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I’m having an affair with my boss’s wife

It all started at a cocktail party at my boss’s house. Rob (who is about seven or eight years older than me) had about 30 guests over to his apartment for what was meant to be a quiet birthday party. I didn’t know most of the people there and, as usual, I spent too much time standing over the punch bowl and drinking more than everyone else.

It was a pretty lame party and I’d just about had enough when somehow I ended up on a couch with my boss and his wife. My boss was telling friends of his about how well his business was doing when his wife — who I hadn’t met before — started to put her leg up against me. It seemed I wasn’t the only one at the party who’d had too much to drink.

Kylie introduced herself and got another round of cocktails. We talked, I made her laugh and she seemed to enjoy the conversation. As the room got darker and the party got louder, she started telling me things that I really didn’t want to hear — how Rob wasn’t a real man and he didn’t know how to treat a woman, etc. I didn’t know what to say, so I just smiled and finished my drink as quickly as I could.

I decided I should leave before things got out of control. I stumbled to the bathroom and was just about go to the toilet when I heard someone follow me into the room. As I turned around, my boss’s wife grabbed me by the head and kissed me. I got a bad feeling straight away. ‘Don’t stuff up a good job’, I thought as I ran from the bathroom and left the party.

I’d almost forgotten about the whole thing when she called me on my mobile at work about two weeks later. She told me that she wanted to see me. I asked how she got my number. She wouldn’t tell me. She persisted and I agreed to meet her at my flat (only because I didn’t want to risk seeing her in public).

She came around to my apartment the same day. I can’t really remember what happened but we ended up sleeping together. We had a glass of wine, Kylie promised me she wouldn’t tell anyone and then she went home. I spent the night worried about how I was going to look my boss in the face the next day.

Anyway, that was about six months ago.

For the last half a year, I’ve been having an affair with my boss’s wife. She comes over about two times a week, occasionally brings me presents and has even taken me out to nice restaurants a few times. One or two times she has come to the office when I’ve been “working back late”. I know it has to stop but I’ll probably have to look for a new job if I try and break it off with her.

It’s only a matter of time until we get caught but, the funny thing is, my boss just gave me a big pay rise. I’ve been walking around the office with a big smile on my face. The boss probably thinks I’m a happy employee, but he doesn’t know the real reason.

Picture posed by models.

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Fridge forensics

Dietitian Clare Collins combs The Biggest Losers‘ food diaries weekly to check they’re on track to slimming …

Fill your fridge like a Loser

The Biggest Losers are really lucky to have all the right food around them. You can achieve that at home by filling your fridge and the cupboard with healthy, low-fat choices.

“Make sure your meat is lean and your milk is skim and use healthy fats like a canola spray, a little bit of olive oil, avocado and nuts,” Clare says. “Ensure you have lots of beautiful fruit and vegies, like pears, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, mango, apples, peaches and nectarines.”

Keep a food diary

The Biggest Losers maintain daily food logs, to help them keep an eye on what they eat.

“Doing this prevents ‘eating amnesia’,” Clare says. “That’s all the little mouthfuls you have putting dinner together or the choccie bar when you buy petrol.

“People don’t focus on what they eat and don’t count it. They only count what’s eaten at mealtimes or what people see them eat.

“A food diary keeps you honest and helps educate you on today’s food choices and what’s going into your body.”

Aim for long-term loss

The Biggest Losers drop a lot of weight quickly, but Clare believes most of us should aim to lose a half to one kilo a week, particularly for the first six months.

“That’s one or two tubs of margarine every week, which is a lot,” she says. “If you can maintain that weight loss, you should re-evaluate how your health is, how you feel about your looks and if there’s a need for further weight loss. You can always see a dietitian to fine tune and tweak it and get some extra help.”

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Cameron Diaz’s slimming secrets

Cameron Diaz

We can’t all afford personal trainers or chefs, but there are still plenty of tips we can pick up from celebs. Check out some of their secrets for keeping slim and sexy.

  1. Don’t overdo the bread. Try not to fill up on bread, olive oil and butter before your meal arrives. You could even ask them to take it away from the table.

  2. Easy on the alcohol. Alcohol is a diet saboteur. Try to limit your intake by drinking wine spritzers, or just sit on a glass or two for the night.

  3. Don’t go to a restaurant absolutely starving or you’ll end up having a blow-out. Instead, try eating a snack before you go out — like half a tub of yoghurt or some almonds.

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Brooke Shields: fit and fabulous at 40

Brooke Shields

Elle and Brooke’s fitness guru reveals how she helps them keep their gorgeous bodies in shape.

Ever wondered how fabulous 40-something mums Elle Macpherson and Brooke Shields stay that way? They’ve both been trained by former dancer-turned-celebrity fitness guru, Karen Voight.

When Elle was working on her fitness video Your Personal Best, she asked Karen to star in it with her. So just how did Karen manage to improve on The Body?

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Organising a wardrobe

Image: Getty


I am 14 and I really want to decorate my room. The only thing I don’t know what to do with is my wardrobe. Should I organise it in sections, colours or what goes with what?

Jess, via e-mail.


We suggest breaking it up into sections. Try these sections which you can then organise into colours if you like. It is much easier to find things in sections and plan outfits by mixing and matching items from different sections.

  • Shirts

  • Tops — long sleeves

  • Tops — short sleeves and singlets

  • Skirts

  • Pants

  • Short jackets

  • Long jackets

  • Dresses

  • Evening/Party clothes

Shoe racks are also a great idea for keeping your room organised and your shoes tidy. A rack can easily sit under the clothes in your wardrobe. Howard’s Storage has a great range.

The AWW Fashion Team

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Clutch bags

Image: Getty


I’m attending a black tie function and I’m after a simple plain black clutch bag. I’ll be wearing a floor length black satin dress.

Kim, via e-mail.


Try the following bag companies. You can call them to find out your closest stockist.

Olga Berg, Ph: 03 9419 6711

Reidels, Ph: 03 9383 6644

Or have a look in the handbag department of Myer or David Jones.

The AWW Fashion Team

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Hats at weddings

Image: Getty


Does the mother of the bride have to wear a hat? My daughter is getting married on Sydney Harbour later this month and I do not suit hats and I hate having ‘hat hair’, particularly if I need to take it off for dancing later.

Dorothy, via e-mail.


These days dress codes are far more relaxed. If you feel a hat is not your thing or not appropriate with your outfit, then it really is fine not to wear one.

My sister was recently married and my mother did opt for the hat option because she felt it completed her outfit and made her feel special on the day. She had a comb on hand to deal with hat hair after the ceremony.

Most importantly, you want to feel comfortable on this special day and not be worrying about a hat or your hair. This really is a case of each to their own.

The AWW Fashion Team

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Summer corporate wear

Image: Getty


I work as an executive assistant to the MD in a large corporation and need to look businesslike and corporate but find this extremely difficult in the hot and steamy weather. Do you have any suggestions on what I can wear that is both cool and businesslike? I am also a plus size.

Karen, via e-mail.


To avoid being stitched up in the classic suit and shirt, try some other combinations.

Replace the shirt with some comfortable and modern knitwear, there are so many different shapes and colours available. Perfect for the office with your suit skirt or even a pretty print skirt. Add a silk scarf, beads or pendant to complete the look. This will still look smart but be comfortable and cooler on hot days.

These stores specialise in plus sizes and offer many great options for work wear. Don’t be afraid to ask the shop assistants for help selecting styles that are appropriate for your shape and work, that’s what they are there for after all!

Maggie T, Ph: 1800 678 189 TS, Ph: 1800 620 694 Black Apple, Ph: (03) 9547 8211 My Size, Ph: (03) 8420 1000 BIB at Myer, Ph: 1800 811 611 Blue Illusion, Ph: 1800 208 209

The AWW Fashion Team

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Jewellery to match

Image: Getty


I’m 14 and am attending my auntie’s non-traditional wedding soon. I’m wearing a simple short white dress with silver heels. I was wondering, what jewellery would look best with it?

Meg, via email.


I would suggest to follow the direction of your shoe choice and keep all your accessories silver. Try to keep it simple for an effortless elegant look. Maybe a few silver bangles and silver necklace or pendant on a long chain.

There are some great stores that sell very affordable jewellery. Try: Diva, Equip, Sportsgirl, David Jones and Myer also offer a wide variety of great jewellery.

The AWW Fashion Team

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I have dry skin but working in an air-conditioned office is making it even worse! I apply moisturiser every day and drink water through the day — what else can I do?

Alison Slyns


The best advice I can give you is to give yourself a moisturising mask once a week and a monthly facial. Another great way of keeping skin well-nourished is to apply a moisturising facial mist during the course of the day. Jurlique have a beautiful rose water mist that is very hydrating.

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