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Beating the heat


We have a big, hairy breed of dog who is really feeling the heat of summer. We give him plenty to drink and he has lots of cool, shady spots to sit in during the day. He doesn’t like the water and won’t lie on a wet towel. How can we help him beat the heat?



Thick and long coated dogs were never bred to endure our Aussie summers and they really do suffer. That is great you give him shade and water — you can also try ice blocks (even frozen stock for a tasty treat), hosing him down, or keeping him indoors in air-conditioning. The trouble with being hairy is that it traps the heat and dogs can only lose heat via panting as they don’t sweat. Now while you will get lots of breeders of certain pedigrees having all but heart failure at the thought, vets will always recommend clipping the coat short for summer (ignoring aesthetics). Your pooch may not look like the breed standard but will thank you for taking off that fur coat instead of letting him fry!

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Step-by-step guide to reading food labels

Judy Davie

**I feel a bit stupid asking this question; I know we’re meant to eat less fat, sugar, salt and less kilojoules to lose weight, but I don’t really know what I should be looking for on food labels to work out what’s good or bad. How much sugar is a lot and how do you know if a product is high in fat or kilojoules?


It’s actually a very good question and one many people are unsure about. Food manufacturers display what they want you to know at the front of the pack but are legally required to give you the facts in listed ingredients and a nutritional panel.

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Creating an underwater world

By Lucy Hine

An aquarium is a soothing and relaxing way to calm stress levels after a busy day at work.

Purchasing an aquarium makes sense, as fish and aquatic life are known for their therapeutic qualities and are one of the most popular pets purchased in Australian households.

Aquariums range from basic fish bowls containing one or two common goldfish to salt water aquariums with exotic marine life and colourful fish more likely to be found around coral reefs.

There are a lot of ways to set up an aquarium to add to the décor of your home. The size of the aquarium depends on your style and the space available and the number of fish you keep will depend on the size of the tank ? fish need about one litre of water per centimetre length of fish.

Decide where you want to put your tank before you set it up as it can become difficult and dangerous to move a tank once it’s filled with water. A place near the window is not an ideal situation as temperatures will vary and the sunlight will cause algae growth or possibly kill your fish.

If the tank is going to be put on a flat surface it’s important to check that the surface is even because the base of the tank can break under the weight of the water if the surface is uneven.

The bottom of your aquarium should be covered with river sand, pebbles or gravel sold by pet stores or fish aquariums. Make sure any gravel, rocks or pebbles are rinsed thoroughly with boiling water before putting it in the tank.

After you decide what kind of fish you’d like, your aquarium or dealer will be able to advise you on water conditioners to remove chloride and fluoride from the water.

Plants are essential to the environment of your underwater world and can really make your aquarium a focal point in any room. Plants enrich the water with oxygen and also provide hiding places for your fish. Remove all frayed or sick leaves before making a hole in the gravel to cover the roots of the plant.

The most important equipment you can buy for your tank is a filter system as this will save you a lot of work with keeping the tank clean. You can also purchase sea snails to clean the inside of your tank and add to the marine life of your new aquarium.

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Grooming your pet

By Lucy Hine

Grooming your pet can certainly be a drama, particularly if your cat or dog wasn’t trained or handled very often when they were younger.

Understanding your pet’s needs regarding hygiene and cleanliness is the first step to ensure your pet remains healthy and happy.

Cat owners often watch with wonder at how thoroughly their cat cleans itself. In fact, cats spend over 10 percent of their mornings grooming and this usually involves licking their fur and getting dirt out from between their toes. Although cats like to groom themselves, they definitely benefit from their owner’s help, just like our canine friends.

The best way to assist your cat or dog in grooming itself is through brushing and nail cutting. A daily brush of your cat or dog’s fur will help keep it shiny and tangle-free and will also enable you to check your pet’s entire body ? ears, eyes, mouth, skin and genital regions ? for health problems.

It’s best to begin brushing your cat or dog when it’s a small kitten or puppy so it gets used to it. Sometimes there are instances where your pet doesn’t like being touched or it takes them a while until they can handle physical contact. Regular brushing helps reduce this behaviour.

However, most cats and dogs enjoy a gentle brushing and this helps build a bond between pet and owner.

Nail cutting is also very important and should be started as early as possible so your pet tolerates the experience easily. A food reward after the cutting is a good idea and make sure you keep each session short, perhaps only doing one paw at a time to begin with. Your pet’s nails should be cut once a month.

To clip your cat or dog’s nails, take one paw at a time and press under the pad so that the nail is exposed. Cut the nail tip using a good quality nail trimmer that can be purchased from pet stores, and stay away from the sensitive pink vein because it will hurt your pet or bleed if you cut into it. If your pet has black nails, a small white dot can be seen at the tip of the nail as the clip approaches the vein, which indicates that the nail is at its shortest length.

Ask your vet for a demonstration if this is your first time cutting your pet’s nails.

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I was paid for phone sex

As a single mum studying part-time making ends meet had become nearly impossible. I tried every home-based job going around — from stuffing envelopes to Internet marketing. I couldn’t afford childcare and my family lived interstate. All my friends were too busy with their own children to mind my twin pre-schoolers, so working outside the home wasn’t an option.

Last year, money became very tight and I was constantly late with the rent. When my landlord threatened to evict us, I broke down in front of my best friend as I told her about my predicament. She suggested I try what she’d been doing for several months — phone sex.

I thought she was joking at first but she was serious. How could I not have noticed that my plain, mousey friend had been living a double life? She told me that when her husband lost his job, they struggled to pay their bills and they would have had to sell the house. They were desperate. Like me.

I immediately dismissed the idea; whispering dirty words to complete strangers seemed too sordid and so unlike me. I’d always been the “good girl”. But my friend assured me it was safe and harmless, and above all, it paid well.

So I decided to give it a go. After all, I could stop at any time. I signed up with her employer and they sent me a training video. It took me another two weeks before I got the courage to watch it. When my landlord served me with a final notice, I realised I had no choice, so I finally set myself up to receive phone calls from “clients”.

After my twins were asleep at night, I sat on the couch and waited for the phone to ring. At first I simply read from a script, using a deep, breathy voice that sounded nothing like me. But my clients wanted more so I ad-libbed, thinking up wild, sexy scenarios on the spot. It amazed me that I was even capable of thinking that way, and amazed me even more when the clients began to ask for me personally.

Soon the money started rolling in. I was able to pay off my debts and even had some left over to invest. If anyone asked me where I got it from, I told them I’d come into a small inheritance.

When I graduated from my law degree, I stopped working the phones, even though the company offered me a higher percentage per call to stay on. But I’d had enough. Although the experience had been a lucrative and somewhat liberating one, it wasn’t a career I could be proud of. And more than anything, I wanted my kids to grow up to be proud of their mum.

Not that they’ll ever find out how I’d earned my money for an entire year before I became a lawyer. It will be a secret that I take to my grave.

Picture posed by model.

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Caring for grey hair

violet shampoo


I suddenly have a whole head of grey hair! What’s the best way to look after it?

Sangetta, via email.


Grey hair happens when the hair follicles stop producing melanin, the substance that gives colour to our hair. As we age, melanin production decreases, hence the increase in the appearance of grey hairs.

Grey hair has no pigment, so it can have a very tough, coarse texture that makes it drier and particularly resistant to dyes.

You can disguise the grey with permanent hair colours or try blending them with highlights. If you decide to stay with your natural grey, silver or white hair, keep it looking shiny and healthy with shampoos and conditioners which contains a violet tone to counteract any yellow or green tinge that commonly occurs with grey hair.

The AWW Beauty Team

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Eliminating blackheads



How can I get rid of blackheads and stop my pores filling up with what causes them to form?

Jane Markby, Glen Waverley, VIC.


“Blackheads are composed mainly of a mixture of sebum [the skin’s natural oil] and dead skin cells, which have oxidised at the surface of a follicle,” Emma Hobson, from the International Dermal Institute, explains.

“Cleansing your complexion well each morning and evening is essential to keeping the skin free of congestion. In addition, the best ways to get rid of blackheads and to prevent their future formation is to use products that contain salicylic acid, a fantastic ingredient that helps to loosen the congestion and clean out the follicle.

An alternative solution is to have them professionally extracted by a skincare therapist. I highly recommend you don’t try this at home because, if poorly done, it can result in scarring!”

The AWW Beauty Team

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Weak, flaky nails



My nails have become weak and flaky. I have recently started swimming and was wondering if it’s related to chlorine or other chemicals in the pool? Is there any way I can protect my nails so they will once again grow long and strong?

Jacci, via email.


Nails are normally highly flexible and will usually bend before reaching breaking point. Cherie Pollard, education manager for Creative Nail Design, explains how the nail can change and its flexibility reduced, under certain conditions.

“In repeated or long-term exposure to harsh cleaners, solvents or even chlorine in the pool, nails will become brittle and less flexible,” she says. “Excessive amounts of water can also be harmful to brittle nails. Water swells the nail plate, causing tiny cracks to enlarge. Brittle nails are a direct result of the nail plate’s moisture/oil balance being altered.

Daily application of products such as Creative Nail Design SolarOil, 7ml, $14, or SolarBalm, $23, gives back to the nail plate what it is missing. It is a quick and easy way for the nail to regain flexibility.” Wearing a nail polish, base coat and/ or nail strengthener is another great way to maintain the nail plate’s moisture. Also, you should always apply a base coat under any nail polish to prevent any nail discolouration.

The AWW Beauty Team

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Chocolate facial


Lavish your skin with this indulgent do-it-yourself chocolate facial. It’s a luscious treat for your skin and is suitable for all skin types.

The cocoa in chocolate is a source of antioxidants that have a toning effect on your skin; the honey has humectant properties (meaning it helps your skin retain moisture) while the yogurt adds lactic acid, that helps dissolve dead skin cells and refine texture.

  • ¼ cup cocoa powder

  • 2 tablespoons honey

  • 4 tablespoons natural plain yogurt

  • 1 vitamin E capsule

  • Rice flour, sufficient

Combine the first three ingredients to form a sloppy paste.

Snip the end off the vitamin E capsule and squeeze the contents into the mixture; stir well.

Add enough rice flour to form a smooth, firm, workable texture. Smooth over face and neck, avoiding eye area and lips. Lie down for 15 minutes; rinse off with warm water and pat dry.

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Dine with an athlete

fish dish

Now that the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games are upon us we’re bound to see a sudden surge in athletic pursuits. There’s nothing like watching 4,500 elite athletes to drive your motivation to get moving. Kids especially get in on the act and suddenly want to throw a cricket ball, shot put or hop, skip and jump down the driveway. But what is the best way to fuel your fitness? Let’s take a look at some tips from the diets of Commonwealth Games athletes.

Knowledge is power

You can too:

  • Read labels on food packages and look for foods low in fat and high in nutritious carbohydrates

  • Plan your weekly meals in advance to keep things on the health track

  • Have a one-on-one session with an sports dietitian to get advice specific to your training regime

  • Check out some great sports cookbooks like Survival for the Fittest from the AIS, with full nutritional analysis

Refuel and keep cool

You can too:

  • Grab a flavoured yogurt drink for a great protein-carb recovery combo

  • Whip up a banana smoothie to cool and refuel

  • Pack your kit bag with sports drink like Gatorade, muesli bars and bananas

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