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The Siamese

This purrsonality-plus puss is the pet for those who want an intense relationship with a character cat. No shrinking violet, the Siamese both demands and provides extremely stimulating companionship.

Extraordinarily intelligent, inquisitive and resourceful, the Siamese usually insists on participating in all facets of your daily activities ? whether it be reading the newspaper with you or doing the housework.

Impossible to ignore, this is a breed with a very definite opinion on just about everything, which it insists on sharing! The Siamese is an extremely vocal cat. Although some Siamese are more talkative or have louder voices than others, most of these cats love a chat. Whether it’s discussing what’s for dinner or which TV program to watch, this opinionated puss is sure to have something to say on the subject.

The dominant personality and individualistic ways of the Siamese can be enchanting and exasperating all at the same time. This is undoubtedly part of the attraction of these fascinating felines ? life will never be dull with a sleek and sassy Siamese by your side.

Despite their sometimes wilful ways, Siamese are steadfastly loyal and devoted to their owners. They tend to mellow out as they get older, so they are just as well suited to being close confidantes of the elderly as energetic playmates for the young. Male Siamese are often somewhat quieter than females.

Kittens are born white, with the darker colouring developing on the “points” ? ears, face, tail and feet ? from three to seven days of age. Eye colour is always a beautiful vivid blue.

The breed’s striking appearance, “in your face” personality, devoted disposition and companionable character ensures it has a legion of fans wherever it goes. For those who cherish individuality and self-expression in pets as well as people, the Siamese offers a deeply rewarding relationship.

In a nutshell, the Siamese is a very special feline friend for lovers of free spirits!

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Screeching budgie


We’ve had our budgie for a few years now and he won’t stop screeching. It’s driving us all mad. We tried putting him into another room but it doesn’t help. What can we do? Eve Burrage, Perth, WA.


You need to try and work out what the trigger for his screeching is. Does he screech when you are around, after you stop giving him attention, or are out of the room?

Birds can become overstimulated, so he needs to be covered up and put into a darkened room for 12 hours a day to provide a “proper” rest period.

Make sure there’s lots of toys to keep him busy, and only give treats or attention when he is quiet and calm. Spend time with him, as boredom may well be a cause.

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Cleaning your pet’s ears


What’s the best way to clean my pet’s ears?


You can easily clean your pet’s ears by wiping them with cotton wool and peroxide. It cleans away the gunk really easily and the peroxide dries quickly so it doesn’t annoy your pet for too long.


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My best friend’s parents

Sally and I have been best friends since we were in year one together. We were next to each other in roll call as both of our last names begin with “t”. We shared everything — dolls, sandwiches and secrets, the way little girls do. We told each other everything and promised to be best friends forever and to never keep a secret.

We loved visiting each other’s homes and from the time we were young we would imagine ourselves being part of each other’s family. To me, Sally’s hippy parents seemed liberal and exciting, allowing Sally to do whatever she pleased and encouraging her in any dream she chose to express. My parents were the complete opposite. For them, bringing up children was all about rules and discipline. Sally, so used to complete freedom, actually loved coming to my house where we had to say grace before eating dinner and had daily chores set out in a roster. When we grew older we would laugh, certain that we had been switched at birth. It was hilarious to us that we seemed to be in the wrong families.

One day in high school I was staying overnight at Sally’s house, studying for an English exam we had the next day. I needed a new pen as the ink in mine had run out and Sally directed me to her parents’ study to get another. True to form, her parents’ study was as messy as any teenager’s room. I looked all over the desk for a pen but could not find one. Without thinking, I began to look in the drawers but all I could see were files containing papers. Sticking out of one of the files was a piece of paper. It looked like a birth certificate. I pulled it out and looked closer. It was for a baby named Jane Shutle, born on the same date as Sally. Puzzled, I looked further only to be shocked to my core when I found the adoption papers that told me my friend Sally was really Jane and her parents weren’t her biological parents.

Swallowing tears I stuffed the papers back in the file and shut the drawer. Sally was adopted! She really was from another family! But however much we had both joked about our parents, I knew that Sally loved hers, as I did mine, dearly. I didn’t know why her parents had chosen not to tell her she was adopted, but I could never tell her I knew their secret. That secret was now mine too.

We are now adults starting our own families and I only hope that one day Sally’s parents can tell her the truth. It breaks my heart that I must keep this secret from my closest friend.

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Curling hair


It’s fine if you have time to use curling tongs, but what if you don’t? Is there a cream you can put in your hair that will make it curly? There are hair straightening products — are there hair curling products?

Stephanie Ross


Yes, there are a number of products you can use to enhance your natural curls or to help create curls. Sunsilk has a shampoo and conditioner, while L’Oréal has a range of styling products to help give body and bounce.

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Tipping hairdressers


I am newly arrived in Australia from the United States. I have been advised that tipping employees of many establishments is not customary here. My question is: do I tip the hairdresser and beauty therapist? I want to make sure I am giving my girls proper compensation.

Melissa, via email.


No, unlike the United States, its not customary to tip your hairdresser or beauty therapist unless you feel you would like to show your appreciation. Your regular and continued patronage at a salon should be enough to ensure you get great service.

The AWW Beauty Team

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Finding foundation without SPF



Hope you can help! Can you tell me what make-up ranges have a foundation that does NOT contain SPF? I get an allergic reaction even to the ones with only 5% SPF and it would seem that every foundation i pick up in the stores has a SPF in it. I have been using a product from SHE, which is based on using Zinc oxide as sunscreen, but it has recently become unavailable – I was told by my supplier that SHE are re-vamping their products. I am not a great fan of powder based products as I think they accentuate my facial hair. Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Anne Latimer, via email.


Try using one of the mineral based foundations from ranges like I.D. Bare Escentuals (Ph: 1800 808 993), Glo Minerals (Ph: 1800 66 44 55) or Jane Iredale (Ph: 1300 850 008).

They’re made from 100% pure minerals and are free from preservatives, talc, oil fragrances and dyes, so they’re perfect for the most sensitive skins or skins suffering from conditions like acne or rosacea. They still provide SPF protection but without the chemicals and there are both powder and liquid foundation formulations in all these ranges.

The AWW Beauty Team

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Applying eyeshadow



I was just wondering if you could provide me with some insider tips on how to apply eye shadow like a pro. I find when I apply it, a greasy looking crease forms on my eyelids.

Emma, via email.


To start with, you need the right tools. The best shape brush is one with a bevelled shaped end. With this brush you can use the wide side to smooth eyeshadow over the lid or the diagonal edge to apply the shadow along the lash line.

One of the secrets to using a brush is not overloading it with shadow. Apply a little at a time, and build up until you’re happy with the intensity.

To avoid a crease in the eyeshadow apply an oil free moisturiser over the lid area, wait a few moments, then apply a little transparent loose powder. Finally, apply your regular shadow.

The AWW Beauty Team

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Cracked heels

This Body of Death


I’ve noticed with age that I have developed cracked heals. Is there anything that I can do to stop this from happening?

Joan, via email.


Cracked, dry and/or calloused heels can generally be blamed on open backed sandals or slides. Cracks occur when the skin is too dry or too thick, so you need to keep the skin as thin as possible by either seeing a podiatrist or scrubbing the skin yourself at home. To assist at home, you will need to keep your heels well moisturised with products containing salicylic acid or urea. These special moisturisers help dissolve the calloused skin and make it easier to scrub off with a foot file.

The AWW Beauty Team

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Body exfoliants


I’m a little confused about body exfoliants. Why use them? Do they actually do anything? Which one is the best to use on the body? And how do I use them?

Sam, via email.


I hope I can assist in clearing up your confusion. Firstly, you need to exfoliate your body twice a week (or once a week if you have dry skin) not only makes your skin look better, it can be a soul reviver that releases emotional and physical tension.

There are many tools for buffing away dead skin and stimulate blood circulation. These include:

  • The dry buff: before showering or bathing, gently brush your body with a body brush or a damp loofah.

  • Scrub creams: They can be used before you get wet, or on damp skin. To avoid wasting any precious product (or water), turn off the shower while you apply it.

  • Salt and oil: Sea salt and olive oil make a great body scrub for young skin.

  • Beauty bars: stroke your body with the whole bar.

The AWW Beauty Team

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