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Stretch marks


For a general all-over body moisturising cream, is Sorbolene better than Vitamin E? Please note there are stretch marks here to eliminate also.



Sorbelene cream will not eliminate stretch marks. There are, however, a number of over the counter products available, such as Skin Doctors Stretch Away Stretch Mark Reduction Cream, which is available from pharmacies nationally.

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2005 short story competition

The Australian Women’s Weekly is delighted to announce that publishing giant, Penguin Australia, have become our partners in what has become one of the biggest and most popular writing contests in Australia.

The 2005 short story competition will be launched in August at the Byron Bay Writers Festival by the Editorial Director of The Australian Women’s Weekly, Deborah Thomas.

The Australian Women’s Weekly/Penguin Short Story Contest will offer fantastic cash prizes along with some excellent publishing opportunities. It will close early in 2006. The all important entry coupon, dates, conditions of entry and all other information about the contest will appear in the August 2005 issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

From all your emails, phone calls and letters we have been receiving, we know a lot of people have been waiting for the contest to re-commence. We thank you for your patience, look forward to reading your stories and wish you the best of luck.

Happy writing!

Carol George

Literary Editor

The Australian Women’s Weekly

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Michelle Pfeiffer

She has played a murderous mum, a witch, a mobster’s wife, a French aristocrat and a steamy chanteuse, but perhaps Michelle Pfeiffer’s most enduring and favourite role – aside from being a mother – is as muse and glamorous clotheshorse for fashion icon Giorgio Armani.

Theirs is a mutually rewarding relationship: he makes her look good and she makes his clothes look sensational. Yet, more than that, they share a close friendship that began more than 20 years when the Italian designer first noticed Michelle’s slink and scornful sass in the 1983 movie, Scarface, when she was only 23, and offered to dress her.

“I didn’t know people in the movie industry did such things,” says Michelle, one of Hollywood’s most reclusive stars. “I remember thinking, ‘Why do I want someone to dress me? I can dress myself. And who is Giorgio Armani?’ I was totally clueless when it came to fashion and have pretty much remained that way. But, thanks to him, it has gone pretty much undetected all these years.”

Although she hasn’t made a movie since 2002, when she gave a chilling portrayal of a manipulative mother and murderer in White Oleander, Michelle Pfeiffer is still regarded as one of the best actresses of her generation. And she remains one of the most beautiful women in America.

All this glamour and haute couture is a far cry from Michelle’s early, decidedly no-frills upbringing.

Michelle remembers thinking, “This is my life and I hate it – what am I going to do?”

Find out what Michelle did to go from supermarket check-out girl to Giorgio Armani’s muse.

Only in the May 2005 issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

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Exercise and disease prevention

In studies that have compared physically active subjects with their sedentary counterparts, it has been found that those that are more active develop protective defenses against many chronic diseases including diabetes, heart disease and osteoporosis. Let’s take a closer look at the mechanisms involved.

Diabetes and exercise

Exercise is known to improve glucose control, i.e. muscle sensitivity to insulin, so that more glucose is taken up by muscles, less glucose is released from the liver and less insulin is produced by the pancreas. This has the effect of decreasing blood glucose levels, improving glucose control, and insulin response and insulin sensitivity.

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) and exercise

Many studies have found an inverse relationship between physical activity and the development of CAD or “narrowing of the arteries” from the formation of cholesterol plaques. Regular physical activity improves fitness levels and decreases CAD risk by lowering blood pressure, slowing the rise in heart rate during exercise, along with lowering blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Exercise also leads to decreased blood clotting activity at rest, reduced red blood cell stickiness and increased insulin sensitivity.

Osteoporosis and exercise

Osteoporosis is characterised by low bone density (BD) and low bone mineral content (BMC), both of which are lost through the ageing process. In many studies physical activity (particularly weight bearing and strength training types) has been found to increase or maintain BD and BMC and thus prevent the development of osteoporosis.

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Hair dye disasters – How to avoid them


I want to dye my hair at home, but when I go to the chemist to by a colour I get really confused by what type of dye to buy? I’m a bit nervous about it because I don’t want to do something shocking to my hair! Please help!

Kate, via email.


Depending on the effect you are trying to gain and how long you want the colour to last, there are basically three types of colouring product for hair:

Temporary colours: are designed to add tone, condition and shine. They are simple to apply and wash out, lasting between three and eight shampoos.

Semi-permanent colours: are more long lasting (between 12 and 20 or so washes) and are useful in imparting shine and deep conditioning to the hair.

Permanent colours: will change the colour of your hair. They do not wash out and will last until the hair grows, so they need regular touch ups to disguise regrowth and maintain shine.

The AWW Beauty Team

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Solution for soft nails


I have very soft nails. Is there anyway I can strengthen them?

Kim, via email.


In order to strengthen weak nails you need to start by keeping them short, rubbing lanolin in every day and keeping the cuticles pushed back so they grow strong from the base. Also, using a three-way buffer, use the smooth side to buff every night to create heat and circulate blood around the nail. These simple steps should help to strength your nails within three months.

The AWW Beauty Team

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Matching foundation


I never know how to select the correct colour foundation for my skin tone – a friend advised me that because I am fair with pink undertones, I should look for a more yellow-based foundation. Is this true, or should I be trying to match my skin colour?

Narelle, via email.


When selecting the perfect foundation for your skin tone follow these 6 simple steps:

  1. Match foundation exactly to the side of your face – not your hand.

  2. Find one that blends so exactly that it looks like you’re not wearing it.

  3. Choose a foundation with yellowish, not pinkish, tones.

  4. Only buy a foundation you can actually test on your face.

  5. Check the foundation in the daylight – go outside and make sure the foundation blends in and matches the colour of your neck.

  6. You may need one shade for summer, a slightly lighter one for winter.

  1. Match foundation exactly to the side of your face – not your hand.

  2. Find one that blends so exactly that it looks like you’re not wearing it.

  3. Choose a foundation with yellowish, not pinkish, tones.

  4. Only buy a foundation you can actually test on your face.

  5. Check the foundation in the daylight – go outside and make sure the foundation blends in and matches the colour of your neck.

  6. You may need one shade for summer, a slightly lighter one for winter.

The AWW Beauty Team

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Exercise and disease prevention

In studies that have compared physically active subjects with their sedentary counterparts, it has been found that those that are more active develop protective defenses against many chronic diseases including diabetes, heart disease and osteoporosis. Let's take a closer look at the mechanisms involved.

In studies that have compared physically active subjects with their sedentary counterparts, it has been found that those that are more active develop protective defenses against many chronic diseases including diabetes, heart disease and osteoporosis. Let’s take a closer look at the mechanisms involved.

Diabetes and exercise

Exercise is known to improve glucose control, i.e. muscle sensitivity to insulin, so that more glucose is taken up by muscles, less glucose is released from the liver and less insulin is produced by the pancreas. This has the effect of decreasing blood glucose levels, improving glucose control, and insulin response and insulin sensitivity.

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) and exercise

Many studies have found an inverse relationship between physical activity and the development of CAD or “narrowing of the arteries” from the formation of cholesterol plaques. Regular physical activity improves fitness levels and decreases CAD risk by lowering blood pressure, slowing the rise in heart rate during exercise, along with lowering blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Exercise also leads to decreased blood clotting activity at rest, reduced red blood cell stickiness and increased insulin sensitivity.

Osteoporosis and exercise

Osteoporosis is characterised by low bone density (BD) and low bone mineral content (BMC), both of which are lost through the ageing process. In many studies physical activity (particularly weight bearing and strength training types) has been found to increase or maintain BD and BMC and thus prevent the development of osteoporosis.

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5 hidden food traps

Many so-called healthy foods contain excessive sugar, salt and fat. Here’s what to look for – and avoid:

Breakfast cereal

Your breakfast cereal should have an ingredient list that starts with whole grains, and provides at least 5g of fibre per serving. If your brand is low in fibre, stir in some oat bran.

Fruit snacks

Yogurt-covered raisins and fruit leathers may contain added sugar and saturated fat. Opt for unadorned fruits and vegetables instead. Dried fruit is nutritious but kilojoule-dense, so make it a small snack only.


This satisfies thirst, not hunger, so you can consume a lot of kilojoules without realising it. Commercial juice can lack the fibre important for good digestion and blood sugar control. Buy 100 per cent juice with no added sugar and limit your intake. If you’re thirsty, pour a 50:50 blend of juice and sparkling water.


Like many processed foods, packaged soup may be packed with sodium. Cream soups can be high in saturated fat and partially hydrogenated fat. If you don’t have time to make your own, look for a low-sodium vegetable soup and boost the protein and fibre by stirring in a can of beans.


Some yogurts can contain added sugar or artificial sweeteners. Instead, learn to love the tangy flavour of plain low-fat yoghurt. Add your own fresh or dried fruit.

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Fructose malabsorption

What is fructose?

Fructose is a naturally occurring type of sugar found in many fruits, some vegetables and honey. Just like with lactose (milk sugar) intolerance, it appears that not everyone has the ability to absorb fructose properly.

Why is fructose malabsorption a problem?

Researchers are now concentrating on investigating the role fructose malabsorption plays in the onset of gastrointestinal symptoms, particularly in people diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome.

When fructose is not fully digested it is passed from the digestive tract to the colon, where the gut bacteria use the fructose as a food source. In the process hydrogen gas is produced and symptoms of bloating, cramps and diarrhoea may be experienced.

How is fructose malabsorption diagnosed?

Fructose malabsorption can be diagnosed via hydrogen breath tests and a low fructose diet is prescribed. Unfortunately the diet is not as simple as just monitoring your fruit intake, as many commercial foods use a type of fructose as their sweetener. Also fruits differ in their fructose content and their fructose to glucose ratio, which determines the extent of malabsorption.

Do people with fructose malabsorption give up fruit?

In conjunction with a gastroenterologist, an Accredited Practising Dietitian will be able to advise on what foods to exclude and also ensure that the overall diet stays nutritionally adequate. Generally people with fructose malabsorption can still enjoy certain fruits and get the minimum 2 serves a day recommended for all adults.

You can search for an Accredited Practising Dietitian in your area at: www.daa.asn.au

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