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Great read in the headlines

Nineteen year old Queenslander and marketing student, Sarah Risley, who works at Cleveland Newsagency in Brisbane, was given a challenge – how to promote the books selected as the Great Read by The Australian Women’s Weekly?

Sarah Risley set up a fantastic display just inside the front door of Cleveland Newsagency, where customers can check out all the Great Reads in one spot. “Our sales have increased and it’s also saving time when customers come in looking for a Great Read and they’re a bit vague about the title or the name of the author,” says Sarah. “This way they’re not scattered through the shop, but all on one stand.”

Sarah loves reading, so we thought we’d ask her to nominate her favourite Great Read, so far: “My favourite Great Read is Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty. It is hilariously funny and a must read for anyone with sisters, or female friends.

“I particularly love the way this book shows both how the sisters deal with their lives and how the public view the three sisters. It makes you realise how our actions affect other people’s lives in ways we can’t imagine.”

As a further incentive to book and magazine lovers, Cleveland Newsagency plans to offer 10% discount to all customers who purchase an AWW Great Read and a copy of The Australian Women’s Weekly at the same time.

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Using your dog’s name


Be positive! Try not to use your dog’s name in a negative way – such as when you’re reprimanding or warning your dog.


You want your dog to feel it’s a good thing when you call his or her name – not a cause to be frightened or hesitant. Jeff, via email.

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Led astray by lust

Through my eyes, my sister Lisa had it all. She was beautiful, with a perfect figure, shiny blonde hair and an amazing, committed boyfriend, Harry.

I’d always been jealous of Lisa while growing up, always wondering why I had not been blessed in the way she was. Compared to her, I was ordinary. I had ordinary hair and an even more ordinary figure – and, of course, I had no boyfriend to speak of.

Despite my jealousy, my sister was lovely towards me and often invited me out with Harry and herself. On one of these outings at the local nightclub, Lisa stood on a piece of glass and cut her foot. Not wanting to ruin Harry’s night or mine, Lisa said she’d catch a taxi home alone and insisted we stay and enjoy ourselves. That’s the sort of person my sister is – kind and considerate.

Harry and I partied on until the early hours of the morning, drinking more than we should have and spending far too much money. When we finally decided it was time to go home, we realised we only had enough money for one taxi fare. I suggested we share the trip to my place and I’d drive him home in the morning.

As soon as Harry hit my couch he fell fast asleep. I removed his shoes and shirt and then covered him with a blanket. Suddenly, in a silly moment of lust, I found myself wriggling in between his arms, imagining that he was my boyfriend as I fell into a deep, drunken sleep.

The next morning I awoke to find Harry frantically pacing the room. Not remembering much about the night before, he pleaded for me to tell him what had happened. With one look I confirmed his worst suspicions. Letting him think we’d made love seemed less embarrassing than admitting to my little fantasy.

Confused and shocked, Harry quickly left. I remained sitting in the same spot on the couch as the realisation of what I had just done dawned on me. I knew there was no way to undo what I had just done.

An hour later I received a phone call from my sister, who was crying hysterically. Between sobs, Lisa told me that Harry had just broken up with her. “All he said was that it wasn’t working,” she cried.

I couldn’t believe it. Harry had chosen to break both her heart and his own, rather than break up my whole family with what he’d supposedly done.

Six months on, Lisa’s still deeply confused and upset, and wonders what she did wrong to ruin the relationship.

I can only hope she never finds out what really did – or didn’t – happen that night.

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Nicole Kidman: dieting, motherhood and Tom

It’s hard for Nicole Kidman to avoid the subject of marriage – after all, she’s one of Hollywood’s most famous divorcées.

In the July 2004 issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly, Nicole tells Jenny Cooney Carrillo why she loved being a wife, about her ongoing relationship with Tom Cruise, and why she took the role in a film that questions what men really want in a partner.

In her new film, The Stepford Wives, a remake of the 1975 classic, Nicole plays Joanna Eberhard, a successful TV network president who suffers a nervous breakdown after a reality show disaster. She moves with her husband, Walter (played by Matthew Broderick) and their two children from their Manhattan apartment to the upper-class planned community of Stepford, Connecticut, where all the housewives in town are strangely blissful and subservient to their husbands.

In her open discussion with her friend of 20 years, Nicole reveals why has she chosen to remain single all this time, what she thinks of reports that she and Tom are dating again, and whether she see a man in her future.

She discusses motherhood and the importance of raising her children, and addresses her alleged weight loss.

PLUS five top Aussie men – Jamie Durie, Ray Martin, David Koch, Mikey Robins and Andrew Denton give their views on the perfect wife.

Image from The Stepford Wives

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Arthritis: spotting the problem

Aches and pains of the joints don’t necessarily mean you have arthritis and since the disease has so many forms, diagnosing isn’t always immediate or easy. Some types of arthritis are very common an...

Aches and pains of the joints don’t necessarily mean you have arthritis and since the disease has so many forms, diagnosing isn’t always immediate or easy. Some types of arthritis are very common and easily observed , while others are extremely rare and hard to detect. Some people feel only minor discomfort, while others can suffer extreme pain. If you have joint pains which you think may be arthritis, the sooner you find out what it is and what you can do about it, the better. But, whatever you symptoms, it’s important that you have them correctly diagnosed. TAKE ACTION It’s hard to believe that about 25 per cent of people with arthritis don’t do anything to alleviate their symptoms. This not only causes unnecessary suffering, but actually aggravates the condition and allows it to deteriorate. Arthritis is usually chronic – this means its here to stay. However it needn’t mean a life of constant pain. The symptoms may come and go; there will be some days when it will be hard to believe that anything can help, but others with little or no pain. Rest assured, there are many ways of easing arthritis, and remission – complete control of all inflammation – is possible. ARTHRITIS CHECKLIST If you are in any doubt as to whether your symptoms warrant medical attention, ask yourself these questions:

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My knock-knees made me a champion!

Leisel Jones

The mention of her knock-knees causes champion swimmer Leisel Jones to turn red – then erupt in gales of laughter.

As a gangly 10-year-old, she dreamt of finding catwalk fame as a model, and was convinced her knock-knees were the only things standing in her way.

Such was her zeal to walk straight and tall, she pleaded with her mum Rosemary to let her have an operation.

Little did she know those same knock-knees would be instrumental in her becoming an Olympic champion, a vital tool when doing breaststroke.

“I was so self-conscious about my knees,” Leisel, 18, recalls. “We even went to a doctor about them, but he said an operation wasn’t a good idea as I hadn’t finished growing.

“Thankfully we left it. Now that I know they help me swim, I don’t worry about them.”

Leisel’s focusing instead on trying to win more than one individual gold medal at the Athens Olympics.

Such an achievement would make her the youngest Australian swimmer to achieve this since Shane Gould, who claimed three as a teenager at the 1972 Munich Games.

“It’s probably a bit of a bold prediction,” says Leisel, “but it’s good to set goals. And if nobody’s achieved it since Shane, I’d love to go after it!”

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Being too busy almost killed me

Being too busy almost killed me

Jane Foster was like most hardworking Aussie mums – always on the go, looking after everyone else and having very little time to herself.

In fact, she kept putting off her regular Pap test because she simply didn’t have time to visit her doctor.

“I had been through a divorce, my parents had died and I was raising two teenage daughters. So life was busy,” explains the 45-year-old nurse from Melbourne. “Before all that happened, I used to have a Pap test every second year, without fail.”

Jane never imagined she would get sick, and it was only ever a routine check-up. But one day five years ago she dislocated her shoulder playing basketball. As she was forced to take time off work to recuperate, she made use of the opportunity to catch up on all the little things she had been putting off – such as a Pap test.

When she went back for the results, the doctor told her they were abnormal. “But I wasn’t totally concerned,” she says. “The doctor told me not to stress too much and that I’d have to see a gynaecologist.”

For the next three weeks, Jane’s life was a frightening blur. The gynaecologist performed a cone biopsy – which confirmed that she had cervical cancer – then removed the cancerous part of the cervix.

“But two days later, he phoned to say the cells had spread further than they had thought and I would need to see an oncologist,” Jane says. “I remember thinking, ‘This is much more serious than I thought.'”

After Jane consulted the oncologist, she agreed her best option was to undergo a total hysterectomy.

“I already had my beautiful girls – Kellie, who’s 18, and Jodie, 17 – so I was happy to get rid of my uterus,” says Jane. “I wasn’t using it.”

On September 21, 1998, she had her operation and was in the Royal Women’s Hospital for a week.

She went home and spent the next six weeks without driving or taking on anything too strenuous.

“The time from that first appointment to the operation was only three weeks,” says Jane, who was given the all-clear by her doctors in November. “But then I was off work for six months.

“The irony is that I thought for so long I didn’t even have a spare half-hour for a Pap test. That attitude ended up costing me six months … but it could have cost my life.”

Did you know?

— Cervical cancer accounts for 1.9 percent of all cancers in Australia.

— About 745 new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed each year and around 265 women die from cervical cancer each year.

— Australian women have one-in-170 risk of getting cervical cancer before the age of 75 and one-in-493 risk of dying from cervical cancer before the age of 75.

(Source: Cancer in Australia 2000 — a publication of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and the Australian Association of Cancer Registries.)

When to have a Pap test?

The Cancer Council Australia supports the policy of the National Cervical Screening Program, which is that all women between the ages of 18 and 70 should have a Pap smear every two years. You can obtain more information by calling the council’s Cancer Helpline on 131 120 or visiting these websites:




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Botox cured my sweating

Botox cured my sweating

Soaking romper suits and sodden cot sheets created a watery mystery for Perth mum Barbara Christie – until she discovered the peculiar leak was coming from her baby daughter’s hands and feet.

The sweat dripping from Katherine – then eight months old – was enough to make puddles under her highchair. And her tiny hands were so slippery, she could barely hold her plastic toys.

Then came saturated shoes and wet footprints trailing the barefoot tot about the house. Her bewildered mum – who had been repeatedly told by doctors not to worry – worried.

“They said it would probably go away,” says Barbara, now 45, from the home in Willetton, near Perth, she shares with husband Russell, 45, and their other daughters Jessica, 15, and Lauren, 10.

The older Katherine (now 13) got, the more severe her sweating became, until she was diagnosed with a rare condition, hyperhidrosis, which involves excessive sweating and is crippling to self-esteem. It can occur in the hands, armpits, feet, face or head and happens when the sweat glands are overstimulated.

By the time she was 12, the pretty Perth student had survived schoolyard jibes and muddled through hundreds of primary school humiliations. “The constant sweating was awful,” cringes Katherine. “I could hardly hold my flute any more. And my schoolwork was always smudged.”

“We’d tried all the known treatments and nothing worked,” explains Barbara. “Finally she came to me crying, ‘I can’t live like this any more!'”

Botox brought Katherine the relief she needed – and she became the youngest hyperhidrosis sufferer in the country to reap the benefits of the treatment.

It took 100 injections – 25 in each hand and each foot – to temporarily turn off the tap. Injected into the affected areas, Botox works by paralysing the nerves that stimulate the sweat glands.

But it’s a costly treatment – between $1000 to $1400 for Katherine’s hands alone – and is often painful. The price depends on the severity of the condition, as it relates to dosage and varies from patient to patient. It also provides only a temporary cure.

The procedure must be repeated at least twice a year to keep the determined Year 9 student symptom-free. “But it’s worth it!” beams Katherine.

The man behind the amazing turnaround is Perth cosmetic physician Dr Michael Molton, who says Katherine’s case of hyperhidrosis was the worst he’d ever seen.

“The impact on her life was very severe and I considered Katherine a genuine case,” he says.

The risks, including numbness or weakening of the treated muscles, didn’t deter the teen. Barbara says, “Katherine’s condition had attacked her self-esteem and my clever girl stopped following her dreams. Some things are just more important than money.

“I have to give my special thanks to Dr Molton from the Restoration Clinic of WA, who has helped with sponsorship for Katherine’s treatment. It’s changed all our lives for the better.”

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Tiny Jessica Lopez lies on a blanket on the floor of her parents’ Sydney home. While she looks like one of the most fragile creatures on Earth, her appearance belies the strength that saw her survive when her mother Philippa contracted listeria while pregnant.

“Babies of mums who catch it are usually stillborn,” explains Philippa, 35. “We’re very lucky to have Jessica. The fact she was born alive was nothing short of a miracle.”

At 26 weeks pregnant, Philippa was working at a bank when she felt so sick she had to go home to bed. When she began getting contractions at 2am, her husband Javier, 36, drove her straight to Sutherland Hospital in southern Sydney.

“First they attached a monitor to make sure Jessica was still alive,” Philippa recalls. “When it showed she was okay, I was transferred to the Royal Hospital for Women at Randwick in case she had to be delivered.”

Twenty-four hours later, Jessica was born by emergency caesarean. She weighed just 1.05kg and was 40cm long.

Further tests revealed Philippa had contracted a bacterial infection, which had caused Jessica’s premature arrival.

“I’ve been racking my brain trying to think how I caught listeria,” she says. “But I could have picked it up from something as simple as a lettuce leaf not being washed properly, chicken not cooked properly or food at a restaurant that hadn’t been prepared hygienically…I guess we’ll never know.”

Jessica spent nearly three months in hospital battling complications of her premature birth, including a heart condition.

She went home at the beginning of September, weeks before she was even supposed to have been born!

“I put Jessica’s survival down to prayers and the skill of the doctors and nurses,” Philippa says, gazing adoringly at her determined daughter. “And, of course, her own strength and will to live. She’s a very tough little girl.”

What is listeria?

Listeria is a bacterial infection you can get from eating contaminated food. The infection is rare and causes few or no symptoms in healthy people, but it can be very dangerous in some cases, particularly during pregnancy.

If you get a listeria infection when you’re having a baby, there’s a high risk it will be transmitted to your unborn child. It could lead to miscarriage, stillbirth or premature birth. It could also make a newborn baby very ill.

How to reduce the risk

For your health and your baby’s during pregnancy, it’s important to select a nutritious diet from a wide variety of foods, such as vegetables, fruit, fish, dairy, bread, cereals, pasta, lean meat, eggs and nuts.

However, it’s important you eat only freshly cooked or freshly prepared food. Don’t eat anything if there’s any doubt about how hygienically it has been stored or prepared. Avoid foods that could contain listeria – mostly chilled, ready-to-eat foods such as the following:

— Soft cheese (such as camembert, ricotta)

— Takeaway cooked chicken (as used in chicken sandwiches)

— Cold meats and pâté

— Pre-prepared or stored salads

— Raw seafood (oysters and sashimi)

— Smoked seafood (salmon and oysters, but canned seafood is safe)

Source: Food Standards Australia New Zealand. For more information, visit www.foodstandards.gov.au

Picture posed by model.

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Kim Goodwin was just 11 when her nightmare started. It began with the periods from hell – severe cramping and bleeding keeping her in bed for days every month and needing to use up to 60 sanitary pads a day.

“I regularly missed school and later took sickies from work,” says Kim, now 36. “My life revolved around the pain.”

Gynaecologists and GPs couldn’t find a physical cause, so they put the problem down to her psyche. Even her parents believed the doctors.

“I was prescribed anti-depressants and told to stop whingeing. No-one was taking me seriously,” Kim says. For years she lived with the pain, until her sister’s engagement party. “I’ll never forget it,” she says. “Surrounded by guests, I suddenly had such a flood of bleeding I almost passed out.”

At 29 she begged her doctor to remove her uterus. “As much as I wanted kids, I was willing to make this sacrifice. I believed it was the only option left.”

When she woke after the operation, the surgeon told her she had endometriosis, a chronic uterine disease. Kim was devastated: “I had never heard of endo. Had I known about it, my life could have been completely different. I wouldn’t have had the radical operation. At least, I would have tried other treatments first.”

Determined to help others with endo, Kim is president of the Endometriosis Association of Queensland and hopes to prevent others suffering her fate. “If period pain stops you from leading a normal life, have it investigated. You’re the best person to know how severe it is. Don’t ignore it,” she says.

Do you have endo?

“Up to 10 percent of women suffer from endometriosis,” says Dr Geoffrey Reid, co-founder of the Endometriosis Care Centre of Australia (ECCA).

It is a chronic condition where the lining of the uterus is found outside the uterus, such as on the ovaries, bowel or bladder. The misplaced tissue goes through the same monthly cycle as normal tissue, but the blood stays inside the pelvis, causing inflammation, cysts and sometimes sticky masses that can glue organs together.

Common symptoms

According to Dr Reid, endo often goes undiagnosed. Symptoms include severe period pain, heavy bleeding or premenstrual spotting, pain with intercourse, lower-back or thigh pain and bladder or bowel pain during your period.

Is there treatment?

Surgery is the most effective treatment. Other options are hormonal drugs and natural therapies such as herbs, special diet, meditation and yoga.

  • For more information, visit the Endometriosis Care Centre of Australia (ECCA): www.ecca.com.au

Picture posed by model.

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