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Breast cancer screening and treatment

Screening and treatment techniques in Australia are becoming more specific, refined and effective each year.

Screening and treatment techniques in Australia are becoming more specific, refined and effective each year. Diagnosis A lump is less likely to be misdiagnosed today due to improvement in screening technology and practice. Higher resolution of images in mammography and ultrasound means smaller cancers are being identified earlier by specialised operators. Biopsy is then used to remove cells from the actual tumour so they can be tested for cancer. In the pipeline are sharper imaging techniques, such as digital mammography, which converts breast x-rays to computer images and magnetic resonance imaging, which is like a CAT scan of the breast.

Surgery As recently as 20 years ago, mastectomy was a disfiguring operation that often involved the removal of muscle under the breast and near the armpit, leaving little more than skin over ribs. Today more breast and muscle tissue is conserved without compromising a woman’s outcome, and greater attention is paid to cosmetic results. For tumours smaller than 2cm, a lumpectomy is usually conducted to remove the tumour and a small rim of normal breast tissue around it. If the cancer is caught early, this is just as effective as breast removal.

Chemotherapy To kill any stray cancer cells that might have spread through the body, most women have to undergo chemo. In recent years, the delivery of chemotherapy has vastly improved so it causes fewer side-effects, boosting the quality of life for women being treated for breast cancer.

Radiotherapy Since the 1970s, radiotherapy has steadily improved, reducing the likelihood of breast cancer recurrence after surgery.

Tamoxifen The gold star treatment for women with hormone responsive breast cancer, tamoxifen has significantly improved survival chances by reducing recurrence. It works by blocking the oestrogen sites that feed a hormonally related breast cancer, stunting its growth.

Antibody therapy Up to 30 per cent of breast cancers involve a receptor called HER-2/neu, which sits like moss on the surface of breast cancer cells and stimulates their growth. The antidote is Herceptin, a drug containing an antibody which attaches itself to the receptors and interrupts their action.

Cosmetic options After mastectomy, women now have better cosmetic choices. They can choose prosthetics or a range of breast reconstruction options.

Prosthetics: Rubberised or silicon breast prosthetics can be worn in a special bra to even out weight between the breasts and ensure correct posture.

Breast reconstruction: There are three techniques:

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Put to the test

If you are starting a new fitness program with a gym or personal trainer chances are the first stop is an assessment of your current status.

If you are starting a new fitness program with a gym or personal trainer chances are the first stop is an assessment of your current status. While qualified fitness instructors are well trained at assessing your fitness levels, you may want to consider taking a combined fitness and health evaluation under medical supervision, before you embark on your latest fitness phase. Let’s take a look at what will be put to the test, if it’s been a while since you body has been through the paces. Why are evaluations important? The most important reason is to check that your body is in sufficient shape to safely participate in regular physical activity. Particular focus should be on your cardiovascular risk factors and how your heart performs under exercise stress. However, an assessment will also provide valuable information to help plan your fitness program, such as target areas to concentrate on (abs!!) and any areas to watch out for like spinal or knee problems. When is a medically supervised assessment needed? The main difference between types of evaluations is whether or not they are medically supervised. If you undertake a test at a sports medicine facility you would expect a far greater emphasis on your medical history and the use of sophisticated equipment to measure certain parameters. These types of tests are recommended if you’re over 40 years, are overweight, have a particular medical condition e.g. high blood pressure or diabetes, have a sports or other injury or are getting started after a long time of being a lounge lizard. They’re also a great way for the “fit” to help find that edge to improve performance. What’s involved in a medically supervised assessment? The medically supervised assessment may involve:

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Box car

These recipes and craft ideas come from The Best of Children's Art & Crafts.

These recipes and craft ideas come from The Best of Children’s Art & Crafts. You will need: large cardboard box, top flaps cut off powder paint in bowls paintbrushes 4 large paper plates paper fasteners, about 2cm in length 2 foil pie plates or small paper plates covered in foil felt-tipped pen small polystyrene packing tray heavy string or cord masking tape stapler scissors Step 1 Adult: using scissors, cut a hole in bottom of box large enough to slip over child’s hips. Step 2 Turn box upside down. Paint top and sides of box. Allow to dry. Step 3 Adult: using scissors, pierce two holes in each long side of box, where wheels are to be attached. Pierce holes in centre of paper plates. Attach plates to sides of box with paper fasteners. Cover pointed ends of fasteners inside box with tape. Step 4 Use two foil pie plates as headlights. Adult: using scissors, pierce two holes in one short side of box, where headlights are to be attached. Pierce holes in centre of foil plates. Attach plates to box with paper fasteners. Cover pointed ends of fasteners inside box with tape. Step 5 Using felt-tipped pen, write your name on packing tray to make personalised number plate. Tape or staple to back of box. Step 6 Adult: using scissors, pierce hole in centre of each long sideof box, at the top. Thread string or cord through one hole. Tie a double knot so it cannot slip through hole. Step 7 Step into box and pull it up to the waist. Adult: pull string or cord around back of child’s neck, then thread through second hole. Tie a double knot to secure string or cord. The car is now ready for a ride. Make a train by adding more boxes as carriages. Turn boxes upside-down on the ground, one behind the other, and children can climb aboard for a train ride.

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Dieting for dogs


Dear Julie,

My corgi is 7kg overweight. Could you prescribe a diet for her to lose weight?

John Gardner, via e-mail.


Dear John,

I’d be interested in whether you are comparing your corgi’s weight to an average chart weight, or whether someone has told you this. Either way, you are definitely on the right track by getting her on a diet now. For overweight dogs, arthritis and joint pain, as well as heart and breathing problems, are much more common. Diabetes is also a worry when animals are obese.

If you haven’t already done so, taking her for a check up with your vet would be a sensible way to start. Although excessive weight is usually due to eating too many calories and not burning them off, there can be medical causes to consider, such as an under active thyroid. Your vet will also give her a body score and determine her ideal weight.

Once she’s been given a clean bill of health, you can start her on a calorie-reduced diet and exercise program. Slow and steady definitely wins the race — get your vet to give you a target weight to aim for over 12 weeks, which is attainable and reasonable. You can take her in every few weeks to see what she weighs and adjust things accordingly.

The diet must be complete and balanced. You can, with the help of your vet, formulate a homemade diet that is low in fat and energy, but it must contain all the nutrients she needs to remain healthy. There are plenty of good quality, commercial weight-reducing foods available (dry and tinned), which will provide her with a balanced diet while restricting the calories. Each food will have its own feeding guide to follow, depending on her ideal weight.

The other main issue is consistency in the family — everyone has to agree to no sneaky tidbits (no matter how cute she looks!) or they come out of her daily allowance of diet food! Also get her walking once to twice a day to help shed that fat.

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Leaving your dog


When leaving your house, always give your dog a pat and say goodbye. If you get your dog used to this and let them know that you are leaving they are less likely to get annoyed and curious about why they are locked outside.


Matt Linney, via e-mail.

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I stole from my Grandma

Each day I worked hard at my low-paying job, trying my best to make ends meet. Then the credit card bills arrived. I owed more than $500 and the payments were long overdue.

I took a walk to let it slowly slip my mind. I walked around to my Grandma’s place, which is often a sanctuary for me to relieve my stress. It was late afternoon when I arrived and was greeted sweetly by my Grandma’s loving arms.

She welcomed me in and showed me to her small couch, which smelt quite ancient. I wondered if she would ever get around to buying a new one. The thought disappeared when grandma returned with a cup of hot tea.

I attempted conversation but with her old age setting in, my Grandma had begun to forget things and repeat herself. My eyes wandered in boredom, resting on some crisp hundred-dollar notes on her shelf. I stared for a while, my mind blank. Then it twigged — money. Those debts had been playing on my mind all day. I don’t know what I was thinking at the time, but I saw the answer. I was like a dog staring at a bird, but only seeing a roast piece of meat.

I was money hungry, and knowing my Grandmother’s forgetful ways, I knew I could get away with it. As she returned the cups to the kitchen I stood quietly, checking that she couldn’t see me. As the coast was clear, I sprung for the money, slightly hesitant. But in a hurry I made the split second decision to stash the cash.

I pocketed the hundreds, guilt setting in on her return. I began to think of possible scenarios. Maybe I could return it — what if she noticed? Then the thought of my awful bills flickered in my mind. As I tried to make casual chitchat, I could almost feel the notes in my pocket. With my theft weighing heavily on my conscience, I left hurriedly and almost suspiciously.

Yes, in the end the stolen money did pay the bills that had constantly nagged me at the back of my mind, but nothing compares to betraying a person who is always there for you. I feel worse than ever now with my Grandmother in hospital recovering from eye surgery. I will somehow make it up to my Grandmother, hopefully. But she could never know what I did.

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Painful plucking


I’ve recently started plucking my eyebrows and find it such a painful experience. I love it when they’re nicely groomed, but it hurts a lot. Do you have any suggestions on how to make this beauty routine less torturous?

Kat, via e-mail.


It can be a painful experience the fist time you pluck, but nicely shaped brows highlight your eyes and frame your face. Here are a few tips to make it easier.

Pluck after a warm shower, when the follicles become slightly swollen and hair tends to come away more easily. Before you begin, dab on a little Bonjela (used for teething babies to numb their gums, available from pharmacies). When you’ve finished plucking, apply fresh aloe vera (available from health food stores) to soothe your skin.

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Calcium counter

Use this counter to help you keep your calcium levels on track. Your bones will support you for life!
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Eating for a healthy heart

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and disability in Australia. There’s so much information around about eating for a healthy heart and you may feel that you’ve got it covered. However, a recent survey by the Heart Foundation showed that confusion still reigns when it comes to nutrition messages.

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and disability in Australia. There’s so much information around about eating for a healthy heart and you may feel that you’ve got it covered. However, a recent survey by the Heart Foundation showed that confusion still reigns when it comes to nutrition messages. What’s your heart health IQ? The Heart Foundation recently released a report that found too few Australian adults recognize the lifestyle factors contributing to cardiovascular disease. When asked what can increase a person’s risk of cardiovascular disease:

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Six ways to laugh off stress

Stress is not funny – in fact, a recent study from the American Heart Association shows that mental stress constricts blood vessels and can therefore lead to a stroke. The simplest remedy for this problem? Laughter.

Stress is not funny – in fact, a recent study from the American Heart Association shows that mental stress constricts blood vessels and can therefore lead to a stroke. The simplest remedy for this problem? Laughter. Apart from boosting the activity of your immune system’s natural killer cells, laughing helps reduce the amount of adrenalin and cortisol that your body produces when stressed, and expands capillaries, thereby improving the flow of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. The next time stress threatens to get a grip, try one of these easy techniques to lighten up: Yell When pressure’s mounting, even just imagining yourself shouting “Wheeee!” at the top of your voice lightens your mood. Better yet, open your mouth and shout “Stop it now!” Be a drama queen Dredge a laugh out of a last-straw-breaking-the-camel’s-back type of situation by exaggerating your reaction to it. Someone’s left wet towels on the bathroom floor again? Fling your wrist to your forehead and go for it: “MY GOD! Not again! I can’t stand it! …” Have a laugh-fest Rent some comedy classics. Pore over the Sunday comics, or read light-hearted, witty stories. Spin out If you can’t step backwards from stress mentally, do it physically. Stand up from your desk, say whatever’s bugging you out loud, and then spin around in circles. It’s a liberating thing to do, and gives some distance between you and the problem. Play around Find crayons and draw a picture, blow bubbles, or look out some of your favourite old toys and games. Force a smile Dr Bernie Siegel, an expert in the field of mind-body medicine, has said that even if you just pretend to be happy, by forcing a smile or a laugh, your body will still react by producing fewer stress hormones.

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