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Liz Hayes at 50

For some, turning 50 is a sobering milestone, but respected 60 Minutes journalist Liz Hayes tells The Australian Women’s Weekly she’s unfazed by it—and comfortable with who she is.

Liz Hayes is so much at ease in front of the television camera you might say she was born to it. And, in many ways, you would be right. The highly respected 60 Minutes presenter came into the world in 1956, the same year that television was introduced into Australia. In a perfect example of synchronicity, both Liz and the medium that brought her fame are celebrating a milestone this year: turning 50.

In an industry dominated by youth and good looks, fear of 50 might be an understandable sentiment, especially for a woman. This seems to be the nominal age when women on screen pass their use-by date. In the few interviews she has given over the years, Liz has often reflected on being 50, as if it is some kind of pinnacle—or barrier. “The true test is if they’ll allow me to be 50 on 60 Minutes,” she joked when she was 41. “I really did think that by 40, for God’s sake, everything would be all right,” she said once. “But it wasn’t. Now I think, let’s aim for the 50s!” And another time, she reflected, “I would hate to be 50 and look back and say, ‘I wish I had done that’.”

Having reached the milestone, Liz now seems genuinely unfazed by it. “Traditionally, we’ve always thought 50 is over the hill; 50 is when it’s all over, Red Rover,” she says with her characteristic dry humour, “but, of course, now that I am 50, it means anything but. My age has never been a big deal to me.”

Read the whole story, only in the August 2006 issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

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Celebrity diet secrets

We all have one food we can’t resist, but is that food derailing your diet? These stars kicked their vices and proved that saying no can be the recipe for success.

Kilojoules saved:

Doing away with her post-dinner slice of cream-filled sponge cake saves Jess 810kj and 8.4g of fat.

Snack alternative:

If you have a sweet tooth like Jess, you can still satisfy it by going for fresh fruit instead of baked goods.

A cup of strawberries contains just 200kj and negligible fat. Add low-fat ice-cream and you have a yummy, healthy end to any meal.

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The weight is all back on again

Judy Davie

By Judy Davie

For further information about food and nutrition, visit Judy Davie’s website at www.thefoodcoach.com.au

I lost so much weight before my wedding and looked and felt terrific. Now two months later the weight I lost is all back on and I feel terrible.

It’s normal to place such importance on your wedding. The fairytale is coming true and all you can think of is the day. It must be perfect and usually is. The problem is that afterwards life returns to typical run of the mill stuff and we end up feeling flat and miserable. What’s left to look forward to now?

The key to physical and mental stability is to realise that happiness and contentment can only be found inside you. No person, event, or thing can make you happy for any sustained length of time and should therefore never be relied on. When we want something and get it, it provides only momentary happiness. When we meet someone and fall in love it may deliver enormous joy, but in time that too becomes normalised, and when we look forward to a special event, once it’s passed, what then?

The one constant in your life is you and you alone can make yourself happy. Your accomplishments at work, in the home, how you relate to people and how well you take care of yourself will all attribute to your own personal sense of self and happiness.

All you need to remember is how great you felt when you were looking after your body. Imagine feeling like that all the time.

You have the day you’re in and the rest of your life to look forward to and regardless of what’s happening. Happy or sad, life’s always better when you eat well, look after yourself and are physically fit.

I can’t get through the day without chocolate in the afternoon and I never stop at one piece. I really look forward to it and don’t want to give it up, but do need to lose weight. Any suggestions?

Chocolate contains chemicals which help to produce endorphins in the brain which make us feel good. The experience of eating chocolate provides such pleasure it’s hard to exercise discipline with one or two squares only. To prolong the pleasure and reduce your kilojoule intake, try a hot cup of cocoa. Made with skimmed milk and one teaspoon of sugar, it takes longer to finish and will give you the same sense of pleasure other chocolate products give.

I can’t get into the dress I was planning to wear to my husband’s work function. It’s in two weeks. Are there any crash diets I can do to help? I don’t want to buy a new dress.

Not knowing how much weight you need to lose it’s hard to say. Although I rarely recommend losing more than one kilogram a week, two kilograms can have a significant effect on the waistline, so it’s worth trying.*

What’s important, however, is to make sure you keep the metabolism going by eating small meals at regular intervals and include at least 40 minutes cardio exercise four to five times a week.

After 4pm

Cut out all bread, crackers, rice, pasta, cakes, biscuits, pastries, potatoes, sweet potato, pumpkin and parsnip.

Throughout the day drink between 1200 to 2000ml water and a few cups of green tea

On rising

drink 300ml hot water with half lemon juice


half a weetbix biscuit with one cup fresh chopped apple, pear, kiwi fruit and mandarin, three chopped prunes and four tablespoons low-fat natural yoghurt

Black coffee

Mid morning

one apple


choose from an avocado and salad on a wholegrain roll or homemade veggie soup (made with carrots, zucchini, tomato, beans, onion, garlic, turnip and fennel and veggie stock)

Black coffee

Afternoon snack

10 almonds


200g piece grilled fish, or 150g piece of red meat or chicken served with steamed vegetables or salad (up to four serves of vegetables)

Orange with three tablespoons low fat natural yoghurt and 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds

*Before starting a weight reduction diet you should check with your GP.

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Formal accessories

Image: Getty


I’ve bought a strappy black dress with white spots and a big black bow at the front for a formal I’m attending in two weeks. What accessories should I match with it?

Madeleine, via email


Your choice sounds fabulous—very classic chic. Try to keep the accessories simple and black. Match a pair of strappy black high heels (Shoe Biz, Mollini, etc.) with a plain black evening clutch (Myer or DJs), then borrow your Mum’s pearl stud earrings, finish off the look with a wide black plastic headband (Diva, Equip, or Sportsgirl) and put your hair up in a soft, slightly messy, updo to give this classic outfit a younger edge.

The AWW Fashion Team

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I forged my brother’s signature

I was 23 years of age and working in my first full time job when I visited the local cemetery and discovered to my horror that Mum and Dad’s lawn grave had no name plaque at the site. Dad’s coffin was buried above Mum’s. Relatives had felt it best that I not attend Mum’s funeral when I was two or Dad’s funeral when I was eight.

I was 23 years of age and working in my first full time job when I visited the local cemetery and discovered to my horror that Mum and Dad’s lawn grave had no name plaque at the site. Dad’s coffin was buried above Mum’s. Relatives had felt it best that I not attend Mum’s funeral when I was two or Dad’s funeral when I was eight.

I recall running back to the grave register to check I was at the correct plot number and my second return to the site confirmed my worst nightmare – Mum had lain for 21 years without a name plaque and Dad for 15 years.

There was one person responsible – my brother Geoff, who was 10 years older than me. What mortified me the most was that when I phoned my brother to ask why he had never organised a grave plaque, his callous reply was, “What are you worried about? They are dead anyway”. I could barely contain my anger, I hung up the phone.

I immediately contacted the cemetery and they mailed me forms to order a lawn plaque. I wept as I filled in the form and chose the wording “In loving memory of Jed and Mitzy Northam, loved always by your children”.

I completed the remainder of the form then noted that the next of kin was to submit the form. I enclosed a cheque for the plaque and forwarded the form to my brother Geoff with a note asking him to sign the form and forward it to the cemetery. I explained out of respect for my parents and for my own closure on their deaths, it was important that Mum and Dad be given a grave plaque. I was furious and at the same time embarrassed to think that Mum and Dad’s friends had more than likely come to the cemetery to pay their respects yet no-one had ever said anything. It was no excuse but I had just purchased my first car and one of my first excursions was to Mum and Dad’s gravesite.

Three months passed and still I received no word from the cemetery. I followed up with a phone call to the cemetery, however they insisted they had not received a request for a grave plaque under the name of Northam. I felt sick to my stomach. I kindly asked for them to resend me the paperwork.

Within days, I received a request for the production of a lawn grave plaque and without even thinking, I completed the paperwork and forged my brother’s signature in the next of kin area of the form. I also enclosed a note saying could they phone me at work when the plaque was installed and I would let my brother know.

Twenty one days passed when a call was put through to me at work; a friendly lady from the cemetery phoned to say that Mum and Dad’s grave plaque had been fitted that morning. I grabbed my coat, explained to the boss I would be taking an early lunch and I drove down to the local florist. The prettiest flowers I could find were pink miniature roses.

At the cemetery I leaned down and passed my hand over the shiny new lawn plaque, and then the tears came. “I’m so sorry Mum and Dad for the delay of the plaque, please forgive me,” I cried.

I placed the miniature roses on the gravesite and whispered, “God bless you both, I love you”.

I stood to leave when I noticed a noise from behind me – a circle of birds flocked overhead and I knew it was Mum and Dad communicating their thanks to me.

Picture posed by models.

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Motivational music: Does the right groove really help you move?


Visit any local running route or gym and you’ll see people exercising with the help of little white gadgets. The rise in the popularity of super-slim iPods has seen more and more people turn to their favourite tunes as a way to boost their moves. What fantastic technology to be able to have all your best workout tracks ready at the click of a wheel? But what is research showing about music as an exercise aid? And what should you consider to help get in the groove?

Gear up

Motivational music, like the theme song from Rocky, is the perfect way to psych you up, get your mind pumped and your body ready for that flight of activity you’re about to undertake. Music alters arousal levels and is therefore used by athletes and sportspeople as a form of stimulant prior to competition. On the flipside, slower types of music can be used as a sedative to calm over-anxious athletes who need to maintain a serene state to perform at their peak.

In the zone

It’s no surprise to hear that research has shown the right music helps spur you on by getting your mind and body in the right zone. During a repetitive, moderate to intense activity like running, music can narrow your attention and as a consequence, divert attention away from the sensations of fatigue. Many marathon runners and triathletes refer to this technique as dissociation, and during an event revert to things like mental arithmetic when there are no tunes to take over.

Rhythm counts

The right type of music will differ between types of activity and workouts. Ideally, go for tunes that have strong rhythmic qualities and a tempo which matches your predicted workout heart rate. Pick hits that you love and that are more likely to promote a positive mood state so you’ll experience increased vigor. If you can find lyrics that spur you on, that’s even better — anything along the lines of “move your body” usually does the trick.

Brain power boost

Research from Ohio State University suggests that working out to music may give exercisers a cognitive boost. They found that listening to music while exercising helped to increase scores on a verbal fluency test among cardiac rehabilitation patients.

The researchers asked participants to complete a verbal fluency test before and after two separate sessions of exercising on a treadmill while listening to Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’. The workouts were scheduled a week apart and lasted about 30 minutes each.

The researchers proposed that the combination of music and exercise may stimulate and increase cognitive arousal via working on different pathways in the brain, while at the same time helping to organise cognitive output.

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Jeans for petites

Image: Getty


I’m quite short and thin and everytime I try on a pair of jeans (even skinny leg) they’re always very loose and baggy around my bum and legs. Generally I’m a size 7-8, depending on brands. Where do I start?

Madeline, via e-mail


Look for jeans made from a stretch denim to ensure a snug fit. Stores like General Pants, Just Jeans, and Sportsgirl offer styles that cater to smaller sizes.

The AWW Fashion Team

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Motivational music: Does the right groove really help you move?

Visit any local running route or gym and you'll see people exercising with the help of little white gadgets. The rise in the popularity of super-slim iPods has seen more and more people turn to their favourite tunes as a way to boost their moves. What fantastic technology to be able to have all your best workout tracks ready at the click of a wheel? But what is research showing about music as an exercise aid? And what should you consider to help get in the groove?

Visit any local running route or gym and you’ll see people exercising with the help of little white gadgets. The rise in the popularity of super-slim iPods has seen more and more people turn to their favourite tunes as a way to boost their moves. What fantastic technology to be able to have all your best workout tracks ready at the click of a wheel? But what is research showing about music as an exercise aid? And what should you consider to help get in the groove?

Gear up

Motivational music, like the theme song from Rocky, is the perfect way to psych you up, get your mind pumped and your body ready for that flight of activity you’re about to undertake. Music alters arousal levels and is therefore used by athletes and sportspeople as a form of stimulant prior to competition. On the flipside, slower types of music can be used as a sedative to calm over-anxious athletes who need to maintain a serene state to perform at their peak.

In the zone

It’s no surprise to hear that research has shown the right music helps spur you on by getting your mind and body in the right zone. During a repetitive, moderate to intense activity like running, music can narrow your attention and as a consequence, divert attention away from the sensations of fatigue. Many marathon runners and triathletes refer to this technique as dissociation, and during an event revert to things like mental arithmetic when there are no tunes to take over.

Rhythm counts

The right type of music will differ between types of activity and workouts. Ideally, go for tunes that have strong rhythmic qualities and a tempo which matches your predicted workout heart rate. Pick hits that you love and that are more likely to promote a positive mood state so you’ll experience increased vigor. If you can find lyrics that spur you on, that’s even better — anything along the lines of “move your body” usually does the trick.

Brain power boost

Research from Ohio State University suggests that working out to music may give exercisers a cognitive boost. They found that listening to music while exercising helped to increase scores on a verbal fluency test among cardiac rehabilitation patients.

The researchers asked participants to complete a verbal fluency test before and after two separate sessions of exercising on a treadmill while listening to Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’. The workouts were scheduled a week apart and lasted about 30 minutes each.

The researchers proposed that the combination of music and exercise may stimulate and increase cognitive arousal via working on different pathways in the brain, while at the same time helping to organise cognitive output.

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Calming carbs: Are you skipping the benefits of this important nutrient group?


prince william,kate middleton,royal wedding

If you’ve tried a low-carb diet in the past, you may have experienced some unwanted side effects like headaches and crankiness. But are these symptoms a result of changing your usual patterns and feeling deprived of your favourite foods? Or is there something physiological going on? Let’s explore the link between carbohydrate foods and feeling good.

Calming carbs

The calming carb story dates back to the 1970’s when scientist Richard Wurtman first described the path: foods high in carbohydrates increase blood glucose and insulin levels, which in turn raise levels of the amino acid tryptophan in the brain, and switch on the synthesis of feel-good serotonin. Your brain needs a constant supply of glucose to function, and when supplies run short it starts to signal a shutdown with headaches and drowsiness. This carbohydrate mood link is now referred to as the Wurtman Hypothesis and has stood the test of time over the last 30-odd years. In fact, there’s an interesting new hypothesis that a carbohydrate-rich diet could be used as part of a therapy to treat postnatal depression, since insulin levels rise gradually during pregnancy as a result of hormonal changes and then drop suddenly after the delivery of a baby. It is thought that this sudden drop in insulin may induce mood disorders by reducing serotonin synthesis.

To help keep a positive mood, it’s a great strategy to include nutritious carbs — from wholegrain breads to pasta to rice and other grains — along with fruit and low-fat dairy at every meal. Place particular focus on the importance of carbs at breakfast and as mid-meal snacks.

Start right with oats

Oats are one of those traditional, frosty morning comfort foods. A steaming bowl of porridge with a drizzle of honey or golden syrup is the perfect way to warm up, and it certainly helps get you out of those cosy pj’s and slippers and ready to charge out into the cold. Recent studies have confirmed that the types of breakfast people eat can affect the state of their mood in the middle of the day, and oats are rich in nutritious carbohydrates and other essential vitamins and minerals.

Snack right with low GI carbs

Low glycemic index carbohydrate foods like orchard fruits, yoghurts and grainy breads provide a sustained release of glucose into your bloodstream, meaning that they’re the best mid-meal snack choice for a steady stream of energy and for keeping your moods on an even keel. Unfortunately, we often crave highly refined, high GI foods like donuts and cake when we’re felling a little low or flat in the arvo. But even though these foods may provide a temporary natural high, this is quickly followed by a drop in energy levels, and at times, a worsening of your previous low mood.

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I invented a fiancé

A summer holiday in the Greek Islands had always been a dream of mine. It was 1999, I had been temping in London for a couple of weeks but was desperate to get a “serious” job where I could afford to pay my rent and see as much of Europe as I could.

After sending off countless job applications, I finally secured an interview for a position with a prestigious finance company. I knew I had enough experience for the role but needed to make sure they didn’t hold my working holiday visa against me. I was determined to get the job.

In the days before the interview, I made my housemates quiz me on potential interview questions, as well as help me to brainstorm scenarios that would make the interviewers see that I was serious about staying in England. One of my housemates jokingly suggested that I pretend to be engaged to an English guy. We laughed at the idea; I had only been on a couple of dates since I’d arrived and was far from being married!

The morning of the interview, I noticed a cheap zirconia ring in the window display of a department store. I tried it on and it fit my ring finger perfectly, I took it as a sign and bought it. On the way to the interview, I chickened out and shoved the ring into my handbag.

Sitting in the waiting room as I waited for the interviewers, I looked around at the swanky reception area and realised that this was the kind of company I had strived to work for my entire career. At the last minute I grabbed the ring from the bottom of my handbag and quickly slipped it on my wedding ring finger.

The interview went really well, and when my future boss asked the dreaded question, “How long are you planning to stay in England?” I had my answer ready and looked my interviewers in the eye, replying that I was engaged to an English man and planned to get a spouse visa within a few months and stay indefinitely.

They called to offer me the job the next day and in my excitement to accept, I temporarily forgot about my lie. On my first day of work, I clicked straight away with the team. When the subject of relationships came up, one girl asked me if I had a boyfriend at the exact moment my boss walked past my desk. I hesitated, and then said I was engaged. They were thrilled and asked a lot of questions so I was forced to make up a story — I named my fiancé Tom after the last guy I had dated.

The job was great, the money was amazing and the people at work were a lot of fun. But after a couple of months, I became tired of constant questions about my “wedding” plans and fending off invitations for “Tom” to join us at different work events.

One day it got too much for me. On a sunny June morning, I bribed one of my housemates, Cath into calling my boss to tell her that Tom had been involved in a car accident. And that he had died.

Cath reported that my boss had been really understanding and told her that I was to take as much time off as I needed. Later that day, an enormous bunch of lilies was delivered to my flat, with heartfelt commiserations from everyone at work. I felt awful but could feel the relief of not having the burden of Tom following me around any more.

Knowing I couldn’t go straight back to work and wanting to make the most of my leave, Cath and I booked a holiday for a week on Mykonos, one of the idyllic Greek Islands. I diluted my guilt with sun, sand and lots of spirits.

When I eventually returned to work, I regretted everything. Everyone was so nice to me, I felt like I had betrayed them all, not to mention the bad karma I must have attracted to myself for such a horrible deception.

The stress eventually became too much and I resigned from work and decided to return home to Australia. What made it worse was that everybody at work was so nice about it and assumed I was leaving to deal with my grief. I have never forgiven myself for this lie and learned a valuable lesson.

Picture posed by models.

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