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I always pluck my eyebrows but is it better to wax them?



This is very much a personal choice. I personally don’t like the idea of waxing eyebrows as I feel the skin around this area is very fine and constant waxing can weaken or irritate the skin around the eye area. If you prefer to wax, make sure you go to a professional beauty therapist who has been trained to pull away the wax properly.

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Shoes and handbags

**Should you match your shoes to your top colour or your handbag?

Nicole, by email.**

The old rule was that you match your shoes with your handbag, but nowadays the rules of fashion are not so rigid. For example, if you’re wearing a pink top with jeans you could easily wear a great pink shoe for an extra touch of colour and wear a neutral casual bag or perhaps a more dressy clutch.

The AWW Fashion Team

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Pants for tall women

Classic steamed Christmas pudding

**You had a fashion question from a young girl who was 5’11” and couldn’t find pants. There is a store called Long Legs Fashions For Tall Women that caters to tall women and you can shop online. The website is www.longlegs.ca.

Just thought I would let you know because I am tall too and know how hard it is to find nice stylish trendy clothes.

Nina, by email.**

Here’s a great hot tip from a fellow long-legged reader on where to find clothes to fit tall women. This store offers an extensive range of clothing: dressy, casual, active wear, maternity wear and accessories that are all suitable for tall women.

The AWW Fashion Team

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Shoes for a cream dress

**What colour shoes would look best with a long cream coloured satin formal dress? It has yellow tones and I cannot figure it out. I am 23 and have been told gold, but to me gold is for older people. Help please!

Jessica, by email.**

A gold strappy number would do the trick, and it’s certainly not old! Gorgeous metallic strappy heels are must have shoes this season so they shouldn’t be too difficult to find. Try Zomp Shoez, Nine West, Mollini, Midas, or Gary Castles. Also try Myer and David Jones for some really modern styles. This will be much younger than trying to match your shoes to your actual dress colour. A fabulous gold strappy heel is a red carpet favourite with all the young celebrities.

The AWW Fashion Team

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Frangipani wedding

**My partner and I are considering a beach wedding featuring frangipani flowers. What style of dress and shoes would you recommend? I am 170cm and weigh 65kg.

Shar, by email.**

Try a more relaxed style gown for a beach wedding, or a very simple strapless dress that is both flattering and elegant. You could add a sheer floaty chiffon overlay or wrap that would move prettily in a sea breeze. Steer away from the traditional bright white and go for a creamy or off-white dress that will be in tone with the frangipanis, giving you a softer look. Wear your hair in a relaxed style, rather than stiff, and add a few flowers as a finishing touch.

The AWW Fashion Team

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Feline Immunodeficiency Virus


I would like to know if cats can get AIDS? I have a female cat — is there any way she contracted it from other cats? We have some strays hanging around sometimes and while she is inside at night she spends most of her time outside through the day.

Nicole, via e-mail.


Feline Immunodeficiency Virus is a viral disease in cats that attacks the immune system, not unlike HIV. It is not highly contagious and the main mode of infection is through the saliva, transferred by bite wounds when cats fight. While we don’t know the exact incidence of FIV (because we don’t routinely test), it is higher in outdoor male cats that do a lot of fighting.

It can cause fever and transient illness initially and the infection stays with the cat for life. There may not be any further symptoms of illness (ie. it stays in a carrier state) or it may cause the cat to suffer recurrent infections later down the track. If a pet is diagnosed with this condition, it is advisable to keep it inside all the time to avoid the risk of spreading the disease and reduce the chances of the cat picking up any other infections that could worsen its health.

Unfortunately, there is no cure but there is a new vaccine that has just been released in Australia, so if you are concerned you could speak to your vet about testing and immunization.

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I dobbed my boss into the tax authorities

I had just moved from the city to the outer suburbs and was looking for work in my chosen profession. I found the salaries offered to be less than adequate and accepted a position offering a paltry salary with the written promise of a wage increase if all targets were met within the next 12 months.

The company receptionist happened to be a major gossip and one afternoon delighted in telling me how most of the people working in senior management also had their significant others listed on the payroll (ie, the financial controller earned $40k per year and his wife was also on the payroll earning $40k — less tax to pay on two separate incomes than on a single wage of $80k).

In addition to this, the company’s managing director also had his ex-wife and teenage children on the company’s payroll. I worked for the company for about 18 months and approximately half of the people listed on his company’s payroll never set a foot in the office or made a work-related phone call to our office.

After 12 months had passed, all targets had not only been met but also surpassed. The company’s owner (who was also the managing director) made a sad speech about how he’d just outlaid money for the new premises — not mentioning the $2000 per month the company was lashing out on his “company car” and the $4000 per month the company paid to the bank for his boat that had never seen a company function in its life.

He also forgot to mention his ex-wife and three teenage children attending private schools that were on the payroll to the tune of $12,000 per month. The ex-wife was listed as senior manager on $80,000 and the children were listed as employees all earning $25,000 per year — which also just happened to be the same amount as the private schools’ annual fees.

I was told my wage increase could not be met and that a new promise was on offer. The increase offered was substantially lower than the figures originally agreed on and in addition this salary increase would not be included in my base salary but instead would be offered as an incentive to achieve an even higher target than the one I had just achieved.

I expressed my displeasure at this and was surprised to find that both the managing director and financial controller thought I was being unfair in not accepting their “generous” offer. It was explained to me that this new offer was “amazing and extremely fair” and they could not understand why I didn’t agree with them.

Discussions were had and I decided to leave as I had been offered a position with one of our company’s clients. Before leaving, I set a plan in motion. I contacted the taxation office to confirm that due to the nature of information I had access to, the “Agreement of Non-Disclosure” I had signed with said company was null and void.

Time went by and I was now working for the ex-boss’s major client when a rumour swept through the office. I made some enquiries and found that the tax office had completed an investigation based on my information.

The company no longer exists and the owner/managing director no longer owns a waterfront property, a huge yacht or an obnoxiously expensive motor vehicle. I also heard his kids are now finishing their education at some of our state’s finest public schools.

What a hard way for a man to learn that “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”.

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Six ways to look better now

Diet, exercise, sleep and other good health habits are the key to looking good. But sometimes you need a quick fix to look better straightaway. Try these 6 tricks:

1. Move gracefully

If you don’t, you look old and tired. Poor posture can result even from just slinging your handbag over the same shoulder every day.

2. Try do-it-yourself reflexology

If you’re relaxed, you look better. Press your thumb into your solar plexus pressure point, located just below the ball of your foot. Hold and repeat on your other foot.

3. Mist your face

Dull, dry skin magnifies fine lines, so lightly spray on this blend whenever skin feels tight. Combine in a pump bottle ½ cup still mineral water, ¼ cup witch hazel, and 3 drops chamomile oil. Stored in a cool dry place, it keeps indefinitely.

4. Heal rough hands

Before bed, slather hands with almond oil. Slip on cotton gloves (or old socks). By morning they’ll be baby-soft and smooth.

5. Think loving thoughts

Sit quietly with your eyes closed. Gently bring to mind a happy memory of a friend or a child. Breathe in deeply through your nose for a count of 4 – then exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. Positive thoughts make you glow from the inside out.

6. The cold teaspoon

The secret weapon of make-up artists is a cold teaspoon. Place two in the freezer for 2 minutes, then hold over puffy eyes. The spoons’ bowls fit the contours of the eye perfectly and, unlike cucumber slices, the metal stays cold long enough to really make a difference.

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Constipation: a new approach

From The Australian Women’s Weekly Health Series: Constipation. Buy the Book.

The toileting position and muscle action you are used to will influence whether you empty your bowels effortlessly, inadvertently strain or obviously strain over time. Whether you sit or squat to defecate (empty your bowels) depends on your ethnic group, and whether you use your muscles correctly or incorrectly is the result of habit determined by custom. Interestingly, squatting is the way nature intended humans and some animals to empty their bowels. Dogs, for example, share with humans the same basic design and programming of the cylinder and action muscles. And when dogs have difficulty defecating, they show similar straining actions.

Many factors can upset the performance of your internal cylinder of support, including:

  • A chronic chest condition such as asthma or emphysema

  • Lifestyle activities, including hard physical labour or heavy lifting

  • Overdevelopment of certain muscles, caused by too many sit-ups

  • Childbirth, and the way you push in childbirth

  • Self-image and self-esteem, which affect your posture

  • Whether you are male or female. Men and women have the same muscle structure for toileting yet at different periods in history cultures have set different norms. (The early Greek historian Herodotus describes Egyptian women working while their men stayed at home. The women emptied their bladders standing up, the men did it sitting down.)

Bad habits begin when, as a child, you learn to use the “big” toilet. As boys get older, they tend to adapt, while girls strain. It’s a matter of anatomy: as their genitalia grow, boys sit right back on the toilet for comfort. The way you sit determines how and where you push. Both sexes think they perform the same action, yet men sit right back with their legs apart, while women hover or perch in a “ladylike fashion” and often don’t have time to stay – all of which is inefficient.

Unwittingly, women also give bad advice to one another, such as motherly advice about public toilets, and incorrect pushing instructions during childbirth and labour. Women are also often willing victims of the fickle fashion industry, the dictates of which may affect our posture. The way a woman pushes is based on a variety of life experiences.

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The 7 principles of healthy eating

If you look past the fads and the spin, what we should actually be eating is pretty simple and these seven principles have been around for a long time.

If you look past the fads and the spin, what we should actually be eating is pretty simple and these seven principles have been around for a long time.

1. Swap bad fats for good fats

Aim to eat less saturated fat (the kind in fatty cuts of meat) and trans fats (the hydrogenated kinds in commercial baked goods). Brush bread with olive oil or mashed avocado, try hummus and tahini for exotic meal additions and prepare food with good quality olive oil.

2. Have one vegetarian day a week

Beans, legumes and nuts can turn a meatless dish – for example, a thick lentil soup with chewy multigrain bread, or a stir-fry with almonds – into a satisfying and inexpensive meal.

3. Eat fish twice a week

Salmon and other fatty fish are rich sources of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, but tuna – canned or fresh – is also good, and it’s cheaper. If you don’t like fatty fish, white fish can be just as good.

4. Put leafy greens on every plate

They are full of B vitamins, including folic acid, and fibre.

5. Go for wholegrains

Trade white flour products for varieties made with whole grain flour, often called whole wheat. Diets rich in whole grains have been shown to lower the risk of disease.

6. Eat fruit

Got a sweet tooth? Satisfy it with the most delicious fruit you can find. Apart from being high in fibre, fruit is also a great source of antioxidants such as vitamin C, which protects the body from damage to cells and tissues.

7. Kick the white habit

White rice, refined flour and refined sugars can easily be replaced by brown or wild rice, wholemeal flour and fruit. Choosing foods that provide a slow blood sugar response is a smart way to make sure you get the longer lasting energy you need. There are even low GI potatoes that are more slowly digested than regular potatoes and lower GI breads on your supermarket shelf.

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