so I was very surprised. I think everybody was surprised. You’d think we wouldn’t be, with divorce so common.

**Q. When it happens to you, it is a shock.

A** That’s right, I still can’t quite believe it even when I say it. I never thought I would be the sort of person to say, ‘I got a divorce’.

**Q. I think, too, if you come from parents who have had a long, good marriage, your expectations are that you’ll have the same thing.

A** Yes, that’s right. And I think it did impact on my family too.

**Q. Are you still working as an advertising copywriter?

A** Yes. I keep thinking that I should start saying ‘no thank you’ to clients, but it seems like bad luck or who do I think I am? I will eventually, though, because I want to write the next one. I’m freelance and that’s why it’s hard because the work’s always been up and down and it goes against the grain to turn it down.

**Q. When did you begin working as a copywriter?

A** 1985. I was 18 and dreamy, and someone suggested I try it. I’d done a course and coming up with the creative idea that also benefits a product was something I understood – it appealed to me. I liked the marketing side and also being able to come up with something creative. I thought yes, I get that. Then I got more caught up with the business, I did a business degree with a marketing major. I got a bit corporate. I think I lost myself for a while – no, I didn’t. I just discovered another part of myself for a while.

**Q. Any well known ad campaigns you’ve been associated with?

A** No, I wish I could say I have. I remember I was at a dinner party one night and I mentioned an ad I’d worked on and a woman said, ‘I HATE that ad’. She didn’t seem to realise that that would be insulting. Most of the TV ads I’ve done were for a phone company which did really well as a company. In a way, it was too funny to be hurtful.

**Q. I imagine you’ve written about a lot of different products – you mention writing on the back of cereal boxes?

A** Yes and I’ve written about everything from cook-tops to cables, and some amazingly technical stuff about a tender for a Navy, for submarine stuff – didn’t understand a word, to furniture and beach holidays.

**Q. Are you still enjoying it?

A** I do. I still enjoy dealing with the client and having a project and then it’s done. When I went quiet for a couple of weeks, I went a bit nutty.

**Q. How old are you?

A** 36.

**Q. Did your sister, who is an author, inspire you?

A** Yes, when we were little we both wanted to write and she went ahead and did it! Wrote a book and had fantastic success with it. I was very proud of her, but also very envious. I think you think real people don’t actually write books. You dream about it, but that’s all. I’ve got a little circle of friends who are now all writing books, definitely thinking that if the Moriarty clan can write books, anybody can. Without them actually saying that, I think that’s what they’re thinking.

**Q. Any writers in your background?

A** Mum and Dad tell a good story and write funny letters and emails. They’re both taking credit for it. I think it does come from both of them. My grandma tells a lovely story and often writes down little stories.

**Q. Paternal or maternal?

A** Maternal. She’s 80.

**Q. How would you describe Three Wishes?

A** I think I’d say first of all it’s an easy, enjoyable read. I read very fast and I think as a result I’ve written a book that people read very quickly. And, hopefully, it’s a book they can’t put down. That’s the comment I’ve loved hearing most from friends. The sort of books that I like to read are the ones that are funny and touching. That odd cliché, it makes you laugh and it makes you cry.

**Q. How would you classify the book?

A** Originally, I would have said chick lit with grit, but my publisher said chick lit has become a brand, normally by a UK writer about a single girl finding love, so I stopped calling it chick lit and she said to call it women’s fiction.

**Q. Education?

A** Went to Mt Benedict High School, Pennant Hills, did my degree at UTS and my Masters at Macquarie University.

**Q. Do you have a partner?

A** Yes. I was married for four years, so I have a divorce in the background. And I’ve been with my partner for coming up to three years.

**Q. What does he do?

A** He works in IT. And he says he’s going to write a book now, too.

**Q. His name?

A** Eric.

**Q. Star sign?

A** Scorpio.

**Q. Nominate a couple of writers you really like?

A** Anne Tyler. Carol Shields.

**Q. When you’re not writing you’re…

A** Reading in the bath or eating.

**Q. What really annoys you?

A** People fast forwarding the previews when you’re watching a video. I love the previews.

**Q. Favourite movie?

A** Bread and Tulips

**Q. Describe yourself in three words?

A** Untidy, self-indulgent, neurotic.

**Q. Other interests?

A** Snow skiing. I love snorkelling, but my boyfriend’s into scuba diving, so if the relationship is going to continue I’m going to have to learn to scuba dive.

**Q. And he’s going to have to learn to enjoy snorkelling.

A** Yes, that’s true. We live by the sea in Sydney, it’s right outside our front door, so we can go snorkelling easily. And bushwalking, I love going for walks.

**Q. You sound contented with your life at the moment.

A** I’m probably the happiest I’ve ever been. For a while there all I wanted was boy, book, baby. The three B’s. But no, I’m very, very happy, I’ve got the two out of the three B’s. And that’s pretty good.

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