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Focus on folate


Folate is involved in more than 100 different processes within the body. It’s essential for the formation of new cells and tissues and the health of the blood, brain, nervous and immune systems. Most people think of B vitamins giving them back their b..b..bounce. And it’s true that B vitamins are required to release energy from food. But there’s been a lot more buzz about this B in recent years.

Fuss about folate

Folate has been found to be essential for a healthy pregnancy and baby. Specifically, it helps prevent neural tube defects, like spina bifida. As well as B for baby, it’s also B for a beating heart. Research shows that folate lowers homocysteine levels and the risk of heart disease. It could also be B for bones. Until recently, the only vitamins related to bone health have been vitamin D and vitamin K. However, there is new research on folate and lowered blood homocysteine levels and the link with osteoporosis prevention. One study has found that the risk of hip fracture nearly quadrupled in men in the top quartile of homocysteine levels and nearly doubled in the top 25 per cent of women. The newest area of research on folate is focused on genetic health and keeping your cellular material, like DNA, in tip top shape.

So how much folate do you need?

Well that really depends on how you define optimal intakes. Currently the adult recommendations are for 200 micrograms per day. During pregnancy this jumps to 400 micrograms a day. However, this recommendation is really for anyone planning pregnancy, as 400 micrograms of folate per day is needed to boost levels for at least 6 weeks before a woman conceives. That’s why there is a push to raise the recommended dietary intake to 400 micrograms per day for all adult women.

To achieve some of the other reported folate benefits, large, therapeutic doses were used in the nutrition research studies. It’s too early to say what the magic folate level will be, but chances are that they’ll keep raising the bar for this B vitamin.

Where do you find it?

One of the best and most available sources of folate is the Aussie favourite Vegemite, which also is a good source of other B vitamins. Fresh vegetables and fruit, orange juice, legumes, nuts, liver and yeast are also good sources. These days many food products are also folate fortified including certain breads and breakfast cereals. Just check for folate on the nutrition information panel.

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Top motivators for weight-loss success

glass wine

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a personal Mr Motivator in your sub-conscious? You know, the one to help drag you out of bed for that power walk on a winter’s morning. And the one to help you say ‘no thanks’ when the dessert menu arrives. While motivation is a hard thing to harness, and a very individual one at that, you might like to check out some of these tried and true secrets to success below.

1. Get married

Perhaps this is the greatest motivator to help women achieve a goal weight. It’s natural to want to look and feel your best on the big day. Plus the photos will act as friendly reminder to how fabulous you can look, for many years to come.

2. Have 0.0 days

A great way of keeping the kilojoules on track is to have appointed alcohol free days, no matter what, for the same days every week. Yours might be Mon, Wed and Sunday. If you’re out socialising on an alcohol free day get into a new signature drink like rich tomato juice with all the condiments or a cranberry spritzer.

3. Dine with a fine view

Research shows that women eat less at a meal when they dine with an attractive male. So, make it a habit to dine with a date as often as possible!

4. Take a European vacation

Just watch your pedometer clock over as you wind through cobbled streets, around hill top towns, up bell towers, and through breath taking chapels and art galleries. Even if you stop to enjoy the odd French pastry or two, most people find that all the extra walking leaves them looking great, feeling fit and invigorated after an overseas holiday.

5. Reward points

As well as setting your goal weight and targets, make sure you match these with some well earned rewards. You might start with tickets to a show when you lose 3kg and work up to a shopping spree for new clothes when you hit your goal. Remember to factor in the biggest rewards for maintaining your weight loss over 6 and 12 months.

6. User pays

Most people hate to see money go to waste, so one of the best ways to keep motivated with physical activity is to pay in advance. You might like to sign up for a 10 session pump class or buy a 20 session swim pass. Just make sure that there is a fairly tight use-by-date, so the pass is not still floating around in your wallet a year later.

7. Buddy or team up

Join a walking group, a netball team, a lap swimming club or find a friend to partner with. Research shows that most people could do with a little help from their friends. Make it a rule to forget the mobile phones if you meet for a regular walk. That way, no one can call to say ‘I’m running late’ when they’re really ‘running low on motivation’.

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Lamb toy

lamb toy


  • Kunin rainbow shaggy plush felt in antique white

  • Kunin rainbow plush felt in smoky brown

  • 25cm x 20mm ribbon

  • Small quantity polyester wadding

  • Sewing cotton to match felt colours, plus basic sewing patterns

  • Anchor stranded cotton colour 905 – Very dark brown


Pre-wash felt following manufacturer’s instructions before cutting.

Download and print pattern pieces.

Cut out pattern pieces from Antique White and Smoky Brown felt following directions on patterns. On all pattern pieces the straight outline is the cutting line and the dotted line the stitching line. The Top of Head and Ear do not need seam allowances because the felt does not fray, and these pieces are topstitched into position. If substituting another material, please take this into account. Short lines marked in seam allowance of body pattern are for Leg and Head placement.

Pin legs together in pairs with right sides facing. Sew around each leg leaving the top (straight) seam open. Turn the leg right side out and lightly stuff (use a pencel to push small amounts of wadding into place in each leg).

Sew around front seam of lamb’s head with the fabric folded right sides facing. Turn the right side out and lightly stuff with wadding. Machine stitch opening closed.

Pin legs and head in position facing inwards on the right side of one body section using marks on pattern as a placement guide. Tack in position, then pin the other body section on top, right sides of body pieces facing, sandwiching the limbs between.

use a zipper foot to stitch accurately around entire body, leaving belly section between the legs unstitched for turning through. Carefully turn sheep right side out. Stuff body lightly with extra polyester wadding; it should remain reasonably flat, so don’t overstuff. Slip-stitch opening closed.

Tie a bow around the lamb’s neck, using ribbon to hide the join between the head and body. Fold ear piece in half lengthwise, with the wrong sides of the felt facing. Top stitch the centre of the folded ears to the head, approximately 1.5cm up from the ribbon. Pin Top of Head section over ears so the straight edge is aligned with the ribbon. Overcast stitch the top of head section into position.

Use 6 strands of Very Dark Brown stranded cotton to embroider the features. Fronch-knot each eye and straight-stitch nose and mouth over front seam, using the pattern as a guide for placement.

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Jennifer Hawkins

It’s dusk over the beach at the beautiful Four Seasons Resort at Jimbaran Bay, Bali, and a couple cuddle in a hammock against the setting sun. With its gorgeous tropical gardens and private villas hidden behind high stone walls, the resort is a favoured location for honeymooners and this couple are clearly besotted with each other.

Australians may have some mixed emotions about Bali right now, but for Jennifer Hawkins, 21, who has just relinquished her Miss Universe crown, and her boyfriend, Jake Wall, 22, it’s the magic island where they rekindled their romance after a year of it being unavoidably put on hold.

When Jennifer, from Newcastle, NSW, stunned everyone by coming from nowhere to win the Miss Universe title in May 2004, she had no idea what it would mean for her life and her fledgling relationship with carpenter-turned-model Jake Wall, whom she had met at the Newcastle club, Fannys, only 10 months before.

For a start, the title meant that she had to immediately take up residence with Miss USA and Miss Teen USA in an apartment in ritzy Trump Place in New York City.

Gorgeous photos, and their romantic reunion in the July 2005 issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

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Noise phobias


We have a nine-year-old female Jack Russell terrier who is terrified of loud noises, especially thunderstorms. How can we let her know it’s okay?

Concerned, Wellington NSW.


Noise phobias are a very common problem in dogs. It’s very frightening for them and what they’re experiencing is essentially a panic attack. Often they’ll hurt themselves trying to escape the noise, and can get out onto the roads or get lost.

Dogs have much more sensitive hearing than us, and detect storms hours before we do. Watch the weather forecast and try not to leave her alone, if possible, during these events.

Your vet can prescribe some anti-anxiety medication for her, and a program for desensitising her to the noises.

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To avoid bunny boredom, hide some food around his or her quarters. Carrots, parsnips etc, hidden in places where your bunny will find them (with a little effort on their part) will keep them occupied and an interested rabbit is a happy rabbit!



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I had been going out with a guy for a few months when he asked to borrow about $500 from me. Being smitten, I gladly lent the money, sure that I would see it again.

When he hadn’t called after a few days, I tried to get in contact with him. As he was living in the block of flats next door, it seemed weird that his “weekend” down the coast had now stretched to a week. I talked to his brother and flatmates and found out he was planning to use the money I had lent him to leave at 4am the next morning to go interstate and start afresh — without telling me or giving back my money.

Being independent, single and young, that money meant a lot to me, so I knew I had to try to get it back. Later that night I saw the boys next door go out (still no sight of the guy who borrowed my money) and let myself into their flat to see if there was any sign of the money. No, but his suitcase was sitting there ready to go. The boys had said that he would return early the next morning to grab his stuff and leave.

I remembered the elderly lady next door had asked me to take a few bags of her old clothes to the nearby charity clothes bin because she wasn’t able to walk there. A plan hatched in my mind. I raced back to my flat, grabbed the bags of clothes and went back to the flat. I went through his whole suitcase, taking any good clothing or belongings that I liked to the value of what he borrowed off me and replaced them with floral skirts and flouncy tops. Fair is fair!

So the next morning this guy snuck back home, grabbed his suitcase and jumped on an interstate bus, thinking he had got away with the money. When he reached his destination and wanted a change of clothes to go out and celebrate in his new town, he discovered lovely floral clothing instead of his designer gear! I can still hear him swearing!

The problem is, he blamed his brother and flatmates, thinking they had done it as a practical joke for his departure. He still is not on good speaking terms with them and accuses them of wearing “his” clothes every time he sees them.

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By Annette Campbell

Try this exercise for a few minutes …

Close your eyes or put something on as a blindfold. Cover your ears with headphones or use earplugs so you can only hear muffled sounds at best. Now imagine what challenges would present themselves if you tried to go about your daily routine.

This is the world of people who are both deaf and blind — ‘deafblind’ is the term.

Every minute of every day, significant obstacles must be overcome by people who are deafblind. And there to support them are the dedicated group who run the Deafblind Association (DBA) — such as Melbourne-based case manager Ainslie Watson.

“I supervise the community support workers in their hands-on roles supporting the deafblind community in their day-to-day lives,” she explains. “We help with things like doing the groceries, banking, going to the post office or a swimming class or the gym.

“But we’re actually supporting them to be independent themselves, rather than doing things for them.”

Ainslie, 27, has worked for the DBA for nearly three years now and says, “It’s a real pleasure to be involved with this community.”

Ainslie explains that although the term deafblind means being both deaf and blind, “A person’s not always completely deaf and totally blind. It can be in degrees and various combinations.”

She says that the biggest challenge for this community is communication. “They’re living life through touch,” explains Ainslie. “Another challenge is the isolation and related depression. It’s a very small community and because of communication and mobility issues, they’re not able to get out as much.

“Using public transport can be difficult. For example, someone might hear well enough to know there’s a bus coming, but might not be able to see the number.”

Ainslie says the best thing we can do to help is be patient (and support with donations!)

“These days we’re all rushing about so fast, but just try to remember that if you see someone with a cane and think they’re blind, but they don’t answer you, don’t automatically think they’re being rude … they could be deaf as well.

“And if you see someone using sign language and think they’re deaf, but they’re also taking their time to move through the checkout, for example, they could be blind as well.”

Deafblind Awareness Week was launched on Sunday June 26.

“We just want people to be aware that deafblindness exists,” says Ainslie. “And to ask that people try to understand what it’s like to live without varying degrees of hearing and sight.”

Contact the Deafblind Association for more information.

Ph: (03) 9882 7055 or visit their website: www.dba.asn.au

Picture posed by model

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Healthy glow


I’ve been quite sick with the flu. Do you have any beauty tips so I can make myself look better when I go back to work?



Dab yellowish concealer over any redness, especially around the nose. Apply tinted moisturiser to bring back your glow, then add a creamy pink blush.

Use clear gloss on lips and skip eye make-up except for a sweep of waterproof mascara to highlight lashes.

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You may not realise it, but your goldfish has a rather exotic past. Perhaps bought as a simple pet or just something to look at, your goldfish was actually the first species of fish prized for its decorative looks.

As early as 970 AD, a red coloured goldfish known as the carp was developed in China for its attractive colour. By 1200 AD there were other popular varieties of this striking fish that spread from China to Japan.

Goldfish became very popular in Europe as people demanded different varieties and colours. Goldfish now come in several strange varieties including: the egg-shaped Veiltail, loved for its graceful fins; the slender-bodied Veil comet goldfish; the Eggfish with its long flowing fins; the slender and bright-coloured Skubunkin; the Lionhead goldfish with its distinct head growth; the googly-eyed Telescope goldfish, and the unusual looking Celestial with its upward facing eyes.

Most goldfish owners will have a fish that will live for few years, but individual goldfish have been known to live for up to 30 years in ideal conditions.

Goldfish are easy to keep because they don’t need special heating or fancy filters. If you plan to have your fish outdoors in an area where the climate gets cold, the pond or tank must be deep for the fish to survive, and in hot summers their tank or pond should be over one metre deep.

Generally though, goldfish tend to be hardy pets and are relatively easy to maintain, which explains their popularity.

When it comes to naming your goldfish, though, it’s difficult for non-fish experts to tell the sex of your fish, particularly when they are young. A female that is going to lay eggs sometimes develops a large abdomen, while the male will have a collection of “nuptual tubercles” on the head, and fins on the side of the body called pectoral fins.

If you want to breed your fish, well-cared for and healthy goldfish will breed with no help once a year. After the adult fish have laid and fertilised the eggs (spawned) you should put them in another tank because they may eat the young fish.

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