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Water workouts

Exercise in water is one of the lowest impact aerobic training activities on offer. It’s a great option during pregnancy, if you have an injury or if you’re not comfortable working up a sweat in a gym-based aerobics class.

Exercise in water is one of the lowest impact aerobic training activities on offer. It’s a great option during pregnancy, if you have an injury or if you’re not comfortable working up a sweat in a gym-based aerobics class. Aqua Aerobics The traditional option is Aqua Aerobics classes. These are conducted in a water depth where you can comfortably stand on the bottom of the pool. You follow a leader who performs the Aerobic dance style movements to music. The water environment provides a natural resistance that helps tone muscles and equipment may also be used e.g. foam dumb bells and noodles. Deep Water Running If you’re after a harder workout, or you’re into a serious training program, you might like to check out Deep Water Running. Deep Water Running classes are held in a water depth over your head that requires you to constantly tread (or run!) water. You wear a floatation belt around your waist that holds you upright with your shoulders out of the water. It’s a great form of training in a controlled and safe environment, which will definitely build your stamina and leg muscles. Lap Swimming If you like to simply swim laps, you would probably benefit from the added motivation of joining a lap swimming club. Lap swimming clubs involve joining a group of people in regular squad training sessions lead by a swim coach. The beauty of lap or squad training is that the workout is always varied and you get to briefly socialise with others as you catch your breath at lane ends. And there’s nothing like having another swimmer tickling your toes to spur you on, improve your lap time and turn your usual splash into a serious workout.

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Fish tales

Fishy things you should know about.

Fishy things you should know about. What’s in fish that makes it so nutritious? Fish is a rich source of protein, and contains several B vitamins (such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin B12) and many valuable minerals (magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc). In addition the edible bones in canned fish are a source of calcium. However, it’s the oils naturally found in fish that have been hailed as the magic ingredients. Fish oils, particularly Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, are found in large quantities in oily fish and other seafood. What health protections do Omega 3s from fish offer?

How much should my family be eating? The Heart Foundation of Australia recommends 2-3 fish meals per week including good sources of Omega 3s. Highest to lowest sources of Omega 3s in fish and seafood are as follows:

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Dear diary … weight loss

Diaries have proven to be some of the great historical records of our time, but they are also proven tools for weight management.

Diaries have proven to be some of the great historical records of our time, but they are also proven tools for weight management. By recording the amounts of food you eat at every meal and snack in a food diary, you can calculate things like your fat and energy intake, assess the balance in your food groups, keep an eye on portion control and monitor your weight. But in order to get the true value of a food diary you also need to record physical activity, along with environmental and emotional influences on food choice. One of the best ways of reshaping any eating behaviour that is a hindrance to your healthy weight goals is to take a good, hard look at your patterns over time. A written food diary is the only way to avoid suffering from ‘eating amnesia’, especially when it comes to that piece of birthday cake you had for morning tea at the office. Why do food diaries work for weight loss?

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Exclusive extract: the other side of the story

Selected as the Great Read in the April issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

TO: [email protected]

FROM:Gemma [email protected]

SUBJECT:runaway dad

Susan, you wanted news. Well, I’ve got news. Although you might be sorry you asked for it. It looks like my dad has left my mam. I’m not sure how serious it is. More as and when.

Gemma xxx

When I first got the call, I thought he’d died. Two reasons. One: I’ve been to a worrying number of funerals over the past while – friends of my parents and worse again, parents of my friends. Two: Mam had called me on my mobile; the first time she’d ever done that because she’d always persisted in the belief that you can only call a mobile from a mobile, like they’re CB radios or something. So when I put my phone to my ear and heard her choke, ‘He’s gone,’ who could blame me for thinking that Dad had kicked the bucket and that now it was only her and me.

‘He just packed a bag and left.’

‘He packed a. . . ?’ It was then that I realized that Dad mightn’t actually be dead.

‘Come home,’ she said.

‘Right. . .’ But I was at work. And not just in the office, but in a hotel ballroom overseeing the finishing touches to a medical conference (Seeing the Back of Backache).It was an enormous deal which had taken weeks to pull together; I’d been there until twelve-thirty previous night coordinating the arrival of hundreds of delegates and sorting out their problems. (Relocating those in non-smoking rooms who had slipped and gone back on the fags in between booking their room and showing up for it, that sort of thing.) Today was finally Day Zero and in less than an hour’s time, two hundred chiropractors would be flooding in, each expecting

a) a name-badge and chair

b) coffee and two biscuits (one plain, one fancy) at 11 a.m.

c) lunch, three courses (including vegetarian option) at 12.45 p.m.

d) coffee and two biscuits (both plain) at 3.30 p.m.

e) evening cocktails followed by a gala dinner, with party favours, dancing and snogging (optional).

In fact when I’d answered the mobile I thought it was the screen hire guy, reassuring me he was on his way. With – this is the important bit – the screens.

‘Tell me what happened,’ I asked Mam, torn as I was between conflicting duties. I can’t leave here. . .

‘I’ll tell you when you get home. Hurry. I’m in an awful state, God only knows what I’ll do.’

That did it. I snapped my phone closed and looked at Andrea, who’d obviously figured out something was up.

‘Everything OK?’ she murmured.

‘It’s my dad.’

I could see on her face that she too thought that my father had bucked the kickit (as he himself used to say). (There I am talking like he actually is dead.)

‘Oh, my God…is it…is he…?’

‘Oh no,’ I corrected, ‘he’s still alive.’

‘Go, go, get going!’ She pushed me towards the exit, clearly visualizing a deathbed farewell.

‘I can’t. What about all of this?’ I indicated the ballroom.

‘Me and Moses’ll do it and I’ll call the office and get Ruth over to help. Look, you’ve done so much work on this, what can go wrong?’

The correct answer is, of course: Just About Anything. I’ve been Organizing Events for seven years and in that time I’ve seen everything from over-refreshed speakers toppling off the stage to professors fighting over the fancy biscuits.

‘Yes, but. . .’ I’d threatened Andrea and Moses that even if they were dead they were to show up this morning. And here I was proposing to abandon the scene – for what exactly?

What a day. It had barely started and so many things had already gone wrong. Beginning with my hair. I hadn’t had time to get it cut in ages and, in a mad fit, I’d cut the front of it myself. I’d only meant to trim it, but once I started I couldn’t stop, and ended up with a ridiculously short fringe. People sometimes said I looked a little like Liza Minnelli in Cabaret but when I arrived at the hotel this morning, Moses had greeted me with, ‘Live long and prosper,’ and given me the Vulcan split-fingered salute. Then, when I told him to ring the screen guy again he said solemnly, ‘That would be illogical, Captain.’ No longer Liza Minnelli in Cabaret but Spock from Star Trek, it seemed. (Quick note: Moses is not a beardy biblical pensioner in a dusty dress and child-molester sandals but a hip, sharp-suited blade of Nigerian origin.)

‘Go!’ Andrea gave me another lime push door-wards. ‘Take care and let us know if we can do anything.’

Those are the kinds of words that people use when someone has died.

And so I found myself out in the car park. The bone-cold January fog wound itself around me, serving as a reminder that I’d left my coat behind in the hotel. I didn’t bother to go back for it, it didn’t seem important. When I got into my car a man whistled – at the car, not me. It’s a Toyota MR2, a sporty little (very little, lucky I’m only five foot two) number. Not my choice – F&F Dignan had insisted. It would look good, they said, a woman in my position. Oh yes, and their son was selling it cheap. Ish.

Men have a very conflicted response to it. In the daytime they’re all whistles and winks. But at night time, when they’re coming home pissed from the pub, it’s a different story; they take a penknife to my soft-top or hurl a brick through the window. They never actually try to steal the car, just to mortally wound it and it’s spent more time at the dentist than on the road. In the hope of currying sympathy with these bitter mystery men, my back window sticker says, ‘My other car’s a banjaxed ’89 Cortina.’ (Anton made it specially for me; maybe I should have taken it down when he left, but now wasn’t the time to think about that.)

The road to my parents’ house was almost car-free; all the heavy traffic was going in the opposite direction, into the centre of Dublin. Moving through the fog that swirled like dry-ice, the empty road had me feeling like I was dreaming. Five minutes ago it had been a normal Tuesday morning. I’d been in First Day of Conference mode. Anxious, naturally – there’s always a last-minute hitch – but nothing had prepared me for this.

I’d no idea what to expect when I got to my parents’ house. Obviously, something was wrong, even if it was just Mam going loola. I didn’t think she was the type, but who can ever tell with these things? ‘He just packed a bag. . .’ That in itself was as unlikely as pigs flying. Mam always packs Dad’s bag for him, whether he’s off to a sales conference or only on a golf outing. There and then I knew Mam was wrong. Which meant that either she had gone loola or Dad really was dead. A surge of panic had me pressing my foot even harder on the accelerator.

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Elegant denim jacket


I was wondering if you could help me with trying to find a denim jacket that looks quite elegant.

I have asked a few shops in Mildura and they don’t know what I’m talking about.

Lorraine, Mildura.

Dear Lorraine,

Here are some websites for stores I would suggest that are likely to have a stretch denim fitted jacket:






Sass & Bide are also a great label for fitted denim jackets. You might like to call them on 02 9281 7777.

Kind regards,

The AWW Fashion Team

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Searching for jeans


I’m looking for some jeans to replace my Guess Classic denims (style no 25052RG) that I bought about four years ago. I bought three pairs but they’re wearing out fast. I rang the Guess store but they don’t have any jeans like that anymore.

Would you be able to recommend a jean for me that might suit? I need a high waisted, fairly narrow leg as I’m a size 9, long waisted and petite. I’m also 60 years old and the current styles don’t do much for me, but I still want to look fashionable.

Julie, Capel.

Dear Julie,

Here are a few places you may like to try:

Suzanne Grae has a few styles of jeans cut with a higher waist that still look stylish and are very affordable at around $49.95. Tel: 1800 653 437

Myer (03 9661 1111 or 02 9238 9111) and David Jones (13 33 57) always have a variety of jeans styles and brands suit mature women.

Levis (02 9900 0842) produce many styles and fits of jeans, some that would not be suitable but you may find that one of their more classic cuts would suit your body type.

When shopping for jeans it is best to try on a lot of different styles as some things can look better on than you imagine. Recently my mum bought a pair of men’s jeans and they actually fit her really well and looked very trendy!

Kind regards,

The AWW Fashion Team

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Help! I’m allergic to make-up

**I am writing to you in sheer desperation, hoping you can help me in my search for make-up that does not contain Titanium Dioxide which appears to be either a major or minor ingredient in every foundation, eye-shadow, eye pencil, concealer and powder on the market, not to mention sun screens!

Unfortunately for me, I suddenly developed an allergy to Titanium Dioxide about 18 months ago after using a foundation that contained a very high concentration of it and now cannot use even those products I was previously able to use. I develop severe allergic conjunctivitis within 24 hours of using any products with Titanium Dioxide in them. It’s very painful and gets worse with each exposure so I can no longer afford the luxury of “try it and see what happens”.

Cheryl, Baulkham Hills.**

Here are a few products that you might like to try that do not contain titanium dioxide.

From the Innoxa range:

1. Powder perfection loose powder

2. Powder perfection mirror compact

3. Stick foundation (limited stock)

4. Dual perfection foundation (applied with a sponge)

From the Natio Range:

1. Pressed powder

2. Blusher

3. Translucent powder

The AWW Beauty Team

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Mother of the groom


I am a 64 year young mother of 4 children and sadly lacking in the trim, taut and terrific areas. My eldest son is getting married in 6 months in the Cook Islands and I am in desperate need of some advice as to how to present myself in the best light to do them proud on their special day.

Normally I wear very tailored clothes, and am not noted for my casual wardrobe.

As the wedding is to take place at sunset on the beach, the occasion calls for something soft and feminine.

I would be forever grateful if you could provide me with some appropriate ideas.

Margot, Frankston.

Dear Margot,

Firstly, congratulations on your son’s engagement and what a fantastic venue for a wedding!

A number of different labels would be worth checking out. Obviously, Anthea Crawford (1800 620 658) and Carla Zampatti (02 9264 8244) are fantastic, as is Stiches (03 9429 6599). Carla Zampatti has a beautiful range of silk satin peices in a number of different styles of tops and jackets that might be appropriate.

If you were looking for a softer, floatier silhouette, Maggie Shepherd (02 9261 1936) does beautiful colour palettes for women and suits all ages and sizes. Nicola Waite (02 9212 2770) is another label that might have something appropriate.

Best of luck on the day,

The AWW Fashion Team

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Maximise my appearance


Could you provide advice/suggestions in order that I might maximise my appearance? I am very mindful of my appearance by lack understanding and skill in being able to do much with it.

I am 5’2″, 66 kg, wear a 14DD bra, have hair that is curly, dry at the ends, and a mousy (no colour) brown with a medium amount of grey. I have a motley skin colour that gives off a red appearance limiting my choice of hair colour. I would like to lighten my hair but am advised that my already dry hair would become drier.

I would be enormously grateful for any advice.

Lorraine, Ballarat.

Dear Lorraine,

Finding a great fitting, quality suit (jacket, pants, skirt) could be a great place to start. It can be worn in many ways with tops, shirts or even split up and worn with other garments, such as wearing the jacket with a dress. Myer and David Jones are perfect for finding a suit, they stock a large variety of brands and styles. A couple of crisp looking shirts with a French cuff will always look modern, maybe in white and a colour, try Baubridge & Kay or Herringbone. When shopping try and buy colours that will coordinate so you can mix and match your new wardrobe easily.

A new hair cut can also help to reinvent your look and make you feel more stylish. Changing your hair colour will also help you to look younger. There are ways to avoid the dry ends, like using a conditioning treatment once a week or talking to your hairdresser about natural dying options. Dying your hair a shade darker may be better than lighter. It would be less damaging to your hair and may suit your skin tone better.

Stockist information

  • Myer: 03 9661 1111, www.gracebros.com.au

  • David Jones: 13 33 57, www.davidjones.com

  • Herringbone: 03 9654 9755, 139 Collins St, Melbourne.

  • Baubridge & Kay: purchase from their website, www.bkay.com.au

The AWW Fashion Team

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Your menopause questions answered

DESPERATE FOR HELP I am a 49 year old in desperate need of help to overcome the symptoms of menopause. I am in the high risk category as my mother and grandmother both had double...

DESPERATE FOR HELP I am a 49 year old in desperate need of help to overcome the symptoms of menopause. I am in the high risk category as my mother and grandmother both had double mastectomies. I have severe hot sweats which are more severe at night, diminished libido, headaches and mood swings on occasions. Is there something available to help me? I am getting desperate! Thanks to you and the AWW for enabling women like myself the opportunity to get advice from you. Julie, via email. Response from Maryon Stewart, author of Beat Menopause Naturally SUPPLEMENTS FOR MENOPAUSE I live on the remote Island of Sumbawa, Indonesia, and after receiving my life saving Women’s Weekly in the mail I was thrilled to read the article about beating menopause naturally. I have been suffering all the usual horrible symptoms for about 3 years now and started taking Remifemin about 8 weeks ago and I am still suffering the hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia, no energy, weakness and anxiety. I have Osteoarthritis in my knee and take 2 OsteoEze Active tablets per day for this problem. I swim 30 to 40 laps a day in the pool every morning and do a 4 km jungle walk every afternoon 5 days a week. I eat plenty of fresh fruit, vegs, yoghurt, and have soy milk every day, weight about 57 kg and I’m 51 years old. I has a total Hysterectomy in January 1998 but my ovaries are still intact. Could you please advise me on what type of supplement I should be taking for my symptoms? Chris F., via email. Response from Prof Kerryn Phelps, medical expert. RECOMMENDED DOSE OF FISH OIL Having read with interest in the March (NZ) editon of your magazine the extract from Maryon Stewart’s book, “Beat Menopause Naturally”, I would like clarification from your panel of the recommended daily dose of strong fish oils as stipulated in the article, i.e. 1000mg concentrate per day. After reading the extract I purchased a supply of Thompson’s Halibut Liver Oil capsules. The daily recommended dose on the bottle states, ONE per day! Each capsule contains 145mg of the oil, the equivalent 4000 IU of Vit.A. Having read that Maryon Stewart recommends 1000 mg of concentrated fish oil per day – the equivalent of seven 145mg capsules – this would give 28,000 IU of Vitamin A – which is hugely in excess of Thompson’s recommended dose! I would be interested in your comments. Mary, via email. Response from Pamela Allardice, natural therapist AM I GOING THROUGH MENOPAUSE I am 53 years old and still menstruating. I feel I must be going through peri menopause, but so far have avoided the hot flushes etc. I do not sleep well (but I am under a huge amount of stress). Could the not sleeping be part of menopause or would it be stress related? Is depression a symptom of menopause? Diana, via email. Response from Maryon Stewart, author of Beat Menopause Naturally EARLY MENOPAUSE I am 36 years old and had my last period at 34yrs old. There is not a lot of information out there for people of my age that have gone through or are going through menopause. All the “Natural” medications and “HRT” caters for the “average” age group who are more than likely only going to have to suffer the symptoms for a few years. I am currently on Livial which has reduced the symptoms of menopause, but my concern is that I will have to be on this for the next 15+ years. Also the possible long term side effects of being on this medication. Do you have any advice/suggestions for me. Name withheld as requested. Response from Prof Kerryn Phelps, medical expert To view more of Your Menopause Questions Answered, click here.

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